

ISTE 641 Issues and Trends in TESOL (3) Current th eo reti cal and method- ological trends and th e 's tate of the art ' in th e di sc iplin e, fornsin g on maj or iss ues in both rese arch and appli cati on. Actual topi cs may va ry depending on student interesL ISTE 664 English for Specific Purposes (3) Ex pl oration of issues invol ved in teachin~ English to specifi c groups of slllclenls, especially those in scient ifi c, technical , and voca tional fi elds, ISTE 665 Course Design in TESOL (3) Examination of the communicati ve approach to teaching English in relation LO syllabus design, curriculum deve lop- ment , and programmanagement, ISTE 682 Supervising and Training ESL/EFL Teachers (3) Deve lopment of tec hniques for evaluating instructi on, conducting in- se rvice training, and providing super- vi sion to ESL/ EFL teachers, wh ether nati ve Engli sh speakers or noL Stu- dents will have opportuniti es lO ga in supen· isory experi ence th rough men- wring one or more teacher trainees. ISTE 690 Independent Study (1-3) Individual work , directed reading, or special probl ems in TESOL. Such work must be clone with the approval and supervision of a facul ty professor of record. ISTE 692 Practicum in TESOL 11 (3) Ext ensive independent teachin g in an ES L classroom under the ge n- eral supervi sion of a master teacher, plus weekly group discussion of issues in language pedagogy. Lab fee: SS0. ISTE 695 Research Seminar (1) Guidance in the development of a th es is or researc h paper. Studenls produ ce a prelimin ary th es is state- ment , proposal , outline, and working bibli ograplw. Prerequisites: (a) permi ss ion of instructor. (b) no more 1han six units of course- wo rk remaining. ISTE 696 Research Paper (1) A paper based on classroom research, literature re,iew, or the design of a sy ll abus or appro pri ate teaching mate,ial s. Prerequisite: !STE 695. ISTE 697 Comprehensive Examination (2) Stud ents choos ing the compre- hensive examination as their final pro- jec t must also do either !STE 695 and \STE 696 , or a two-unit elec ti ve in !STEor !SAL

ISTE 698 Project (1)

ISAL 646 Sociolinguistics (3)

ti cs. Such work must be done with the approval and supervision of a faculty professor of record. ISAL 695 Research Seminar (1) Guidance in the development of a th esis or research paper. Students produce a pre liminary th es is state- ment , proposal , ou tlin e, and working bibliography. Prerequisites: (a) permi ssion of instructor (b) no more than six units of course- wo rk remaining. ISAL 696 Research Paper (1) A paper based on clas sroom research. litera ture re11ew, or the design of a sy llabus or appropri ate teaching mate1ials. Prerequisite: !SAL 695. ISAL 697 Comprehensive Examination (2) Students choos in g the compre- hensive examination as their linal pro- ject must also do either ISAl. 695 and ISA!. 696, or a two-unit electi ve in !STE or !SAL. ISAL 699 M.A. Thesis (3) Research for and writing of an M.A. th esis. Prerequi site: consent of M.A. commiuee.

The final proj ec t in TESOL is in lieu of a thesis. Only transfer students who have wriuen an acceptable M.A. th esis al another instituti on are eligi- ble Lo do a projecl. Topi c and scope must have departme nt approva l before wo rk may be started. ISTE 699 M.A. Thesis (3) Resea rch fo r an d writin g of an M.A. th es is. Prerequi site: conse nt of M.A. commiuee . ISTE 799 Research Continuous Regis- tration (0) Students who need extra ti me to compl ete research programs such as thesis, project, or research paper are required Lo register for this course to maintain th eir degree stalll s. Fee: S100. Applied linguistics ISAL 507 Introduction to Language and Linguistics (3) Introducti on to basic concepts in the scientific study of language, major areas of linguistic analysis, and several su b-fi elds of linguisti cs important fo r ESOL teachers. Prerequisite for gradu- ate courses in Applied Linguisti cs. ISAL 511 Applied Linguistics (3) Int roducti on lO th eoreti cal and pranical issues in appli ed linguisti cs, foc using on seve ral important areas; e.g., bilingual education, lexicography, li te ra cy , onh ography des ign, social di alects and education, and translation. ISAL 574 Practicum in Second Lan- guage and Culture Learning (3) Fi eld experi ence in independent language le,m1ing ,md cultural investiga- tion , using student-<levelopecl language teXL, and eilmographic imen1e111ng. ISAL 584 Articulatory Phonetics (3) Di scrimination , transcription, and production of speech sounds. ISAL 585-586 Topics in Applied Lin- guistics (1 -3) Topics are listed in Ilic class schedule each semester. Tiiles offered include: A. Comras ti ve Analysis B. ESL Dicti onari es C. New Englishes in the Third World D. Histoq' of English ISAL 614 Second Language Acquisition (3) Examination of the various fac tors, especi ally individual, sociological, and psycholog ical, whi ch enter into the process of acquiring a second language. Includes discuss ion of learning mate- gies as well as autonomous learning inside and outside of the cl assroom.

Ove rview of th e relati onship between language and society. Topi cs covered include language and culture, language and social change, ethni city, language contac t, language poli cy, ethnography of communi cation , and

social aspects of conve rsation. ISAL 648 Discourse Analysis (3)

Examinati on of lan guage in its communicati ve contex ts. Covers three main areas: tex t analys is, discourse anal ys is pro per (o ral and wriuen),

and pedagogical appli cations. ISAL 668 Seminar in Applied Linguistics (2)

In-depth examinati on of some main areas of applied lingui sti cs. Top- ics va,)', depending on class interests. ISAL 677 Research Design and Statistics (3) In troduction to principles and pro- cedures of research design and basic stati stics used in social sciences, partic- ul arly teacher-conducted research in second language classrooms. Prerequi- site: basic compu1er literacy. ISAL 690 Independent Study (1-3) Individual wo rk, direc ted reading, or special problems in appli ed linguis-

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