CHRISTOPHER R. GRACE Associate Professor of Psychology, 1988 B.S., University of Northern Colorado; M.S. , Colorado State University; Ph.D. , Colorado State University. JAMES GUY Professor of Psychology, 1982; Associate Provost B.A. ,Wheaton College; M.A., Fuller Theological Seminat)'; Ph.D. , Fuller Graduate School of Psychology; A.B.P.P. DELBERT J. HANSON Professor of Philosophy, 1966 BA, M.A. ,Wheaton College; M.A. , Ph .D., University of Southern California. !OMA HAWK.INS Associate Professor of Psychology, I985; Director of Clinical Training B.A. , Pepperdine Un iversity; M.A. , Pepperdine University; Ph.D. , California School of Professional Psychology. DOUGLAS HAYWARD Associate Professor of lntercultural Studies, 1989 B.A., Wesunont College; M.A. , Fuller Seminat)'; M.A. , University of California, Santa Barbara; Ph.D. , University of California, Santa Barbara. DORCAS HENRY Associate Professor of Physical Education , I97 I B.S. , Marion College; M.A., Ball State University. HENRYW. HOLLOMAN Professor of Systematic Theology, 1974 A.B., Southwestern Coll ege of Memph is; Th.M. , Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary. DAVlD G. HOLMQUIST Associate Professor of Physical Educa- tion, 1978; Athletic Director B.S., Biola College; M.S. , Cali fornia State University, Fullerton; Ph.D. , University of Southern Californ ia. SANDRA HOLT Assistant Professor of English, 1991 BA ,Cali fornia State University, Fullerton; M.A. , Cali fornia State Un iversity Fullerton. JOHN C. HUTCHISON Associate Professor ofBible Exposition , 1990; Director of Undergraduate Biblical Studies and Theology B.S. , Washington State University; M.Div. , Th.M. , Western Baptist Theological Seminary; Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary.
ROBERT FELLER Assistant Professor of Music, 1991 B.M., University of Southern California: M.M., Eastman School of Music. THOMASJ. FINLEY Professor of Old Testament and Semitics, I976 B.A., Biola College; M.Div. , Talbot Theological Semina11'; M.A. , Ph .D., University of Cal ifornia, Los Angeles. REBEKAH FLEEGER Associate Professor of Nursing, I969 R.N.,Jackson Memorial Hospital; B.S., Horida State University; M.N., University ofCalifomia, Los Angeles; Ph.D. , Clare- mont Graduate School. RICHARD FLORY Instructor of Sociology, I992 B.A., Biola Coll ege; M.A., California State University, Fullerton WAYNES. FLORY Associate Professor of Biblical Studies and Theology, I972 B.A., Westmont College; B.D. , Grace Theological Seminary; Th.M. ,Talbot Theological Seminary; M.A., California State University, Los Angeles; Ph.D. , University of Southern Californ ia. KENNETH R. GARLAND Assistant Professor of Christian Education , I986 B.A. , Biola Un iversity; M.R.E., Talbot Theological Seminary; Ed.D. , Talbot School ofTheology. ANNEL. GEWE Associate Professor of Nursing, 1979 R.N., Los Angeles General Hospital School of Nursing; B.S.N.,Biola College; M.S.N. , G11ifomia State University, Los Angeles. SYLVlA GILMAN Associate Professor of English, I961 B.A., M.A., Colorado State College. ALAN W. GOMES Assistant Professor of Historical Theology, I987 BA, University of California, Santa Barbara; M.Div. , Th.M., Talbot Theological Seminary; Ph.D. , Fuller
DAV!D DICKSON Associate Professor of Foreign Languages, 1982 B.A., University of California, Los Angeles; M.A., Ph.D., University of Southern California. GLEN DILL Associate Professor of Business Administration, I990 B.S., Pepperdine University; M.B.A. , Pepperdine University DENNIS H. DIRKS Professor of Christian Education, 1976; Dean, Talbot School ofTheology B.A. , California State University, Fresno; M.A. , Talbot Theological Seminat)'; Ph.D., Claremont Graduate School.
C. WAYNE CHUTE Instructor of Biblical Studies and The- ology, I979; University Registrar B.A. , Un iversityof Cali fornia, Los Angeles; M.Div., Th.M., Western Conservative Baptist Seminary. DAV!D CIOCCH I Associate Professor of Philosophy, 1974 B.A., Biola College; M.A., University of California, Santa Barbara; M.A., Talbot Theological Seminary; Ph .D. , Fuller Theological Seminary. JOHN COE Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Theology, 1989 B.A., Biola Un iversity; M.A., Talbot School ofTheology; M.A., Wes tern KentuckyUniversity; M.A. , University of California, Irvine; Ph.D. , Un iversity of California, Irvine. PAT! COLE Assistant Professor of TESOL and ELI, 1991 B.S. University of Southern California; M.A, William Carey International University.
VIRGINIA M. DOLAND Professor of English, 1963
B.S. , BobJones University; M.A., Califor- nia State University, Los Angeles; Ph.D. , Un iversity of Southern California. HA.ROLD DOLLAR Associate Professor of Intercultural Studies, 1983 B.B.E. , Columbia Bible College; M.Div. , Grace Theological Seminary; D.Miss. , Ph.D. , Fuller Theological Seminary. DONALD E. DOUGLAS Associate Professor of lntercultural Studies, 1989; Dean , School of lntercultural Studies A.B., Wayne State University; M.A., Ph.D., Un iversity of Michigan. DAV!D DUNBAR Associate Professor of Foreign Language, 1989 BA, San Jose State University; M.A., University of Oregon; Ph .D. , University of Arizona. NANCYS. DUVALL Associate Professor of Psychology, 1975 BA, Agnes Scott College; M.A.T. , Duke University; Ph.D. , University of North Carolina. RUTH EBELING Assistant Professor ofBiology, 1987 B.S., Biola University; M.S., Cal. State Long Beach. KEITHJ. EDWAR.DS Professor of Psychology, I973; Dean , Rosemead School of Psychology, B.Ed. , University ofWisconsin; M.A. , Ph.D. , New Mexico State University; Ph.D. , University of Southern California. ROGER FELDMAN Associate Professor of Art, I989 B.A. , University of Washington; M.F.A. , Claremon t Graduate School.
CLYDE COOK President, 1982
Professor lntercultural Studies, 1982; Director and Professor of lntercultural Studies, 1967-79. Athletic Director, 1957-60 B.A. , Biola College; M.Div. , Th.M., Talbot Theological Seminary; D.Miss. , Fuller Theological Seminary. JANET COZAD Assistant Professor of Nursing, 1992 B.S.N. , Cal ifornia State University, Fullerton ; M.S.N. , Californi a State
University, Long Beach. ROBERT F. CRAWFOR.D
Associate Professor ofChemiSU)', 1967 Vice President, Chief Information Officer BA, Cali fornia State Polytechnic Un i- versity; M.S., Ph.D. , Cornell University. MICHELLE CUNN INGHAM Assistant Professor of Christian Education, I989 B.A. Wheaton College; M.A., Talbot
School ofTheology. EDWARD M. CURTIS
Theological Seminary. MICHAEL GONZALES Assistant Professor of Communication, 1991
Professor of Biblical Studies and Theo!- ogy, 1978; Director of Undergraduate Biblical Studies and Theology B.S. , Baylor University; M.A., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; Ph.D. , University of Pennsylvania.
B.A. , Immaculate Heart Coll ege; M.A. , Loyola Marymount University;M.P.W., University of Southern California.
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