

COMMUNITY AGREEMENTS The Unive rsity has chosen to set a standard of behavior for all slllclents, facu lt)' and stafT. In add iti on to those behav- iors and attitudes whi ch th e Scri pt ures specifica lly praise or condemn, the Board of Trustees has adopted the fo llowing statemen t of commu nity agreements wh ich are a require- ment fo r membershi p in the Bi ola communi ty. Bio/a Univmity has long rerogniud a value in maintaining cntain behavioral strmdrmls that rontribute lo the atmosphere on mm/ms, foster fellowshi/J with a wide range of C/uistians and, in 1111my imtances, assist in strengthening our Christian testimony to our community. In this light, Bio/a University asks both its students and nn/Jloyees to be su/J/Jortive of these behavioral standards. 71zis institution is for eamesl C/11istia.ns who are sensitive lo till' many Jnincipll's of C/uistian living that arefound in the Bible. '!tie imtitution aLw stales certain s/Jecijir guidelines for the ronduct of the Board of Trustees, faculty, staff and students. Although such regula- tiom are not the basis of our standing in Christ, and are not a neces- smy comequence of ii, they can be beneficial lo the life and testimony of both the individual and the institution. Tothis end, Bio/a ex/Jects the Board of T111stees, faculty, staffand students to refrain from the use of alroholir beverages and tobacco and from gambling. Also, Bio/a does not allow social dancing at univmity-related or s/Jonsoml artivities (that is, at any activity thal involves any identijiabiR university grou/J, is publicized on campus, and/or has the ap/Jea,an ce of being 1rnive,c sity related, whether he/ii on or off campus) . Further; the Bomrt'of Trustees, facuily, staff and students aff ex/Jerted to exercise discem- men t so as to abstain from all activities that tend lo be morally degrad- ing; this includes but is not limited to individual decisions regrmling movies and television programs viewed 11nd other entertainment, 1rrre- ational and social 11rtivilies. Bio/a Univmity does not /mSll me to be 11 CPnsming agenryfor all activities; it does, howevei; expect /11ng,ble evi- dence ofmatwing Cluistian ronvirtions and discemingjudgment. Bio/a reserves the 1ight to dismiss a student, who, in its judg- ment does not ronfonn either to thestated regulalions goveming stu- dent rondurl or to the expressed /Hinci/Jles, poliries, /Jrog,arm and ex/Jeriat ions of the Univmity. Thes1' standards 11/J/Jly lo the student while enrolled in any of the srhooL1 or /Hograms of the University on ram/ms and off cam/ms. Further, Ihm standards apply to the Board of T111stees, fam ily 1111d staffwhile part of the Bio/a rommunity. In 11ddition, members of the Bio/a rommunity will obse,ve S1111- d11y 11s the l.ord's Day 11nd give /J1ima1y auention to worshi/J, mt, Christian fellowshi/J and recreation, and semire. The Studen t Handbook of each school of the Un iversity clesoibes the 1muor assumptions, biblical p1inciples and general principles upon which the Community Agreemen ts are based. Out of these also come such clay to cla)' issues as approp1iate dress fo r the classroom. In additi on to describing acti1iti es, smices and the ni l'ersity's spi,itual life goals, tJ1e handbooks are also a resource fo r community ac tivities and seni ces. Copies of the Undergraduate Studen t Handbookare avai lable on request From the Student Affai rs ofli ce. Graduate students may obtain copies of their handbooks from their respective graduate schools.


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