


SS 500 Academic Writing (2)

ISTE 551 ESL Methods and Materials (3) Exami nat ion of methods and materials for teaching ESL in elemen- tary and seco ndary multilin gua l classrooms. Includes a discussion of bilingual in st ructi on, techniques for teaching oral and written language, and assessmen t. ISTE 560 Communicating Values Through TESOL (1) Considera ti on of ways in which TESOL may be used to promote cross- cultural undersumding through il1e com- munica tion of different world11ews and values. Prerequisite: !STE 525 or .'\5 1. !STE 570 Developments in TESOL (1 -3) Readings on recent developments in major areas of the discipli ne; also may include new technical skills. Designed to offer an update for Slll- den ts with significant but not current background in the discipline. Required in some programs to va lidate studies taken more than four years ago. Does not apply toward minimum requi re- ments for degree and certificate pro- grams, sin ce credit is awarded for the earlier studies being updated. Prereq- uisite: Significant background in the subject and conselll of instructor. ISTE 580 English: Past , Present , and Future (2-3) Historical and social survey of the developmem of the English language froma small uibal language to tl1e 11ide- spread imema tional language it is today. Possible funire u·ends also discussed. ISTE 581-582 Topics in TESOL (1-3) Topics are listed in !lie class sched- ule each semester. Titles offered include: A. Materials Design for Voluntar,· Agencies B. Diagnosing and Treating Pronunciation Problems C. Reading in the ESL/ EFL Context D. Writing in the ESL/ EFL Context E. TESOL and th e Teaching of Literature ISTE 621 Advanced Methods and Tech· niques in TESOL (3) In-depth treatment of a variety of metl;ods in TESOL and broad coverage of teaching techniques through demon-

Final Project (either A, B, or C) .. .4 A: ISA! . 695 Research Semina, ........ I !SAL 699 Thesis .......................... .3 B: !SAL 695 Research Seminar ... I !SAL 696 Research Paper ......... 1 ISAL 697 Comprehensive- Examination ..... ....... ... .2 C: !STE or !SAL Elective .................. 2 ISAI. 697 Comprehensive- Exami nation ................................. 2 Total 33 To obtain the Certificate in TESOL, the fo ll owing courses must be taken in place of the above electives: ISTE 525 Imroduction to TESOL... ...3 !STE 527 Materials Evaluation and Preparation .... 3 !STE 560 Communicating Values through TESOL.. .......... 1 !STE 692 Practicum in TESOL .........3 ELECTIVES In addition to those listed above , the fo ll owi ng courses would be appro- priate for electives: !STE 580 English: Past, Present, and Future.... ..2-3 ISTE 58 1-582 Topics in TESOL ........ 1-3 ISTE 641 Issues and Trends in TESOL ................................ 3 !STE 664 English for Specific Purposes....... ........ .. 3 !STE 665 Course Design in TESOL .. 3 ISTE 682 Supervising and Training ESL/ EFL Teachers ............ 3 !SAL 51 1 Applied Linguistics ............ 3 ISA!. 574 Practicum: Second- Language and Culture Learn ing. . ...............3 (or ISCL 511 ) ISAL 584 Articulator,' Phone ti cs .. ..... 3 (or INLT 413) ISA!. 585-586 Topics in Applied Lingui stics .... 1-3 !SAL 646 Sociolinguistics ......... 3 ISA! . 648 Discourse Analysis ..............3 SPECIAL STUDIES The following are special studi es courses to assist students in becomi ng profi cien t in wriuen grammar and composition skills essential for effec- tive graduate wor k in TESOL or applied lingui sti cs. Specific enroll- ment requirements are indicated in each course. Note: SpPrial Studies courses may not be used to meet program·graduation requirements.

