
••••••••••••••••••••••••• Appendix BOARD OF TRUSTEES Chairman Edgar R. Lehman Carol Talbot W,iter, Speaker, Missiomll )' (retired) Elaine Townsend

CAROL BLESSI NG Assistant Professor of Engli sh, 1992 B.A., Messiah Coll ege; M.A., California State Uni ve rsity, Los Angeles; Ph.D., Universityof California, Riverside MICHEAL BOERSMA Assistant Professor of Practical Theology, 1986; Di rector of Field Education and Placemelll B.A., Ca li fo rnia State Long Beach; M.Div.,Talbot Theological Seminaq•. PAUL W. BUEGLER Associate Professor of Business Administration, 1978 B.S.B.A. , Uni versity of North Dakota; M.B.A., University ofWash ington ; JD., Wi ll iam Mitchell College of Law. Member of California, Minnesota and Un ited States Supreme Court Bars. DI ETRJ CHBUSS Professor of Hi sto1y, 1966 B.A., Biola College; M.A. , Cali fo rnia State University, Los Angeles; Ph.D. , Claremont Graduate School. REINHARD .]. BUSS Professor of Gennan and Folklore, 1964 B.A. , University of Maiyland; M.A., Ph.D. , University of Californi a, Los Angeles. DA.N IELM. CALLIS Assistant Professor of An, 1987 BA,California State University, Fullerton; M.FA, ClaremontGraduate School. CHERYL CALTABIANO Associate Professor of Nurs ing, 1983

Ron Hafer, M.A.

Student Chaplain George Jenkins, M.A.

Wife ofFounder ofWycliffe Bible Translators

Director, /0nancial Aid and St11dent bn/Jloymen/

Vice Chainnan Wil li am Bi llard Roger Arnebergh* Rosemari e Avila William Bauer

Ralph Winter

John Kell ey, Ph.D.

Foundn and General Direr/or, U.S. Centerfm· World Mission.1, Pasadena, California

Director, Counseling Sernices

Paul Poelstra, Ph.D.

Direc/01; S11mmer Session and lntntenn

Dr. Ted Yamamori

John Back, M.A.

Foster Bens* Clyde Cook Arthu r Fraser Lorin Gri sel Dwight Hanger Keith Knopf Irene Li Carol Lindskog Wi lli am Millet

Presiden t, Food for theHung,y. UNIVERSITY ADMINISTRATION Clyde Cook, D.Miss President Sherwood G. Lingenfelter, Ph.D. Provost and Senior Vice President Robert F. Crawford, Ph.D. \lice President, Chieflnfonnalion Offim Kenneth R. Casey, C. P.A. Vice President, B11siness Affairs Wesley K. Wi ll me r, Ph.D. Vice Presidmt, Univmity Advanremenl Edward H. Norman, Ed.D. DN111 of Continuing Studies Denn is H. Dirks, Ph.D. Dean, folbot Srhool of Theology Keith J. Edwards, Ph.D. Dean , Rosemead School of Psychology Donald E. Douglas, Ph.D. Dean , Srhool of lntnmltural Studies Richard J. Moh lin e, M.Ed. Dean ofAdministmtion, Rosemead Srhool of Psychology Larry D. Strand Acting Dean, School of Business MichaelJ. Wilkins Dean of Ihe Fawlty, Talbot Srhool of Theology JimGuy, Ph.D. Associate Provost Mark Sargem, Ph.D. Associate Dean, Srhool ofArts and Sciences Wayne Chu te, Th.M. Universi ty Registrar Carl W. Schreiber, C.M.A., M.Ed.

Director, Leadership Develo/nnenl Mesgh ina Ghebremedh in, M.A. Director, lntemalional Studies Gregoq•Vaughan, M.A. Direr/or, Enrollment Management Gordon Wiens, M.Div.


Director, Alumni and Pam,! Relations

Rick Bee, M.A.

