Academic Calendar 1993-94
March 26 - April 4 Easter Recess (classes resume :i:00 p.m,, Monday, Apri l 4) April 1 Good FridayHoliday April 4-May 5 Regi stration for summer session and preregistration fiir fa ll semeste r April 8 Last day to receive a refu nd when dropping a class May4 Talbot and lntercul tural Studies students· first draft of thesis due (December graduates ) May6 Last day to withdraw from classes Rosemead students' doctoral disserta- tions to librarian May27 Final dayof instruction May28 Commencement
SUMMER SESSION 1993 March 22-April 16 Regi stration; all continuing students May31
Septembers Las t day to complete registration September 10 Last day to add nrn classes September 13-17 Spiritual EmphasisWeek (regular classes mee t) September 13-22 Comprehensive written exams for EcLD. program October 6 Day of Praye r (special chapel with regular class schedule for all students) October 18-22 Begin Academic Advising for pre-
January 1 Undergraduate/ Graduate applica tion deadline for Spring January 3 Classes begin - late registration January 15 Rosemead app li cation deadline January 21
Memorial Day Holiday (Monda, - no classes ) June 1 L: ndergraduate appli cation deadline lor Fall
June 1-2 .!!J
Final dayof instruction; undergraduate students January 28 Final dayof instruction ; graduate students
Registration - First session , ne\\' students; late registration for- contin ui ng sn1dents June 1-18 First session (3 weeks); undergraduate and graduate courses June 7-11 Psl'chology graduate comprehensi1e exam inations June 21-July 9 Second session (3 weeks): graduate courses June 21-Ju/y 23 Second session (5 weeks ); undergraduate courses Ju/y5 Classes wi ll mee t (s taff free-noating holiday) August 1 Graduate appli cation deadline for Fall August 9-13 Ps)'Chology graduate comprehensil'e examinati ons
registration October 20
January 26-28 Orientation for newstudents and registra tion for all students January 31 Convocation Classes begin-late regi stration February 9 Last day to complete regist ration February 11 Last day to add new classes February 14-23 Comprehensive written exams for EcLD, program February 25-26 University Day (7:00 a.m. Fridayto I0:00 a,m, Saturday, regular classes meet - no exams) March 1 SeminaryDay March 9 Day of Prayer (spec ial chapel wi th regular class schedule for all students) March 16 Talbot and lntercultural Studies students' final draft of thesis due (Maygraduates) March 16-18 Missions Confe rence (special schedule of workshops and mee tings in place of regular class schedule) March21-25 Begin Academic Advising for pre- registration
Talbot and ln tercultural Studies students' fi nal draft of thesis due (December graduates) October 20-22 TorreyMemorial Bible Conference (spec ial schedul e of workshops and meetings in place of regular class schedule fo r all students) October 22 \ ,ast day to recei ve a refund when dropping a class October 25-November 24 Registration for lnterterm and preregist ration for spring semester October 26-28 Talbot's Lyman Stewart Memorial Lectures November24 Last day to withdraw from classes
May30 Memorial DayHoliday Obse rved (Monday- no classes) May 31-June 17 First session (3 weeks); undergraduate and graduate courses June 1 Unde rgraduate application deadline fo r Fall June 6-10 Psychology graduate comprehensive examinati ons June 20-Ju/y 8 Second session (3 weeks): graduate courses June 20-Ju/y 22 Second session (:i weeks ); undergraduate courses July4 Independence DayHoliday (Monday- no classes) August 1 Graduate application deadline for Fall August 8-12 Psychology graduate comprehensive exami nations
FALL SEMESTER 1993 August 19-20 Unil'ersitl' faculty workshop August 21 New students arri,al on campus August 23-25
November 25-28 Thanksgiving recess
(classes resume 7:30 a. m. , Monday, November 29)
O,ientation and regism1tion for ne\\' su1- dents and reg istrat ion for all students August 25 Claim res iden t hall room b)-noon August 26 Classes begin-late registration August 30 Conrncation September6 Labor Da, Holiday (Monda,-- no classes)
December 3-5 UniversityDay (7 :00 a,m, Friday to I0:00 a,m _Sunday, regular classes mee t - no exams) OecemberB Talbot and lntercultural studi es students' first draft of thesis due (Maygi;iduates) December 17 Final dayof instruction
Mid-year commencement
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