
Index ••••••••••••••••••••••••• Pages in the graduate section of the Chri sti an Ministries

Marriage and Family Ministries

Graduate Programs

...T-1 I

Talbot School ofTheology ..... .T-1 Rosemead School of Psychology.. ..... R-1 School of lntercultural Studies ................................ .1 -1 School ofAm and Sciences .. ........ .1-9

ca talog use the prelix 'T' for Talbot, ·'R" fo r Rosemead, "I" for School of lntercultural Studies and Sc hool "r Ans and Sciences and are numbered inde- pendently from the undergraduate sec- tion. The prefix "A" is for Appendix. A Academic and Beha1·ioral Standards .................................... 23 Academic Integrity ..................23 Academic Load ........ 18, T-2 Accounting.. ................ 43 Accreditation and Affiliations ........... .4 Administration ... ...................A-I Admission Information (Undergraduate Program) .... 15, 32 Ad,·anced Placement Program .32 Ach-enising ....................... ............... .43 Anthropology-Lingui sti cs .......... .59, 1-1 Apologetics... .................T-24 Appeals and Griel'ance ..........2i Application for Undergraduate Admi ss ion ............ SPF bark of ratalog Appli ed Lingui st ics . ... 1-6 An. . .. .3i An Education . ........ .3i Associated Students ..........................36 Athletics .....36, 69 B Behal'ioral Standards ..... 23 Bible Exposition ........................... .T-1 9 Biblical Studies and Theology (Undergraduate) ........................39 Biblical Studi es and Theology (Graduate )..... ............... .. .T-1 Biblical Studi es and Theology Requirements (Undergraduate) .. ....... .34 Biochemistry... .. .... ...... .46 Biological Science.... . ········.41 Board of Trustees .......... . ....A-I Bookstore.... . ... .i, 26 Broadcast Management.. ...... .49 Business Admin istration ................. ..43 C Calendar, Academic.. ....A-8 Campus Information ................4 Campus Map. . ...........................A-6 Career De1·elopment and Graduate Placement ..................27 Certifica te in Bibli cal Studies ........ .T-8 Chapel ........... .36 Chemistry.. . .......... .46 Christian Education (U ndergraduate) ...... .47 Christian Education (Graduate ) ..............................T-20

Certificate Program ...... 39 Chris ti an Thought ...................... .T-22 Classification of Students ........33 College l.el'el Examination Program ............. ..33 Communication ... ... ····••·•49

Ministry.. ....... .... .T-i Missions ...................................... 1-1 Philosophy of Re ligion and Ethics ............T-9 Specialized Ministries ...............T-9 Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages .......... 1-6 Women 's Ministries.. ...T-9 Youth Ministri es ..T-9 ...........T-4 Master ofTheology ...................... .T-12 Mathematics.. ....................6I Med-Tech.... .................................. .41 Media Center.. ....................7 Minor Requirements.. ..............20 Missions (see also School of lntercultural Studies) .. .59, T-28, 1-1 Music ........... 63 N-0 New Testament Language and Literature ................ .T-24 Numbering of Courses ..................... 18 Nursing .................. 65 Objectives of Biola Un iversity ...... 4 Old Testament and Semitics .........T-26 p Philosophy .... ..... ..68 Philosophyof Religion ....T-24 Physical Education ............................69 Physical Education Requirements .........35, 69 Physical Science. ..71 Physics.... ......... 71 Political Science. ... ......... .. ............. 72 Pract ical Theology. . ........T-27 Pre-An Therapy .......... ................ ..... .37 Pre-Med ..... .41 , 46 Pre-Professional Courses ........ 19 Pre-Registration .......... 16 Probation ............ ....23 Psychology (Undergraduate) .... .. ... .73 Psychology (Graduate ) .R-1 Public and Interpersonal Communication ..... . Public Relations ..... Publi cations, Student. R Master of Divinity... ......... .49 ........ .49 ....... .36 Radio-Television-Film ...................... .49 Readmission .... Refunds Registration .... Research Languages Residence Halls .................... 15 . II ..................... 17 ... .T-29 .... .. .25 Residence Requirements .................. 25 RoomDeposit.... ..... ........... 25 Rosemead School of Psychology .R-1 ~O.T~.. ... ..... W

Graduation Petition ........... Graduation Rate Disclosure..

.......20 .......22

Communication Di sorders.. Commun ity of I.a Mirada

..49 ..........6

Computer Science Continuing Studies..

.................. .52 ................. 78

Graduation Requirements. .......20 Graduation Statistics .........................22 Graphic Design.. ........ 37 Greek.... ....... .40 H Health Services .. ... 24 Hebrew .... . ......................................... 40 High School Record ...32 Historical Theology .. ..........T-23 Histo1 1·........ ..... .5i Honors... ... 33 Honors at Commencement ...21 Housing. . .... 25 Humanities ...................................... .59

Coun seling Services ..... 27 Course Numbering System ............... 18 Course Offerings .....37 Creden ti al Programs ...................... .53 D Degrees Offered .. ........... 19 Degree Completion Program (BOLD) ..78 Devotional Life .................................36 Doc tor of Education .............. .T-14 , 1-1 Doc tor of MiniSl11' ··· ............ .... .T-17 Doctor of Missi ology Doctor of Philosophyin ................. 1-1 Clin ical Psychology... . ......... R-4 Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psyc hology .. R-3 Doctrinal Statement.. ........ .5 Doctoral Programs ............... I 9 Double Major Requirement,.. ......20 Drama ..... .49 E Economics .. ..............................4-1 Education Department ............... .53 Education , Graduate Programs .... 1-9 Employment.. .............. 13 Engineering... ....... i I English ..... ........... .54 English Language Institute.. ...... i8 Enrollment Summa11• ....21 F Faculty ....... .A-I Family Education Rights and Pril'acy Act ·········'9

.... ...... ..3 ... .43, 52 .....T-30

Informat ion , General.. In format ion Systems... Independent Studies lntercultural Studies (Undergraduate) .. lntercultural Studies (Graduate) Interdenomi national Namre

...... .59

........ .1-1

of Biola Universi ty ........................3

International Students and

Resident Aliens ................... 15, T-3

ln tenerm

... ....... 30

J·L journalism Learning Ski llsCenter Li brat)' Liberal Studies Major .. Linguistics

.... .49 ....27 ..................7 ....... .53

(see intercultural Studies) ..... 77, 1-1

Literature... .....

... .54


.. 12

Familv Ministries Film and Video .. Finance Financial In formation Foreign Study .. Foreign Language ... Forensi cs ... French .. G

...... .T-5, T-11 ..... .37 .......... .43 ...........8 ............28 ...................... .56

Location of Biola University ..


M Management Map (Campus) ... Marketing Master of Ans

...... .43 . ....A-6 ... .43

...............36 .............. cs

Appl ied Linguistics.. Biblical or Theological Studies

........ .1-7

General Education Requirements ...34 General Studies.. ................ 7i Geography.. German Grades ... ........... .58 .. .56 ...... 15

........ .T-8 Christian Education ............... .T- I0 Clinical Psychology ................... R-1 Education.. .. 1-9 lntercultural Smdies .................. 1-1

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