••••••••••••••••••• Academic and Behavioral Standards
or more who receive a 2.0 current GPA or less wi ll be consid- ered fo r academic disqualification. APPEALS Appeal must be submitted in writing to the Registrar's Office and must include explanation of why minimum acade- mic requirements were not met and whyan exception is war- ranted. Appeals must be received within three weeks of not i- fi cation that the student is on academic probation or has fa iled to mee t academic probationary requirements. Appeals which cannot be resolved with the Registrar's Office will be refer red to the Academic Standards Committ ee or th e appropriate graduate faculty committee. FINANCIAL AID Failure to compl ete the required units or maintain a GPA as outlined in the Statement of Satisfactory Academ ic Progress will result in fin ancial aid probationa l)' status. For additi onal information on Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy see Financial Informati on Sec ti on. FINANCIAL AID APPEALS Appeals must be submitted in writing to the Financi al Aid Office and must include explanation of why minimum aid requirements were not met and why an exception is war- ranted. Appeals must be received within th ree weeks of noti- fi cat ion that the SLt1dent is on financial aid proba tion or has failed to meet fin ancial aid probational)' requirements. ATHLETICS AND EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Students not making satisfactory progress will be consid- ered ineligibl e for athletic competition and ex tracurricular activities. Th e studen t on academi c probation may be all owed to compete or parti cipate upon review by the Acade- mic Standards Committee. Extracurricular ac tiviti es include: student gove rnment , fore nsic teams, gospel teams, band, choral e, intercoll egiate athl eti cs and other faculty sponsored organi za tion s. For appeal procedures, see the appeal proce- dure outlined under appeals section above. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY As a Christ ian in st itution , Biol a University is especiall y concerned that sound moral l'alues are practiced in all areas of university life. Honesty in academic work is essential for personal growth and an ethica l life pleasing to Goel. Academic dishonesty is considered a serious offense, and will be handled by incl iviclual facu lty in various ways includ- ing lowered grades or possible loss of course credit. The fac- ulty member will work with the Dean for Student Affairs to consider further cli sci plinal)' action , including dismissal. A full statement concern ing academic dishonestycan be found in the Undergraduate Student Handbook.
Full-Time Undergraduate Students Satisfactory academic progress toward a baccalaureate degree as a full-time undergraduate slUdent is obtained by compl eting 12 or more units per semester or 24 or more un its per academic year while maintaining a cumulative GPA of 2.0 Repea ted co ur ses prev iousl y passed cannot be count ed toward minimum satisfactory academic progress req ui reme nt s. Th e student must complete th e degree requirements within the period of time required when pro- gressing at the minimum full-time rate. For exampl e, in a program requiring 130 units progressing at 12 units, a stu- dent wo uld have 11 semesters to complete the program. Full-Time Graduate Students Satisfactory academic progress toward a graduate degree as a ful l-time graduate student is obtained by compl eting nine or more un its per semester or 18 or more uni ts per aca- demic year while maintaining the minimum cumulative GPA spec ifi ed by the program requirements in which the student is enroll ed. Repeated courses previously passed cannot be counted towa rd minimum sa ti sfac tory academic progress requir eme nts. Th e student must complete th e degree requirements within the peri od of time required when pro- gressing at the minimum full-time rate. For example, in a program requiring 96 units progressing at nine units, a stu- dent wou ld have 11 semesters to compl ete the program. Part-Time Students Satisfactory academic progress toward a degree fo r a part-time student is obtained bycomp leting six or more uni ts per semester and mainta ins a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 for the undergraduate and the minimum program require- ment for the graduate student. Repeated cou rses previously passed cannot be counted toward minimum sa ti sfacto ryacad- emi c progress requirements. The student must complete the degree req uirement s within a maximum of three years beyond tha t required for a full -time student. Exceptions Exceptions to these standards are di scussed under any
applicable degree program. ACADEMIC PROBATION
Any student failing to maintain the minimum grade point average as outlined in the Statement of Sati sfacton· Academic Progress will be placed on academi c probation. Should the student not mee t the minimum cumulative GPA at the encl of two consecu til'e semeste rs of academic proba- ti on , the appropriate faculty committee will consider the sw- dent for academic disqualifi cation. Any undergraduate stu- dent taking six semester hours or more who receives less than a 1.0 current GPAwill be considered for academic dis- qualifi ca tion. Graduate studen ts carq,ing six semes ter hours
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