

Father' s name ___________ _________________

If deceased, when' _______________

Home Address --------------------------------------------------- Where employed ' __________________________ Position ____________________

Number of years ________________

If fa ther arrended coll ege, where ' ____________________

Mother's fu ll name ________________________

If deceased, when'

Home Address ---------------------------------------------------- Where emp loyed ? _________ ________________ Position ___ _________________

Number of years _ _______________

If mo rher arrended coll ege, where' ________________ ____

If parents are separated , give dare of separa tion --------------------------------------- Mo11 th Ye,u

If parents arc separated, wirh whom do you live'

Sisters __________

Names and ages of chi ldren older rh an yourself:


Sisters _ _________

Names and ages o f chi ldren younger rhan yourself:


Members o f your fam ily who have arrended Bio la: --------------------------------------


Which was rhe most significant facto r influencing your cho ice ro arrend Biola University' Check one square on ly. 0 Pastor 's refe rral O Bio la faculty contacr D Biola counselor visited school/coll ege

□ Alumni

0 Un iversity Day

O Bio la Hour O Campus visir

D Relative arrending D Biola Bound

D Campus Visir

D Financial Aid workshop

0 Phone conracr wirh Bio la sraff

0 Magazine adverrisement ______ __________

D Present Biola srudenr/ fri end

Add itional comments -------- ----------------------------------------

Arc you applying ro orher colleges o r uni ve rsities? If so, please lisr_________ _ ___ _ __________________


Anricipared (or pasr) graduation dare from high/secondary school ____________________ _ _ ________

M.0 111 /J

Name o f high/secondary school__________________________________________

Address o f high/ seconda ry school ---- ------------------------- - - -------- c,ry

If you have graduated from high/ secondary school, lisr in chronological order your ac ri vi ri es since high school graduati on (schools arrended , employ- ment , military service, extended travel , ere.). Schools musr be listed even if you do nor expect ro transfer crcdi r. Please include Biola extension courses, if applicable. School, Work, Travel Dates

Have you earned a degree from any co ll ege o r universi ty?

If yes, complete rhe fo llowing:

□ Yes □ No

Degree _ _________________ _


Dare Conferred ___ _____________

Maj o r ----------- ---------------------

If yes, explain rhe circumstances:

Have you ever been dismissed o r placed on academic or disciplinary probation?

O Yes

□ No

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