•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A pp lication for Undergraduate Admission Office of Admissions• Bio/a University• 13800 Bio/a Ave • La Mirada, CA 90639-0001 • (310) 903-4752
APPLICATION DEADLINES Fall: June !st Spring: January !st
Note: Application may be submitted after deadlines (late fee of$45), and will be considered and prvr:essed if spar,e is available and time allows.
Enclose two
Enclose two
Application and reference forms are on follow-
recent photographs
recent photographs
ing pages.
Social Security number _____________
Male D
Female D
Name in fu ll
Home address
Temporary address
( if 1ml ,11 Imm,• {or
,mextt•mlt·dt ,md ----------------------------------------------- Acldrt•,S$ C'11y Z,p /'hone
Spring 19 __
What is the last date mail will reach you at temporary address'
Planning to enter
Fall 19
Acceptance into the fall or spring semester is automatic acceptance into the preceeding Summer Session or Interterm. Students interested in attend ing only these special sessions must complete the Summer Session/ Interterm application .
Age ________
City and country of birth _____________
Date of birth _____________
Have you ever previously applied ro Bi o la' _______
If so, which semester? _______
Attended Biola?
D If no, citizen of ______________
Other ____________
U.S. citizen:
□ Yes
□ No
# ________
U.S. immigration status _______
F-1 Student Visa#
Resident Alien #
Do you consider the English language your native rongue ?
□ Yes
□ No
D 1. Asian or Pacific Islander
D 4. Latin American
D 2. African American
D 3. American Indi an
05. White
D Single
Number and ages of children _______________
Marital status (check ):
□ Married
Date of marriage __________________
Separated or divorced (indicate date )
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