and Graduation Requirements
REGISTRATION Students are to register in person during scheduled regis- trati on days. Late registrati on will continue through the eighth day of classes . A late registration fee of $35 will be charged to those who fa il to register during the scheduled registration days. Registration is not complete until satisfac- tory financial arrangements have been made. Students will receive credi t fo r only those courses in which they are offi- cially enrolled through the office of the registrar. Regisu-a- tion is mandatory fo r Rosemead students in all phases of the program includi ng students in internship and those who have completed all requirements except the dissertati on. CHANGE OF REGISTRATION A student who finds it necessary LO drop or add a class must obtain the proper fo rm for such a procedure from the Registrar's offi ce. Astudent who drops a course without ful- filling thi s requirement will receive a "UW" in the subjec t. A charge of $5 is made fo r each class change transaction. Addition of classes maybe made during tJ1e first two weeks of the semester. After that date courses cannot be added unl ess approved by the Registrar's offi ce. Courses may be dropped wi thout penaltyduring the first 12weeks of classes. If a course is dropped duri ng the firs t eight weeks of classes, it will not be recorded on the stude nt's permanent record. Co urses dropped between the nin th and twe lfth week of classes will have a grade of ''YI'" recorded. WITHDRAWAL Astudent who offi cially 111thdraws from the University dur- ing a semester 11111 receive a grade of ''YI'" in all courses ifwitJ1- drawal is no later than the end of the I2th week of cl ass. Other- 111se, a grade of "UW" or "F" will be given. Acourse which is dropped by a Talbot student doing passing work results in a grade of ''YI'," but for a course dropped while one is not doing passing work a grade of "F" 11111 be recorded. Astudent who 111tJ1draws may be granted honorable dismissal provided that he has met all his financial obligations LO the University, has secured a departure card from tJ1e regisu·ar's office and completed al l forms for 111tJ1drawal and is in good standingal the time. Astudent who withdraws unoffi ciall y, that is, he has not compl eted th e proper fo rms suppli ed by th e reg istrar's offi ce , will not receive a refund of any portion of his tuition or fees and will receive a grade of "UW" in each course. If he has no financial obligati ons to the University, a transcript of hi swork will be sent to another school upon reques t. STUDENT'S RECORDS Enroll ees are advised and cauti oned that the state law requires this educational institution to maintain school and stu- dem records for no longer tJ1an a five-year period beyond the stu- dents final term ofenrollmem,1vith the exception oftransc,ipts. ATTENDANCE Regul ar cl ass attendance is expec ted of all swde nts. Classes are conducted in a manner that will encourage acad- emi c exce ll ence and th e growth of Chri sti an charac ter. Because of the tremendous va riety of class size and purpose,
1 A"UW" indicates an unoffi cial 1vithdrawal. Students who register fo r courses but do not auend classes are given the grade of "UW" which 111 influence theGPA the same as an "F." The fo ll01ving grades are also used 1vith special significance in certain programsand are not used in computing theGPA: CR Credit 1 0.00 NC o Credit2 S Satisfactory 1 0.00 US Unsati sfactory 3 0.00 R Research 2 0.00 IP Imernship in Progress 2 0.00 W WithdrawaJ3 AUD Audit3 0.00 NR Not reported byfaculty 3 I No grade points/ Credit giren 2 No grade poin ts 3 No grade points/ No credit given Special Notations on Course Titles CPL Credit fo r Prior Learning PTT Professional and Technical Training The two notations above applyto the BOLD program. SLC Sm1ce Learning Contract Thi s type of course involves the student in a minisu-y off campus in the community. Acredit "CR" indicates the completion of course work 1vith academic performance equal to or higher than the "satisfac- to,f standard fo_r the degree program (normally "C" 2.00 for undergraduate programsand "B" 3.00 for graduate programs.) A ''YI'" indicates an offi cial withdrawal from a course and does not affect the student's grade point average. specific requirements in attendance, the final authority fo r auendance and any effect that it might have upon grades rests with the individual facultymember. GRADES Quality of course work is graded on the following scale, 1vith a system of grade points used to determine a studem's general grade poim average or standing: Graduate students should see theappropriate section of the cata- log for furt her grade infonnation. Grade Qua lity Grade Points A Highest PassingGrade 4.00 A- 3.67 B ➔ 3.33 B Good 3. 00 B- 2.67 C+ 2.33 C Satisfactory 2.00 C- 1. 67 D+ 1. 33 D 1.00 O- Lowest Passing Grade 0.67 (for undergraduate courses) F Failure 0.00 uw Unoffi cial Withdrawal 0.00 Bio/a's policy requires that when computing the GPA, the GPA is recorded at the third decimal point withmll roundingup.
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