

RODNEY VI.I ET Direc tor of the Library, 1990 B.S. , Minnesota Bible Coll ege; M.A. , Fon Hays State University: Ph.D. , Mi chigan State Uni versity; M.I..S., UCIA CYNTHIA L.. WESTCOTT Associate Professor of Nursing , 1977 B.S. , State University TeachersCollege, Plausburg, New York; M.N. , Uni versity of Ca li forn ia, Los Angeles. LORENGLENN WIEBE Professor of Music, I 965 B.M.Ecl., M.M.Ecl .,Willameue University. MICHAELJ Wll.KJ NS Professor of NewTestamen t Language and Literature, 1983; Dean of the Faculty, Talbot School of Theo logy B.A. , Biola Uni versity; M.Div. , Talbot Theological Seminaryand School ofTheology; Ph.D., Full er Theological Seminary. vVESLEYWlLLMER Associate Professor of Busin ess Administration, 1989; Vice Pres ident for UniversityAdvancement B.A. , M.Ed. , Seattle Pacifi c Uni versity; Ph.D. , State Uni versityof New York.

DANIEL C. STEVENS Associate Professo r of Christian Edu- cation, 1990; Director ofDoctor of Ed ucation Program BA, Cedmille Coll ege; Th.M. , Dallas Theological Semina1y; Ph.D. , Ohio State Un iversity. IARRYD. STRAND Associate Professor of Busin ess Administration, 1986; Acting Dean, School of Business B.S., M.B.A., Un iversityof Southern California. GARYD. STRATTON Instructor, Biblical Studies and Theology, 1992 BA, Wheaton College; M.A.T.S., Talbot School ofTheology. GARY H. STRAUSS Associate Professor of Psychology, 1974 B.Ed. ,CaliforniaState University, Fresno; M.A. , UniversityofNonJ1ern Iowa: Ed.D. , Northern Ill inois Un iversity. MARCIA STROUP Assoc iate Professor of Psychology, 1990 B.A. ,Wheaton Coll ege; M.S. , Ed .S., Indiana University; Ph .D., Brigham

B.A. , Biola Coll ege; M.A. , Ph .D. , Claremom Graduate School. KATHERINE B. PURGASON Assoc ia te Professo r of'TESOL, 1991 BA, Oberlin Coll ege; M.A., Uni versity of Pittsburgh , Ph.D., Universityof

CONN IE SARVER Associate Professor of Phys ical Education , I 968

BA, Biola College; M.A., California State Unive rsity, Long Beach ; Ph.D., Texas Woman 's University, United States In ternational Uni ve rsity. ROBERT I.. SAUCY Di st inguished Professor of Systematic Theology, 1961 BA, Westmolll Coll ege; Th.M ., Th.D. , Dallas Theological Seminary. .JACK SCHWARZ Professor of Music, I 965 BA, Biola College; M.M., D.M.A. , UniversityofSouthern Ca li fo rnia. ROBERT SEITZ Instructor of Math and Computer Science, I 989 B.S. , Biola Un iversity; M.S. , California

Californ ia, Los Angeles. HERBERT C. PURNELL Professor of'TESOI. , 1991

A.B. , Wheaton College; M.A. , Hartford Seminary; Ph.D. , Cornell University. .JONATHAN S. QUEK Associate Professor of Psychology, 1991 B.A. , University of Manchester; M.A. , Wheaton Co llege; M.T.S. , Ontario; Theological Seminary; Ph .D. , York University. SCOTT B. RAE Associate Professor of Biblical Studies - Christian Ethics, 1989 BA, Southern Methodist University; Th.M. , Dallas Theological Seminary; Ph.D. , University of Southern California. ELIZABETH RAMBO Assi stant Professor of English, 1990 BA, St. Andrews Presbyterian College; M.A., University of Missouri , Columbia; Ph.D. , University of North Caroli na, Chapel Hil l. RICHARD 0. RJGSBY Professor of Old Testament and Semitics, 1974; Director of Talbot / Isreal Program B.A.,John B. Stetson University; M.Di v., Golden Gate Baptist Theoloai- cal Seminary; Ph.D. , Southern Bapt i~t Theological Seminary. WAITER B. RUSSELi. Associate Professor of New Tes tament Language and Literature, 1990 B.S. , Univers ityof Missouri; M.A., St. Mary's Seminary; Th.M. , Dal las Theological Seminaq•; Ph .D. , Wes tminster Theologica l Seminary. .JAMES RYNO Professor of Chemistq', I 970 Diploma , Moody Bible Institute; B.S. , Universityof Illinois; Ph.D. , University of California, Riverside. .EDWIN SANDVIK Assistant Professor of Psvc hologv, 1991 BA , Seaule Pacifi c Un,iversirv: 'M.A., University of Illinoi s. · MARK SARGENT Associate Professor of English, 1981; Associate Dean of Arts and Sciences B.A.. Unil'ersityof California, Santa Barbara; M.A. , Ph.D. , Claremont Graduate School.

