GENERAL FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION The fo ll owing apply lO both undergraduate and graduate aid applicants. Entitlement Aid Biola CniYersity is au tho,ized as an institution to grant bene- fits to 1·c1ei-ans and dependents, social secu,ity benefits and a-sis- tance from the Calirornia Rehabil itation Program. Studems interested in this ~-pc ofaid should contact the Regisu·ar's Office. If an appli cant is a non-California resident but a resident of the Cnited Stales, he/ she may obta in a loan through his/ her state's Higher Education Loan Program, by comacl- ing a participating bank in his/ her home area. If his/ her state panicipates in the FFELP program, he/ she may con tact a bank in his/ her community. Student Aid Grants As funds are al'ai lable, Studen t Aid Grants are made lO needl' students from the Student Aid Fund. This fund is maintained bygifts from fri ends of the Uni l'crsill'. Students arc not required to repay the University, but it is hoped that recipiems will contribute lo the fund when they hal'e com- pleted school in order 10 prol'ide fo r others who are in need. International Students International appli cants must establish the degree or their abilitv to meet the costs of an education al Biola Uni versity. Each international applicant must submit a signed statemem of financial responsibility as well as signed statements from any agencies or indil'iduals who hal'e taken the responsibility of underwriting the studen t's expenses. Th ese statements must include the exac t amoum or the commitmen t. Canadian Grants Canadian citizens who rcceil'e al least two thirds of their college funding from Canadian sources arc eligibl e for the Tuition al Par (TAP) Gram for the Fall and Sp ri ng semes- ters. Th e TAP Grant COl'e rs the difference between U.S. and Canad ian dol lars as calc ulated at th e beginni ng of each semester. The grant is calculated after the st udem's other uni1·crsity aid is considered. St udents must submit the TAP app li cation (a1·ailablc through the Admissions Office) byApril I. Renewabl e. Student Employment The Un iversity maintains an employmen t offi ce for the benefit of students needing parnime work lo defray expenses. \\'hil e th is office does not guarantee empl oyment , it docs make an effon lO place every studem desiring wo rk. Jobs are avai lable both on and off campus, accordi ng lo stu- dent's abi li ~-. capacitYto handle the added burden of employ- ment and financial need. ;\Ormally, a student can expect lO work I~r20 hrs,/wk. when can)1ng a full chL<;S schedul e. PJ'Cli- ous work experience and hours a1<1 ilable for emplovment ll'ill result in beucr rates of pa)' than the ~4.25/ hr. minimum 11<1ge. Students who find it necessa11• to work for the entire amount of their li1ing expenses should plan to extend the time required for their course or study and to reduce the academic load.
State Aid Cal Grant Xs are made a1·ailable to hundreds of Ca li for- nia residents each year. Eligibility is based on G.P.A. and financial need. In addition , sel'eral students from low income fami li es rcccil'e funds through the Cal Grant BProgram. Studellls aucnding Biola are not eligible 10 receil'c funds through the Cal Gran t C program. L\FSA form must be li led b)· ~larch 2 dead li ne and new applicants must file a Cal Gralll G.P.A. l'C rifi cation fo rm b)· Nlarch 2. GRADUATE FINANCIAL AID Before applying, applicallls should make realistic assess- ment of th eir resources for financ ing graduate study in l'icw of the graduate tuition and fee schedul e and the cost of li l'- ing in Southern Cali fornia. The following federal aid programs are al'ailable to grad- uate swdents. Please refer to the appropriate senion abol'e for add iti onal information. 1-l'deml Pflki11s l.or111. ( p to S1,000 per year) Lim ited al'ailabi lity. Federal Stafford t oans (formrr/1· GS!.) . Cp to maximum Si,500 per year. (Fo r periods of enrollment beginning after 10/ 1/ 93, the maximum 1,~ II be raised to $8,500). In additi on, th e fol lowing aid programs are al'ailable specifically for gradua te study. Califomia Sta/f Gmduall' Fl'llowshifis. r\l'ailable to state residents who are planning to teach al the college lel'e!; requires a linancial sta tement, cligibilit)' application and GRE or other app ropriate lest scores. Churrh ,\Jatrhing Srho/a,:1hi/J. Up to $500 from Biola. Biola will match one award per year up to 5500 for a fu ll-time student. The match is prorated for pan-time and Doctor of \!inistri cs students. Not arnilablc to BOLD studenL,. The Church's award must be submiucd in fu ll within the first four weeks of the semester, and must be accompanied by the Church \ latch ing Scholarship Application igncd bl' the pas- tor or Church Board \!ember. Fall semester deadline is Oct I. Spring semester deadline (for sp1ing cnu-anLS 01111') is \larch I. F/osnnrod (Gmd1111tl') r\.uistanhhi/Js. Arnilablc lO selected second year studen ts and abol'c: cligibi litv requirements and use of funds is establi shed through Rosemead facu ltycommillees. ,\/i1101it_\' fr,f/ow.1hi/J.1. r\1·ailable to qualified Rosemead students on the basis or need. Requires F,-\F and FAFSA forms. Cmr/111111' Grant. r\l'ai lablc in limited amounts to swdcnts who demonstrate a linanc ial need. Requires an FAF and FAFSA in the Financial r\icl Office by fa ll registrati on. .\'a11ry ,\/1')'1'1:1 ,\'11111111111 Srho/a,shi/J Fund. Assistance is al'ai lablc to students enrolled and pursuing a degree in a graduate scminarv program. St11rlmt Mi11ist1ies /11r. Prm·ides a means for family and fri ends lo make tax-exempt contributions lO a student while in seminary, if student is engaged in 8 or more hours of weekly minisuY.
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