Practical ins truction in grammar and composition skills needed Lo meet the demands of academic wri ting at the graduate and professional level. Expe- 1ience in writing papers in relevant aca- demic fields. Required for native Eng- lish speaking students assigned by the TAL departmen~tl Writing Proficiency Exam. Must be taken within the first nine units of graduate study. SS 501 Advanced Writing in English (3) Grammar, sentence struCLure, and paragraph development for academic writing. C,itical il1inking and composi- tion, including extracti ng information from sources, syn thesis, and proper for- mat for written papers. Experience in writi ng papers in relevant academic fields. Required for non-native English speakers assigned by the TAL depart- mental Writing Proficiency Exam or sni- dents who have completed the Biola ESL sequence or its equivalent. Must be taken 11i thin the fu-st 9 uni ts of graduate study. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS In general , !STE 525 or !STE 551 are prerequisites for 600 leve l !STE courses, and !SAL 507 is a prerequi- site for most !SAL cou rses. TESOL ISTE 509 Structure ot English (3) Study of the symax of English in preparation for teaching non-native speakers. Theoretical insights taken fromseveral approaches to grammar. ISTE 525 Introduction to TESOL (3) An introduction to the field of TESOL dealing with learner needs , approaches to and methods of teach- ing, tech niques for th e four skills, les- son planning , classroom manage- me nt, and assessment. Credit for course may be earn ed by examination. ISTE 527 Materials Evaluation and Preparation (3) Principles of ESOL materials design. Enables teachers to evaluate and adapt published mate,ials, prepare their own materials, and use a variety of media, including 11deo and comput- ers. Prerequisite: !STE525 or 55 1. ISTE 541 lntercultural Communication tor Teachers (3) Study of cultural values, nonverbal belmior, language ,md culture relation- ships, and patterns of reasoning, 111th il1e goal of increasing interculniral awareness ,md teaching effectiveness while dccrea£- ing culture-based misunderstandings in and out of the classroom.

!STE 509 Structure of English ...........3 !STE 52'i Introduction to TESOL or ISTE 55 I ESL Methods and Materials3 !STE 527 Materials Evaluation and Preparati on ........................ . 3 !STE 54 1 lmercultu ral Commun ica- tion for Teachers ..........3 !STE 560 Commun icating Values through TESOL ................. ! !STE 692 Practicum in TESOL II . .3 !SAL 'i07 Imroduction to Language and Linguistics....... ....... 3 ISA!. 614 Second Language Acquisition ......................... 3 Total 22 M.A. in TESOL All th e Ce rtifi ca te courses, plus the following: !STE 62 I Advanced Met hods and Techniques in TESOL ....... 3 !STE 632 Language Testing and Assessmen t .. .3 !STE or ISA!. EleCLives ............6 Bible or World Perspective Elective ... 3 Fi nal Project (either A, B, or C) .. .. .4 A: !STE 695 Research Seminar. .. I !STE 699 Thesis . ....................... .3 B: !STE 695 Research Semi nar ....... 1 ISTE 696 Research Pape, ............ 1 ISTE 697 Comprehensive Examination..... ..2 C: ISTE or ISA! . Elective ......... ......... 2 !STE 697 Comprehensive Examination. . ...2 Total 19 M.A. in Applied linguistics Prerequisites: Introduction to Linguistics.. ... ... 3 Phonet ics or Phonology ....... 3 Symax ................. ............... 3 Total 9 Regular Program: !STE 54 1 Imercultural Communication for Teachers .............. 3 ISA! .. 'ii I Applied Linguistics ............. 3 ISA!. 6 I 4 Second Language Acquisition ................... 3 ISAi. 648 Discourse Analysis .... 3 ISA! . 668 Seminar in Applied Linguistics ..2 ISA! . 677 Research Design and Statistics .. ... ....................... .3 !STE .509 Structure of English (required for the Cert ificate in TESOL) or Linguistics Elective (500-600 level) ....3 !STE or ISA! . Elect ives.. ...........6 Bible or World Perspective Elective........3


su-ation, discussion, and p1-actice. ISTE 632 Language Testing and Assessment (3)

Exami nati on of (I) theory and practice in language testi ng and assess- ment and (2 ) classroom based research on second language learning.

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