

and Graduation Requirements

EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES All groups or indi viduals who represent the Un iversi ty must man ifest satisfactory cooperation, spiritual life and scholastic attainment (the ove rall grade point average must be 2.00) , and must be approved by the facu lty. PRE-PROFESSIONAL COURSES Many leading educators in the professional fields recognize that a liberal arts curriculum pr011des the most suitable under- graduate preparation. ll1e satisfactOI)' completion of the courses required of all students du1ing their first two years in attendance al Biola Un iversitv pro11des much of the nece5sal)' background. Biola Un ivers ity offers courses wh ich serve as founda- tional material fo r seve ral of the professions. There are cer- tain basic courses in natural science, language and social sc i- ence which are requi red by most professional schools. To be sure that the proper courses are selec ted, the student shou ld seek information from the professional school of his choice. Pre-Medical: In addition LO the general courses a student interested in entering the medical field should take courses in biology, chemist!)', physics and mathematics. See the bio- logical science or physical science majors for specific recom- mendations and requirements. Pre-Legal: In addition to the general courses, a swdenl interested in entering the field of law should take courses in modern language, political science, economics, American histo1y and government and related subjects. Pre-Semina1y Biola Uni versity pr011des an excellent back- ground in undergraduate education for semina1y u-aining. The requirements in general education, Bible, and major fields meet the requirements for admi&,ion into seminary. The pre-semi- naq•student should check his programal Biola Un iversity with the requirements of the particular semina1)' he plans to enter. DEGREES OFFERED School of Arts and Sciences The Bachelor of Arts degree. Offered with majors in an, communication, English , histoq•, humaniti es, liberal studi es, musi c, philosophy, social science and sociology. The Bachelor of Music degree. Offered with emphasis in composition, music education , and performance. The Bachelor of Science degree. Offered with majors in an, biochemistry, biological science, business administrati on , compute r science, mathematical science, nursing, physical education and physical science. School of lntercu/tural Studies The Bachelor ofArts degree in the intercultural studies. The Masin of A,1s degree in intercultural swdies, world missions, applied linguistics and TESOL The Dortor ofMissiology and the Doctor of fdu ,ation degree. Talbot School of Theology The Bachelor of Aris degree in bib li cal studies and Ch rist- ian educa ti on.

The units of credi t are ind icated by the number in paren- theses after each course title. The University reserves the right to withdraw any courses for whi ch there is insuf1icient registration. SPECIAL NOTE Biola Un iversity reserves the 1ight Lo change any and all stu- dent charges, modi~•its sen1ces, or change its curri culum or pro- grams of study should economic conditions, cunicular re11sions, or national emergency make it necessary or desirable to do so. FAMILY EDUCATION RIGHTS AND PRIVACY ACT The Fami lyEducation Rights and P1ivacy Act (FERPA) and provisions of the Cali forn ia Education Code set out require- ments designed to govern the access to, and release of, educa- tional records, to establish the right of students to inspect and re,·iew their records, and to pr011de guidel in es for the correc- tion of inaccurate or misleading data through informal and for- mal hearings. Students also have the right to fil e complai nts 111th the FERPA Office (U.S. Dept. of Education) concerning alleged fai lures by Biola to comply with pro1isions ofFERPA. Biola Unive rsity has adopted poli cies and procedures concern ing implementation of FERPA on campus. Copies of the policy are a,·ailable in the Registrar's Office. TRANSCRIPT REQUEST One u·anscript of a student's record is furnished free. I. For each additional transcript after that, a $6 charge will be assessed for an official copy and a $3 fee wi ll be charged for an unoffi cial copy. Transcript orders of IO or more are gran ted a reduced rate of $5 per official or $2 per unofficial copy ($1 off each copy). The student or alumnus may request a transcript in person or by mail. Telephone or FAX reques ts will not be accepted. To make a request in person , a transcript request form must be comple ted and the $6 fee paid in the Registrar's office. Each mailed transcrip t request should include the student 's name, date of birth , social security number, last semester of attendance al Biola , name and address where the transcript is to be sent and S6 cash or check, made payable LO Biola Universi ty. 2. An add itional rush fee of $3 per transcript will be added to the total fo r over the counter requests. Transcripts will be released on lyafter all financial obligations Lo the L'ni- ve rsity are paid. A request fo r a transcript must bear the signature of the individual whose permanem record is involved. If the name is typed or primed, the request will not be honored. The policy is in compliance with the Family Educational Ri ghLs and Privacy Act of 1974 (Buckley Amendment). A transcript cannot be released if the student owes money to the Un iversity or if a payment is outstand ing on any loans ob tai ned through the University. NAME CHANGES All name changes by marriage , divorce or court order must be accompani ed by a copy of th e legal action which changes the individual's name.

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