State Uni versity, Fullerton. C DIANE SHANEBECK

Associate Professor of Communication , 1964 B.A. , Asbu1y College; M.A. , Cal iforni a

State Uni versity, Beach. Wll.LIAM D. SHANEBECK

Young University. SCOTT SWANSON

LELAND E. WILSHIRE Professor of Hi story, 1979

Associate Professor of English, 1962 B.A., Asbuq•Coll ege; M.A. , Uni versity of Mich igan. CIAIRE SIBOI.D Associa te Professor of Education , 1987 B.A. , M.A. , Uni ve rsityof Washington; Ph.D. , Arizona State Uni ve rsity. LYLE H. SMITH.JR. AISOciate Professor of English, 1978 BA, M.A., Ph.D. , Universityof Minnesota. ROGER G. SOULE Professor of Phys ical Education , 1979 B.S., State Uni versityof New York , Cortland ; M.S. , Universityof Illinoi s; Ph.D., Washington State Uni vers ity. WALTER STANGi. Associate Professor of Mathematics, 1984; Direc tor of Academic Advising B.A. , M.S. , Ph.D. , Lehigh Unil'ersity; M.Div., Denl'er Semi nary. TOM STEFFEN Ass istant Professor of lntercultural Swcli es, 1991 B.S. , Dallas Bible Coll ege; M.A. , Biola Unil'ersity; D.Miss., Biola Unil'ersity. CHERRYG. STEINMEIER Associate Professor of Psychology, 1984 B.A. , Nort hern Illinois University; M.A. , Psy.D. , Rosemead School of Psychology.

B.A., 'A~1itworth College; B.D. , Th .M. , Fuller Theological Scminaq•; Ph.D. , University of Southern Californ ia. JENNIEKUK-\1 NG WONG Professor of Music, 1964 LR.SM ., Royal Schools of Music; F.T.C.L. , I..T. C. l.. , Trini ty College of Music; L.T.S.C., Ton ic Sol-Fa College of Music. KENMAN WONG Assistant Professor of Busin ess, 1989 B.S. , Biola University; M.B.A., University of Washington. PETER YAM-POON WOO Associate Professor of Mathematics/ Computer Science, I 988 B.A. , Un iversity of Hong Kong; M.A., Ph.D. , UniversityofSoutl1ern Cali fo rnia. PHILIP WOODWARD Assistant Professo r of Busin ess, 1990 B.S. , Universityof Southern Califor- ni a; M.B.A. , California State Uni ve r- sity, Fu ll erton; M.B.T. , Uni vers ityof Southern California. J Wll.LIAM WORDEN Professor of Psychology, 1985 B.A. , Pomona Coll ege; B.D.. Eastern Seminary: Ed.M ., Harvard Un ive rsity; Ph.D. , Boston University; A.B.P.P.

Associate Professor of Communicat ions, 1992 B.S. , California PolytechnicState University; M.S., Uni ve rsityof Oregon CYNTHIATASKESEN Assistant Professor of English, 1991 B.A., Universityof California, l.os Angeles: M.A., University of California Los Angeles. JUDYE. TEN EL.SHOF Assistant Professor of Christian Educa- tion, 1989 B.A. , California State Un iversity, Fuller- ton; M.A. ,Talbot School ofTheology. EDWARD THURBER Professor of Mathematical Sciences, I 971 Direc tor of AcademicComputing B.S. , Princeton Unil'ersity; M.A. , Ph.D. , Uni ve rsityof Southern California . RJCHARD UNFREID Professor of Musi c, 1960 B.M. , M.M., Universityof Southern California. ELISHA B. VANDEUSEN Associate Professor of Biological Science, 1986 BA, Houghton Coll ege; M.A. , Ph.D. , Indiana Univers ity.

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