The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) o r the American Co ll ege Test (ACT) is REQUIRED, unless as a transfer you will have sophomore status (requires a minimum o f 27 accepted units). International students must submit Tes t of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) scores. Pl ease indicate the testing date on which you plan to take (or have taken ) the:
SAT ____________
TOEFL ____________
or ACT ________________
Yc ,1r
Note: Regardless oftra nsfer status, any nursing major and student seeking a teaching credential must take the SAT.
Indicate your possible major.
What are your vocati onal goals?
Nursing majors: See catalog for procedures for acceptance in to the School ofNursing. D Are you currently D A Registered Nurse'
Dor enrolled in a nursing program?
DA Lice nsed Vocational Nu rse?
Separate applications must be made to the nursing program fo r registered nurses, licensed voca tional nurses and all others applying to the Department o f Nursing. Nu rsing Department appl icati on forms will be mailed upon receipt of this app li cat ion. TRANSFER STUDENTS
If you are tran sferring from another school, please explain your reasons fo r wanting to transfer.
How do you plan to meet Un iversity expenses?
Are you a dependent of your parents'
□ Yes □ Yes □ Yes
□ No □ No □ No
Do you or your parents own a home?
Did you (or will you ) app ly for pri or ity financial aid by submitting FAFSA and FAF fo rms to CSS byMarch 2'
Please indi cate ALL sources of financial assistance for whi ch you MIGHT be a cand idate: D Parent contributi o n D Other fam il y ass istance (grandparents, trust fund, etc. ) D Personal income D Bio la University Scho larship (check all that apply) D Academic D Leade rship D Music D Athletic D Off-campus scho larshi p (communi ty, parent 's empl oyment, high school award, etc. ) D Church matching scholarship D MK/PK/ Chri st ian worker dependent scholarship D Low-interest loans (Staffo rd , Perkin s) D O n-campus work D Californi a residents: Cal Grant program (appli cati on deadline: March 2) D Federal grant programs: Pell Grant, SEOG D Internat io nal Gra nt
D Othe r departmental
D Need Grant
List the major school, communi ty and church act iviti es (music, athletics, work) to which you have devoted much time and effort. If you have received special recognition in any o f these ac ti vities, please describe. If necessary, continue li sti ng on a separate page.
Length ofparticipation
Positions held and/or honors won
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