and Graduation Requirements
Unit ed Sta tes . Th ey often are arailabl e at Am eri can embassi es and consu lates, offi ces of the United States Infor- mation Service (USIS), nited States educational commis- sions and fo un dations abroad , and bi na ti onal centers. Students who cannot locally obtain a TOEFL Bul le tin of Information for Candidates, International Edition and regis- tration form should write for themwell in advance to: Test of English as a Foreign Language, Box 899-R, Prince ton , New .J ersey, USA 08541 Because this test is administered only at ce rtain times, the candidate fo r admi ssion should inquire about testing dates we ll in advance of the date of anticipated mauiculation in the U.S. Requirements for admission of international students entering the undergraduate programs at Bio/a University I. All international students entering directly from sec- ondary schools must mee t the same undergraduate requirements fo r admission as C.S. Citizens, and have successfull y compl eted a coll ege preparatory course of study in their native country. 2. Transfer international students must have completed satisfacto , 1• course work with a 2.4 academi cGPA. 3. International students must verify fi nancial support before being admitted to the uni\·e rsity. 4. International students must subscribe to the Biola Cni- versity international studemhealth insurance policy and maintain coverage throughout their entire stayat BU. 5. Internati onal students are required to attend the international student ori entation program prior to initial enrollment. Documents needed for admission of international students entering the undergraduate programs at Bio/a University I. An appli ca ti on for admi ss ion and a $35.00 non- refundable applicati on fee. 2. Transcripts from all secondaq' schools and pos t-sec- ondai, ' insti tutions auended. Al l u,msoipts must be off1- cial and accompanied by a certified English u-anslation. All documents must showcoursework and examinations taken, indicate grndes recei\·ed, identify passingand max- imum marks, and show evidence of secondaq•gi-adua- tion. International students must have successfu llycom- pleted college preparntmy course of studyin I.heir nati ve counuy. Certification of I.he accreditation status of post- secondaq' institutions and the comparabi li ty of courses for u-ansfer credit is the responsibili ty of the applicant. Certification request forms and schedule of fees ai·e aral able in I.heAdmissionsand Regisu-ar's Offices. 3. Acompleted Affidavit of Support form that certifi es the student has suffici ent funds to studyin the U.S. must be on fi le prior to acceptance and issuance of the 1-20. 4. Two character reference forms. One reference froma pastor/ minister and another from a school administra- tor, teacher, or employe r who has known the appl icant fo r at least one year. Reference forms are provided by the University and are included with the appli cation.
1 Veterans or dependents of ve terans who plan to enrol l in the Universityare urged to contact the ve te,-an's coordinator in the Regisu-ar's offi ce we ll in ad\-ance of regisu-ation so that the necessaiy arrangements may be made 11 th theVeteransadmin- isu-ation or the Californi a Department ofVeteransAffairs. PRE-REGISTRATION Pre-regisu-ation for I.he fall semester isheld dwing I.hemonth ofAp1i l and eai·lyMay, and for the sp,ing semester in November and eai·lyDecember. Al l students ai·e required to preregister if il1ey plan to return to school il1e next semester. Fai lure to pre- register 11i ll mean filing an application for re-admission ($35 fee) if I.he indi\idual plans toenroll for il1e next semester. Foreign students admiued to the United States on a stu- dent vi sa are required by lawto be registered as ful l-time stu- dems, carrying a minimum of 12 credit units of academic wo rk. No off-campus employment is permitted fo r such a student with out wr itten permi ssion of th e United States Immigration authoriti es. Such permi ssion is seldomgranted. VETERANS Biola Uni versity is approved as a degree-granting institu- tion fo r the attendance of veterans under Ti tle 38, United States Code. This incl udes the programs covered in chapters 30, 3I, 35ofTitl e 38, relating also to the education of di sabled ve terans and war orphans, and I06. The Cali fornia Depart- ment ofVeteransAffairs has also authori zed the Uni versity fo r the attendance of ve teransand veterans' dependents. 5. TOEFL sco res of 500 or above fo r undergraduate studies. Students will be referred to the English Lan- guage Institute for preparato,y courses in English if the scores are below requi rement. Filing Deadlines for Undergraduate International Applicants The application deadline for enu·ance into the fall semester isJune I. Sp,ing semester applications should be fi led prior to .Janua,} I. Late applicants 111 11 assume expenses for documents needingexpress postal delireryto and fromthe university. Financial Responsibility of International Students All appli can ts for admi ssion to Biola Uni ve rsity must es tabl ish the degree of their fina ncial responsibi li ty to mee t the costs of an education in the Gnited States. The student must supply information attes ting to his ab ility to provide Uni ted States dollars in the minimum amount required to support the costs of tuition and roomand board , in excess of the cost of a round u·ip fare fromhis nati ve country. Applicants who do not have the fin ances to pay all of their expenses must come under the sponsorship of an approved mi ssion or oth er app roved agency. Sponso rsh ip must include fin ancial responsibili tytoward the sponsored student. Employment
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