

and Graduation Requirements

same leve l. This applies 10 the second (or additional) degrees and double degrees taken at Biola for all graduate programs. HONORS AT COMMENCEMENT In recognition of high achievement, students with a GPA of 3.5 or higher 111th the appropriate number of resident units, are awarded honors. All honors are rounded to the thou- sandth for qualifica tion. Astudent must earn the designated GPA only on work completed at Biola University. Honors recognition for the graduati on ce remony is based upon the final GPAs for courses completed through the semester prior 10 graduation. Honors designated on the student's permanent record, are based on all resident coursework including the final semester. For more informati on, undergraduates need to check the Undergraduate Honors section of the catalog. Grad- uates should check their degree program in the catalog. COMMENCEMENT Al l degree requirements must be completed before the stu- dent may participate in commencement ceremonies. Those who complete their degree requirements during interterm or summer session must register in a nonresident status for the following semes ter, with graduation scheduled at the time of the nex t commencement. In such cases no tuition ischarged. It is expected that all graduating students will be present at commencement ceremoni es except in cases of ex treme emergencyor other similarlydifficult circumstances. Permis- sion to graduate in absentia must be secured from the Regis- trar's Office well in advance. SUMMARY OF UNIVERSITY ENROLLMENT FALL SEMESTER 1992

4. A minimum '·C" average (or a 2.00 grade point aver- age) is required on work taken al Biola Uni ve rsityand within most of th e maj or fi elds. (Note: GPA requirements are hi gher in some majors. See departmental requirements.) 5 All correspondence course work must be completed and an offi cial transcript received by the Registrar 's Office before th e seni or year, two semesters pri or LO graduation. 6. All course work during the final semester which will be applied toward graduation requirements must be taken at Bi ola Cniversity. 7. All students who have entered the Un iversity in the fall 1986 or later and who will be graduating in the spring 1990 or later must pass the Writing Competency Exam. Sj;erial NotP: All graduation requimnents may be met within four srhool yean by wnying a/J/noximatel)' 16 or 17 units each semes- ter. A studrnt may still be graduated within four ymrs if he wishes lo take a higher load and enroll in Summer Session and/or lnterterm. GRADUATE PROGRAMS Double Emphases Aminimum of 12 units must be taken that are unique to the second emphasis. (i. e., Talbot: a minimum of 78 units for two emphases in the M.A. and a minimum of 110 units for two emphases in the M.Div. degree) . All prerequisites, sup- porting cou rses, and departmen tal requirements fo r both of the emphases must be compl eted pri or LO the required single commencement. The studern must receive the approval of both the departments and approval of the Registrar's Office. Second Master's Degree Students seeking a second mas ter's degree must compl ete a minimum of 24 di stinct units in a second area of major study, (i.e., Talbot: a minimum of 90 uni ts for two M.A.s, and a minimum of 122 units for an M.D iv. and an M.A. are required for graduation with a second master 's degree ). All prerequisites, supporting courses and departmen tal require- ments for each degree must be completed prior to gradua- ti on. The student must receive approval from the appropri- ate academic depa rtment and from the Reg istrar 's Office. The student may choose to graduate 111th both degrees at one commencement or different commencements. REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL GRADUATE DEGREES See individual degree programs for specifi c requirements for graduati on . I. Co mpl e ti on of all academic requirements and approval of the sLUdent 's graduati on pet ition by the major advisor and the Registrar 's Office a year before graduati on. 2. All course work during the final semester which will be appli ed LOwa rd graduation requirements must be taken at Biola Uni ve rsity. 3. A minimum of twenty-four (24) units must be taken at Biola ni ve rsity in the degree program. 4. Aminimum of twenty-four (24) distinct units must be completed at Biola in any additional graduate degree at the

Undergraduate Programs Classzjication




39 1 237 299 25 1

219 175 209 178

560 412 508 429



.Juniors Sen iors




Special StudenL1

11 8



Adult Degree Program Engli sh Language Inst.








Graduate Programs Classification







Special (Credential)

485' 1'





46 78

.':iO 90











Grand Total

*not including 89 in Doctor ofMinistry program.

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