and Graduation Requirements
ACADEMIC LOAD The minimum full-time load is 12 units at the undergraduate level. Aswdem who ison academic probation may be limited to 12 uniL5 or less depending upon his grade point arnage. Amin~ mum of ten uniL5 must be taken bytJ1ose li1ing on campus. The minimum full-time load is nine units for those in graduate degree programs. Those carrying less than the full- time load are considered pan-time students. ATalbot stu- dent is normally permitted to carry a maximum of 18 units each semester . The normal full-time load for a Rosemead studem is 12 to 15 hours per semester, bm not less than nine hours. With- out the advisor's approl'al, a studem may not carry over I6 units in any semeste r. Part-Lime registration of less than nine units is permiucd only afte r a studem has been admitted to candidacy. Rosemead does not admit pan-Lime swdents LO its degree programs. A unit of credit is generally considered to consist of one class hour (50 minutes) a week for a semester. In physical edu- cation acli1~ties, laboratorysessions and in a few other instances, a unit of credit may inl'olve more than one class period aweek. Generally an undergraduate studelll is limited to 17 units of classroom work a semester. After tJ1e first semester a studem 11it11 a grade poilll average of 3.0 may petition tJ1e Registrar 's office to cany more than 17 uniL5. In no case 1111! a studem be permiLLed to carry more than 20 units each semester. Ato1,1.l of six (6) units, may be 1,1.ken by a student in independent study, ananged and co1Tespondence courses dwing the swdem's degree program. Special ,Vote: Full-time n1rol/mn1t (romplrting 12 unils earh semester) is required of thefollowing 1111drrgmd11ate studenls: inter- nationals, veterans receiving full benefits, studn1ts 1miving sorial sernrity benefits, and all students receiving financial aid of any kind. When drof1ping classes, students 11111st br awmf that Lill')' are required to romfilelP 12 units of credit. Full-time e111vl/111enl (co111/1leting nine units each semestn) is lfquiml of !ht Jo/lawing [{l,uhwte students: intmwlionals, veterans ffceivingfu/1 benefits, stu11Rnts 1rceivi11g social secwity benefits, and all students 1rc1i1>- ingfinancial aid of any kind. \·Wien dropping classes, studmls 11111st be mua,r thal lhey mt wquired to complele nineunits ofcredit. NUMBERING OF COURSES Courses numbered I00 to 299 arc lower division (primar- ily for freshmen and sophomores). Courses numbered 300 LO 499 are upper division (primarily for juniors and seniors). Courses numbered 500 and above are graduate lel'el. The course numbering system is designed to indicate the relative academic level of courses in this manner: 100-499 Undergraduate, baccalaureate level courses 500-700 Graduate leve l, normall y indi cating first through third year bevond baccalaureate.
A temporary mark of "RD" (report delayed) will be issued in special cases when approved by the dean of school of ans and sc iences (undergraduate studems) and the deans of the respective schools (graduate swdems). The grade point average of a studem is obtai ned by divid- ing the total number of units auempted at Biola Un ivers itv into the tota l number of grade points obtained at Bi ola. ( '/'h is ra/rulation does not inrlude courses lransfennl from another institution and starts anPwjorgradualP /nograms.) To graduate with a baccalaureate degree, a student must ha1·e al least twice as many grade points as units in total credit 1·alue of all courses undertaken at Biola (2.00 GPA) and a 2.00 GPA in the major fi eld. Higher standards are required for graduate degrees, as slated elsewhere in thi s catalog. REPEATED COURSES Astudem will be pennitted LO repeat a course in which either a Dor an F grade was earned. Courses in which grades earned were either C or B, may be repeated only111th approval from the Regisuar 's office. Only courses taken al Biola University 1,ill be used to change course grades. In addition, the student must nolif:· the Regismu-'s Office, t11e semester a course is repeated. v\11en a course is repeated where a studelll has received a D or Fgrade the first Lime, the better grade is tJ1e only one used in computing the cumulative GPA, and the units are coumed only once . Both grades are shown on the student's permanent record. When a course is repeated where a studelll has received a C or Bgrade the first time, both the first and the second grades figure imo the total cumulative GPA computation and both grades are shown on the studen t's permanent record. GRADE REPORTS Grade rcporLS will be issued at the end of each term by the Registrar's Office. Any discrepancy between this repon and the studem's personal record must be brought Lo the anen- tion of the Registrar before the end of the following semester. GRADE CHANGES It is the st udent's responsibility to bring any error in grades to the aucmion of the instructor within one semester following the issued grade. Grade changes are only allowable for computational or recording errors and must be corrected no later than the last day of classes of the next full term semester. AUDITORS Swdents wishing LO audit must pursue normal application and registration procedures. Undergraduate students cannot register for a course until the second week of the semester. (See Financial Information for fees.) Talbot swdents must be college grad uates and must pay the appropriate per unit fee. Auditors must receive permission from both the Registrar 's Office and the instructor of the course. A course taken for audit cannot be repeated fo r cred it at a later date.
Postgraduate leve l, indi ca ting fourth year beyond baccalaureate.
In general , odd-numbered courses are given in the fall and even-numbered co urses are offe red in th e spr in g. Courses ending in zero usually are offered each semester.
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