

and Graduation Requirements

The Masin of Arts degree in Christian education , mini stry and marriage and famil y ministri es. A Master of A11s degree with emphasis in Bibl e exposition, NewTestament , Old Testa- mem, theology, philosophy of religion and ethi cs, speciali zed mini stri es, women' s ministries, youth ministri es and bibli cal and theo logical studies-<li ve rsified. Talbot also offers the 1v/as- tn of Divinity degree, the Master of 111eology degree, the Doctor ofMi11isl1)' degree and the Doctorof !'."duration degree . Rosemead School of Psychology The Baehr/orofArts degree in psychology. The Masin ofA1·ts, the DoctorofPsychology and the Dor/orof Philosophy degree in cli nical psyc hology. School of Continuing Studies The Bachelorof Scimce degree in organizati onal leadership. UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS Double Degree Swdents see king a second bacca laurea te degree must complete a minimum of 30 distinct uni ts in a second area of major swdies. Amin imum of 160 total units are requi red fo r graduation with a double degree. All prerequisites, support- ing courses and departmemal requirements for each major must be completed. The student must confer with the depart- ments in which he wil l major and with the Registrar' s Offi ce. Double Major Astudent may be graduated with two majors. The fo llow- ing informati on is for th ose pursuing two majors: All prerequisites, supporting courses and departmenta l requirements fo r each major must be compl eted. The second major must have 'minimum' of 18 upper di vi- sion units unique to that major (i.e., minimum of 48 major units and 148 total units required - see individual major requ irements) . Th e student must confer with the depart- ments in whi ch he wi ll major and with the Registrar's Office. Minors Although Bi ola Uni versity does not require the student to have a minor for graduati on, there are a number of instan ces in wh ich a student may wish to take a minor, especiallyin plan- ning fo r a career in teaching. By checking the various depart- mems in the ca talog, a student may determine if a minor is offered. Aminor usually requires a 'minimum' of 18 uni ts, 12 of whi ch should be upper division and six of these should be un ique to th e mino r, i. e., not counted toward any oth er requirements. The student should confer with the depart- ments in which he wil l minor and with the Registrar's Office . Writing Competency Requirement Before graduation from Biola, a student must pass the Wr it in g Competency Requ irement. Thi s requiremelll will not be give n se parately fr om th e standard curriculum. Instead, each department has designed its requirement to suit the parti cular demands of its major. Double majors will need to complete the Requirement in both majors.

The Requirement norma lly should be attempted during the student'sjunior year, preferablydu ring the first semester. Studentswith j unior status should enro ll in at least one of the Writing Competency courses offered within their major (most departments will identify their Writing Competency courses in the Schedule of Classes) . Some departments require a stu- dent to submit a portfolio of written work co llected from sev- eral upper-d ivision courses. Students should consult their advisors about the department policy. Students might find it helpful to take their papers to the Wr iting Center in Suther- land Ha ll before submitting them to their departments. Several departments offer more than one Wri ting Com- petency course . If a swdent enrol ls in more than one Writ- ing Competency course, that student may choose the course in whi ch he or she will attempt to ful fi ll the Writi ng Compe- tency Requirement. Students who do not complete the Requirement during their first attemp t must enro ll in a second Writing Compe- tency course in their major. After a second fa ilure, students must take English 210 (Writing for Competency). Agrade of Ct or higher in this course will satisfy the Writing Compe- tency Requirement. Students cannot enro ll in Engli sh 210 until they have fail ed their department 's requirement twice. GRADUATION PETITION Graduating seniors must fil e a "Se ni or Petiti on" fo rm with th e Registrar's Offi ce and submit any departmental checkli sts one year prior to graduation. Students filing late will be charged a late graduati on petiti on fee. Alate petiti on is defin ed as any graduati on petition rece ived after classes begin in the sLUdent 's graduating semester. REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL BACCALAUREATE DEGREES I. All baccalaureate degrees require a minimum of 130 degree applicable units fo r graduation. Each major consists of a minimum of 30 uni ts of wh ich 24 must be upper divi- sion. The Bachelor of Music degree requires 142 units. A degree in bi ological science requires 135 units and nursing requires 142 un its. For specifi c major requirements please see indi cated major listi ngs. 2. Compl eti on of all academi c requirements and approval of th e student 's graduation petition by the major advisor and the Registrar's Offi ce a year befo re graduation. To ensure completion of degree requirements, the normal academi c load, during the last year, fo r a student anticipat- ing graduation is 18 uni ts. Those swdents who wish to take more are ex pec ted to notify th eir graduat ion coun se lor. Approval for the additional units beyond the norm will be made through the Registrar's offi ce. 3. A minimum of 30 units must be taken at Biola Uni- versity, at least 15 units (upper division level) in the major fi eld. Extension credit or credit by examinati on may not be used to fulfill th e minimum residence requirement of 30 semester uni ts. See paragraph fo r information on minors.

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