Research (0) Fee: SI 00. SOS 890 Ed.D. Dissertation Field Research (1-6) SDS 891 Ed.D. Dissertation (1-6) SOS 892 Ed .D. Continuation Research (0) Fee: $100. SEM 895 D.Miss. Research Seminar (1-3) SEM 896 Ed .D. Research Seminar (1-3) SEM 897, 898 Research Seminar (1-4). (1-4) Supervised research into some problem of special interest to the stu- dent approved by the professor. May be taken for one semester or continued throughout th e year with the same problem under consideration. Elective for Th.M. students, other bypermission. *·*These seminars co11sist of supervised research, in the respective fields, into some problem ofspecial interest .
TESOL AND APPLIED LINGUISTICS Chair: Herbert C. Purnell, Ph.D.. FACULTY Professor: Purnell Associate Professors: Chastain , Purgason OBJECTIVES TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) English has become th e most widely us ed language in the world today, particularly in the areas of sci- ence, commerce and education. Tens of thousands of students in developing countries are required to learn English in school. Thousands more study Eng- lish in order to pursue careers or edu- cational programs demanding English language ski ll s. Refugees and immi- grants to the Un ited States desire Eng- li sh both to survive and to establish themselves in their new homeland. There is thus a considerable demand for qualified teachers of English both here and abroad. To help meet the need for u·ained teachers of English as a Second Lan- guage (ESL) or English as a Foreign Language (EFL), the Department of TESOL and Applied Linguistics offers two regular programs in TESOL: a Certificate in TESOL and an M.A. in TESOL. The programs are academi- cally rigorous, yet focus on the practi- cal aspects of teach ing in a variety of settings. The department also seeks to se rve teachers desiring to continue their professional advancement or upgrade their qualifications, and non- degree students interested in gaining basic teaching or tutoring ski ll s, by offering a variety of separate courses, from introductory to advanced. The Certi fi cate in TESOL is a one- year full-time program designed to enable post-baccalaureate students to develop both a solid academic founda- tion in second language pedagogy and practical skills in teach ing English in cross-cultural situations. Part-time stu- dents also may enroll in the program, taking up to three years to complete it. The M.A. in TESOL, which takes up to two years for completion of the course work , encompasses th e goal of the certificate program plus the addi- tional goals of broader academic train- ing and an individually designed pro- ject leading to the writing either of a
thesis or, in co1~unction with a compre- hensive examination, a research paper. Emphases of the TESOL graduate programs are , in order of priority: application of theory to teaching, lan- guage pedagogy, linguist ic theory , cross-cultural communication, materi- als design, program administration , and research. Applied Linguistics Although language teaching is the most prominent area within the fi eld of applied linguistics, there are many other are as of importance which address language-related human prob- lems both in the United States and abroad. Among these are bilingual and multilingual education, language planning, lexicography, literacy, sec- ond language acquisiti on, test ing, translation , and the development or modification of writing systems. The Department of TESOL and Applied Linguistics offers a Master 's degree in Applied Linguistics to pro\1de a broad-based academic foundation as well as practical training in several of the areas mentioned above. Also, by tak- ing specified TESOL courses as one 's electives, it is possible to obtain the Cer- tificate in TESOL along \11th the M.A. in Applied Linguistics. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Applicants must meet the qualifi- cations specified in the Admission to the School of Intercultural Studies sec- tion. In addition to these, foreign applicants who are non-native English speakers are required to submit their TOEFL (Tes t of English as a Foreign Language) results. The TOEFL must have been taken within the past five years. A score of 550 or hi gher is required for admission to th e graduate programs in the department. Because ESOL teachers are expected to have a hi gh degree of competence in wr itten English , all new graduate student s, both native and non-native English speakers, are required to take the department's Writing Profici ency Exam. If the results of the exam indi ca te that addi- tional work in written grammar and composition is needed to enable a stu- dent to perform at the level expected for this field, he or she will be expected to take and pass one of the special studies courses, SS 500 or SS 50 I, described below. All graduate programs in the department require as a prerequisite a
minimum of three semester units of acceptable Bible or th eology course- work at the upper division or graduate level. In addit ion, the M.A. in Applied Linguistics has nine units of linguistics and a foreign language requirement as program prerequi- sites. Prerequisites may be taken con- cu rrentl y with regular program courses but should normally be com- pleted by the end of the first year. GRADUATE REQUIREMENTS The Certificate in TESOL requires 22 semester units of prescribed course work, of which a minimum of 18 units must be Biola units, with at least nine units taken while in residency. Prac- tice teaching is required, but there is no comprehensive examination. The Master of Arts in TESOL is comprised of 41 semester units of spe- cifi c and elective course work. The Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics requires 33 units plus nine units of lin- guistics prerequisites and intermediate proficiencyin a foreign language. Both degrees have two tracks for a final pro- ject: (I) thesis or (2) a combination of comprehensive examination plus a research paper, or additional course- work. Both the M.A. in TESOL, and the track of the M.A. in Applied Lin- guisti cs which includes the Certificate in TESOL, require practice teaching. The M.A. program requirements may be reduced for students with a background in TESOL, linguistics, or English, but the minimum number of units required for the M.A. is 32, of which 24 must be taken at Biol a. A minimum of 12 units must be taken in coursework on campus. All stu dents must successfu ll y complete all required coursework with a minimum grade point average of 3.0 to qual ify for graduation. TEACHER PREPARATION PROGRAM In cooperation with the Education Department, TESOL and Applied Lin- guistics provides courses which can enab le teachers wh o are working toward or who already hold a Califor- nia Teaching Credential to gain a sup- plementary authorization in "Intro- ductory English as a Second Lan- guage." Those interested should con- sult with both departments for details.
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