•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Information /IYY Undergraduate Admission
TO APPLY FOR ADMISSION... I. Fil e application. Specify when you plan to enroll (fall , interterm, spring, summer). Eve ry advantage goes to the early applicant. Address mail LO Offi ce of Admissions, Biola Uni versity, 13800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada, CA 90639-0001 2. Remit the $35 application fee (non-refundable). Do not send cash. 3. Appli cations fil ed after Janua1)' 1st for spring semester or after June 1st for fall semester are considered "late applications," and require a $45 appli cati on fee. 4. Requ es t offi cial transc ripts fr om hi gh sc hoo l and schoo ls attended after hi gh school graduation. If enrolled at the time appli ca- ti on is fil ed, be sure LO request transcripts of work )'OU have fini shed and fin al transcripts upon compl etion of course of study whether it is high schoo l or college. Transcripts must be submitted in a sealed enve lope. 5. Arrange to take the Scholasti c Aptitude Test (SAT is preferred). SAT or ACT is required of all applicants except th ose who will have soph omore classificati on upon entrance (requires 27 units semester units of accepted course work). The education department and nursing will require SAT scores regardl ess of classifi cation. International stu- dents under F-1 student visa should register for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), rather than the SAT. 6. Reques t recommendati ons (forms suppli ed). One reference must come from a member of the pastoral staff of your church. The other may come from schoo l or employe r. Forms must be addressed LO the Offi ce ofAdmissions. AFTER YOU'VE FILED... I. You will be assigned to an admissions counse lor and notified, bylet- ter, of his/ her name. Any questions you have concerning admissions, finan cial aid , or housing should be directed to your admissions counselor. 2. You will be notified of items needed to compl ete fil e. 3. Interview: All appli cants are expected LO parti cipate in an inter- viewwith an Admissions representati ve prior to a decision on their appli- cati on. On-campus intervi ews are preferred, when possible, but phone imervi ews are substituted when travel di stance LO Biola prohibits the campus r isit. Appli cants from ove rseas are not required to intervi ew unless notifi ed by the Admissions staff. 4. A letter of acceptance will be sent upon completion of file if you qualify fo r admission. 5. Remit required $ I00 enrollment deposit along with Validation of Acceptance ce rtificate and the residence information card. Send th ese three together to the Offi ce of Admissions. 6. If you plan LO live on campus, pl ease remit a deposit of $100 (i n additi on to enrollment deposit ), LO the Office ofAdmissions. 7. Th e medical examin ation form included with the acceptan ce notice must be compl eted and returned by a physician of the student's choice. Address to the Health Center. If yo ur plans change and you do not plan to complete your appli ca- ti on or to enroll if accepted, pl ease notify the Office of Admissions. THE FAMILY EDUCATION RIGHTS AND PRIVACY ACT The Family Educati on Rights and Privacy of 1974 permi ts enroll ed uni ve rsity students access to ce rtain credenti als in their fil es. Bi ola Unive rsity has long permiued access for the sLUdent to his previous edu- cati onal records such as high school transcripts and college transcripts (if a transfe r), his SAT or ACT scores and his educational record at Biola Unive rsi ty.
Because of the importance of preserving the confidentialityof leners of recommendati on the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act per- mits an educational institution to suggest an applicant may waive hi s right LO access to letters of recommendation. Signing such waiver is not required as a condition for admission, receipt of financial aid form or receipt ofanyother sen,ices or benefits fromBiola University. In order that Biola University may have valid recommendation s, it is suggested that the applicant consider waiving his right LO see such leners of recommendation. Please be assured that leLLers of recommendation (along with transcrip ts, SAT/ ACT scores, and your own application) are used solely to determine an appli cant 's qualifi ca ti on for admissi on. Biola Uni versitywill furni sh (upon the applicant 's request) the names of all indi viduals supplying references. However, the applicant usuall y knows the identityof those to whom he/ she gives the reference forms . Signing the waiver statement on the reference form is all that is nec- essal)' on your pan. ELIGIBILITY The applicant should be a high school graduate and born-again Christian for at least one year. The application will be considered only aft er all of the necessary forms have been rece ived by th e Offi ce ofAdmi ssion s. Bi ola Universityhas a strong evangelical Christian commitment and requires that the student be an evange lical believer. However, it is and shall be the policy and practi ce of Biola University, in the admission of students, the hiring of employees, or the operation of any of its pro- grams and ac ti vi ti es, not LO discriminate on the basis of the applicant 's race, color, sex, handicap or national origin. We welcome all applicants who are personallycommitted to faith in Christ. Note: All potenlial graduate students must use the graduate aj)pli cation availablefrom theOffice ofAdmissions. This application must be fill ed out by the appli cant and mail ed LO the Office of Admi ssions. It must be accompanied by a $35 non-refund- ablf fee. Returning sLUdents must fil e an appli cati on for readmission along with a $10 non-refundablefee. (The form is available al the Office of Admissions).
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