and Graduation Requirements
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Admission, Regi,stration and Graduation Requirements
Admission to Biola Un iversity is on a selective basis and only those are admitted who are most likely to profit from Bi ola University's educational program and its distincti vely Christian emphasis. Because it is the purpose of Bi ola Un i- ve rsity to train Christian yo ung people, the appli cant should ha1·e been a Chri sti an for at least one yea r. Biola University has a su·onglyevangel ical Christian commit- ment and requires that an accepted applicant be an el"dnge lical believer. However, no di sc,imination 111th reference to racial or national background is practiced in the admi ssion policies. Biola L'n il'ersitywelcomes all applicants regardless of racial or national 01igin who are personallycommitted to faith in JesusChrist Students who are interested in attending Biola niversity should request application forms from the office of admi s- sions. Because enrollmen t is li mi ted and admission is on a selective basis, appli cations should be made as early as possi- ble. Decisions are made onlyon comple ted applica ti ons. Visits to the campus are encouraged. It is advisable to wr ite or phone in advance to arrange an appointment if a conference is desired. Each semester, Biola hosts visitation weekends (Universit y Days and Bi ola Bound ) th at help acquai nt prospective studen ts with the programs on campus. The elates for these days are listed on the academic calendar. Admission lo the University does 11 01 guaran tee admission to the business ad111inistration, ed·ucation, 11111sic and nursing /Hograms, nor lo on-w111/1us housing. Application Jor111s for these /nvgrams are available Jm111 the 11Ppar/mm/ offices. UNDERGRADUATE/GRADUATE PROGRAMS See th e specifi c program for additional admission , regis- tration and graduati on requirements in the appropriate undergraduate/ graduate sections of the catalog. ENROLLMENT DEPOSIT App li ca nts who have bee n gran ted acceptance are required to remit a $100 enrollm ent depos it whi ch is retained in a special account to th e student's credit unit the final semester of enrollment. It will be appli ed to any bal- ance owed at the time of departure, or will be refunded if the student 's account is paid in full. This $100 enrollment deposi t is retained as a continuing pre- regisu.i tion deposit to assure the enrolled student of a place in the student body. Students rnrrently enrolled who preregister for the spring semester and fa il to notify the's offi ce before December 31 that they do not plan to enroll for the sp,ing semester, or simply do not complete regisu.ition for t11e spring semester, forfeit t11i s $100. Students currently enrolled who preregister for tl1e fall semester and fail to notify t11e Regis- u-ar 's office beforeJuly 31 that they 11111 not be enrolling, or fai l to appear for regisu.i tion in the fall , 111 11 fo1feit this~I00. Whether an indi vidual is en tering Biola Uni versity as a freshman or transfer studen t through admissions, or is a con- tinuing student who has preregistered, it is important that Biola be in formed of any change in plans regarding enroll- ment. The deposit is non-refundab le if the student neve r
enroll s. It is held in the student 's accoun t fo r two years, to be used if the student enrollswithin that period of time. RE-ADMISSION A student who has attended Biol a Uni ve rsity and has dropped out for one semester or longe r will be required to fil e an application for re-admi ss ion and paya fee of$10. SLU- dents enrol led for any semester, but who fai l to preregister fo r the fo ll owing semester, will be charged a $3:i re-applica- tion fee should they choose to return for that semester. ADMISSION OF INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS AND RESIDENT ALIENS English Proficiency It is essential th at studenLs fromother countries be able to understand lectures in English and also be able to express their thoughts clearly in both written and spoken English. Admis- sion to the University is based upon the understanding that stu- dents either already have or are actively making progress in these skills. In order that the applicant's proficiency in English ma)' be determined, the applicant must take the Tes t of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) as administered bythe Educa- tional Testing Sen1ce at the nearest overseas examination cen- ter. The minimum score for admission is a total of 500 for the undergraduate student and 550 (111th a score of55 or above for each of t11e three tes t sec tions) for t11e graduate student. How- ever, all internationalstudents without TOEFL scores can enter into the Biola degree programof their choice if th ey have met all the other requirements for admission to that degree pro- gram by attending the Engli sh Language lnstiLUte. Upon adm ission to Bi ola without the TOEFL exam, the student is required to take the Bi ola English Placement Exam (BEPE) which is equi1"dient to the TOEFL, but is more comprehensive. According to the results of the test, swdents will take English classes at their level before starting their academic courses. For those students who have passed the TOEFL exam, an Engli sh Placemen t Test at the Universit)' will be given prior to or upon a chan ge in program to dete rmin e which course(s) (Engli sh 103, 105, 107 or 109), if any, they must take. The course(s) must be taken during the student 's first seme ter in residence and eve,y semester until the sLUdent has successfull ypassed the Engli sh Pl acement Test. Since admission to the Universit)' is based on the under- standing that the student will successful l)' complete the ES!. sequence, students will not be allowed to graduate or con- tinue at Biola if they do not complete their ESLrequirement. A "passing" score on the Engli sh Pl acement Tes t must be achi eved before taking English 11 QA. Engli sh I I OA and B must be taken fo llowing sati facto,y compl etion of the above requirements. (See Department of Engli sh section. ) Swdents who wish to take TOEFL sho uld obtain th e TOEFL Bu ll etin of Information fo r Cand idates, Interna- tional Edition. Copi es of this bull etin and the registrati on form may be obtained in a number of citi es outside the
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