David Nissen George Peek Ronald Ralli s, Sr. Gorden Romberger Robert Shank Steve Strong Samuel Sutherland* Kennith Thompson Robert Thompson Kenneth Ulmer

Director, University Development

Ch i-Chung Keung, M.B.A.

Direc/01; University Relations

Jim Roberts

Director, A11xili111y Sernices UNIVERSITY FACULTY 1992·93 ACADEMIC YEAR (Year indicates appointment lo faculty.) GENEVlEYE R. ANDERSON Associate Professor of Music, 1979 B.A. , Californ iaState Unive rsity, Long Beach; M.M. , Uni versi tyof Southern Cali fornia. MICHAEL ANTHONY Associate Professor of Christian Education, 1984 B.A. , Bi ola University; M.A., Talbot Semina1 1'; M.R.E. , Golden Gate Semin ary; Ed.D. , Southwestern Theological Seminary; Ph.D. , Claremont Graduate School. CLI NTON R. ARNOLD Associate Professo r of New Tes tament Language and Literature, 1987; Director ofTh.M. Program BA, Biola University; M.Div. ,Talbot Theological Semina1y; Ph.D. , University ofAberdeen. MICHAEL BECHTLE Associate Professor of Christi an Education, 1990 B.A., Arizona College of the Bible; M.A., Talbot Theological Semina1y MICHA.ELBLACK Associate Professor ofBusiness, 1990 B.S. , Cal ifornia State University, Long Beach; M.B.A. , Pepperdine Uni versity; D.B.A., United State Intern ational University, San Diego.

Walter Warkemin ''1-/onorwy Membm BOARD OF REFERENCE Ronald W. Blue

Managing Partner, Ronald Bl11e & Co., Atlanta, Georgia.

Ted DeMoss

B.S.N. , M.S.N., California State University, Long Beach, Ph.D. , Claremon t Graduate School.

Presirlfnt, C/11istian B11si11ess Men's Commillee

Ted Engstrom

President 1:'mnitus, Worlil Vision U.S.

MARGARET CA.VlN Assistant Professor of Communication , 1991

Richard Halverson

Cha/Jlain, United State Senate

EV.H ill

B.A. ,Grand Canyon University; M.A. , Southwestern Bapti st Theological Sem- inaq'; Ph.D. Un ive rsityof North Texas. MARYE. CHA.STAIN Associate Professor ofTESOL, 199 1 B.A. , Wheaton College; LVN, Biola School of Mi ssionary Medi cin e; M.A. , Universityof Colorado-Boulder. EDWlN T. CHILDS Professor of Music, 1978 B.M. , Vl'heaton Coll ege; Ph.D. , Eastman School of Music, Unive rsity of Rochester, N .Y. CHARLES CHURCH Associate Professor, 1989; Public Services-Serial Librarian B.S., Southern Oregon State; M.S. , Un iversi tyof Oregon.

Pastor, Mt . lion Missionmy Ba/Jlisl Churrh, Los Angeles, California.

Dick Hillis

Founder, Ovm1eas Cn1sades

Directo r, Finance and Informalion Systems

Josh McDowe ll

Thomas Emigh, M.A.

S/Jeaker, l:'vangelist, Cam/!lls Cmsade for Christ

AssorialP Dean , Student Affairs

Walt Stangl, Ph .D.


Conferenre S/Jeaker, Direr/or, Renewal 1\ilinist1ies

Direr/or, Academic Advising

Don Willeu, M.A., M.Div. Directo r, BOil) Pmgram David Young, M.A. , M.Div. BOW Student Advisor Sung W. Lee, Ed.D.

Luis Palau

President, l.uis Palm, fvangelistir Assoriation

Al Sanders

Direr/or, 1:'nglish l.anguage Institute

President, Ambassador Advntising Agen,)', Fullerton, Ca lifornia.

.Jeanne Back, M.A.

Director, Career and I.earning Snvices

Charl es Swindoll

Greg Balsano, B.A.

Pas/01; First l:'vrmgelirnl Free Churrh, F11/le11on, California

Director, Human Reso11res

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