••••••••• Student Services
Bi ola recognizes Lhat education does not Lake place excl t~ sively in the classroom; raLher, the indi11dual student is viewed as a "whole person" and we are commi tted to c01iu-ibuting to his or her development in the soc ial, personal, physical and spiritual areas of li fe, as we ll as in the academic area. Toward that end, several departments are devoted to this emphasis. The Student Affairs Departmem is responsi ble for programs and ac tirit.ies both in the residence halls and throughout Lh e campus community. Al so, theysupen1se such areas as career planning, di scipli ne, ad11sement to the student organiza tions, newstuden t orientation, learning skills developmem, ethn ic and internati onal studem relations and campus safety. The Auxi liary Se rvices Department is responsibl e fo r the busin ess management of the residence facilities, food sen1ces, health services, the bookstore, the dupli cating center, and the sched- uli ng of facilities fo r Biola's various non-academi c programs. RESIDENCE LIFE The residence halls are more than a place for students to sleep and study. We also see the halls as a place fo r a person to develop in all areas of his or her li fe . For this reason programs and staff are ava il able to provide an environmen t fo r such growth. We see the residence halls as an exciti ng, challenging pl ace to li re. Resident Directors and Resident AssisLants are avai lable in each hall to serve as a resource fo r students. THE RESIDENCE HALLS Most rooms accommodate two students and are equi pped with indi11dual studydesks, single beds, indi,~dual closets and a chest of drawers. Each residence hall has laundry rooms equipped with metered washing machines and dryers. Students are expected to supply their own li nens (sheets, pillowcases , towe ls, blankets , pillow, and bedspreads) and elec tric irons. No cooki ng equipmen t is all owed in the resi- dence hall rooms. ON-CAMPUS APARTMENTS Two on-campus apartment buildings are ava il abl e for occupancy by Biola sLudents. Two-bedroom apartments may be rented by single students 21 years of age or older. Each apartment will be occupi ed by four persons, two per bed- room. One-bedroom apartments designed for occupancy by two persons, are ava il able primaril y fo r marri ed students. In fo rmati on on deposits and ren tal rates may be obtained
All uni ve rsity res idence hall s will be closed ove r the Christmas holiday. International students or other students with extreme circumstances requiring them to remain in res- idence during this period should contact the Housing Man- ager in Student Affairs earlyin the fall semester to make nec- essaq•arrangements. HOUSING RESERVATION All accepted applicants who indicate that they want hous- ing will be sent a housing in fo rmati on card by the Admi s- sions Offi ce alongwith their noti ce of acceptance. This card must be fill ed out and returned to the Admi ssions offi ce with a $100 housing deposit and the required $100 enrollment deposit. No roomcan be reserved without Lhis deposit. Appli cants who have paid the $100 room rese rvati on deposit and are unabl e to li ve in the residence halls may request a refund of thi s deposit if the Housing Manager has been notified in writing. The Housing Manager must receive Lhis notifica tion prior toJuly 15 for the fall semester or prior to December 15 fo r Lh e spring semester. Failure to noti fy the Housing Manager by the designaled dales will result in for- feiture of the deposit. CONTINUING STUDENTS: PROCEDURE FOR RESERVING CAMPUS HOUSING Continuing on-campus students desiring to reserve on- campus housing fo r the fall must sign up fo r the room of their choice accord ing to th e rese rva ti on schedul e in the spring. Commuter students desiring to li ve on campus need to contact the HousingManager. COMMUTER STUDENTS Students who li ve off campus are an important part of our uni ve rsity community. Because it may take more effort fo r commuter students to feel a part of a uni versity commu- nity, commuter students are stronglyencouraged to interact with those students living in residence halls and to partici- pate in student life on campus. Involvement in clubs and leadership opportunities is stronglyencouraged. For under- graduate students, the Student Senate and the Student Rela- tions Board have designated positions whi ch provide repre- sentational status for commuters. Information and services fo r commuter students, including commuter hostel housing, are hand led through the Student Affairs Offi ce and th e Department of Auxili ary Sen•ices. FOOD SERVICE Biola provides an excell ent food sen•ice for all students. Awide va ri ety of entri es, sandwi ches , soups, fr esh fruits, bread, beverages, and desserts is offered. The food se,vice dietician will work out individual programs fo r students with special dietary requirements or weight reduction programs prescribed bya physician. Avari ety ofmeal plansare available. All undergraduate res- ident students are required to choose either a 10-, 12-, 15-, or
from the Auxiliaq•Services Offi ce. RESIDENCE REQUIREMENTS
Al l unmarried freshmen, sophomores and juniors under 21 years of age and not living 111th Lheir parents are expected to li ve in the residence halls if theyare enrolled for IO units or more. Seni ors and postgraduate students may li ve in resi- dence halls or apartments on a space-available basis. Requests for excepLions are to be directed in writing to the Housing Manager in Student Affairs. All students living in residence halls are required to participate in the food sen1ce program.
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