

••••••••• Special Programs

r BIOLA-ISRAEL Bi ola-lsrael is designed fo r th e se rious student , commit- ted lo Christ and to building meaningful relati onships with oth ers. Students are not limited by academi c major, per- so nal bac kground or profess ional goal s. Th e program includes eight units of undergraduate credit Study begins with a campus-based class during the fall semester, involving guest lecturers, special fi eld trips, and a weekend workshop. This is done in preparation fo r the abroad fi eld studies "on- site" in the Holy Land during the .January imerterm. With this combination, the Bible as well as the morning newspaper comes alive as one traces the routes of biblical charac ters in conjunction with modern events. While trave ling the length and breadth of the counli)', sltldents actually mee t the peo- ple who li ve today around the ancient sites of Capernaum, th e Sea of Galil ee, Naza reth , Joppa, Jeri cho, Jerusa lem, Masada, th e Dead Sea, Bee rsheba, th e pl ace of Israel's wilderness wa nderings, Eilat, the Red Sea, and manymore. Direc ted by bibli ca l studi es professo r Ron Pi erce, thi s unique u·avel-study opportunity provides a thoroughly inte- grated learning experi ence. In the course of study the ce n- tral topi c of "Israe l" is approached from the va ing perspec- ti ves of bibli cal studi es, hi stori cal geography, interculltlral studies, histo r (ancient and modern ) and politi ca l science . You will even sharpen your skills in interpersonal relation- ships (small group dynami cs) and , at the same time, ge t inLO shape phys ically fo r some ve l)' challengi ng hikes. With this in min d, th e fo llowing combined fall-interterm curriculum package was designed, whi ch may be coumed LOward gradua- ti on requirements in all degree programs. Fall Semester: BBST 465 IS Integ Sem: Israel/ Middl e Eas t 3 uni ts An approved Physical Education class from the regul ar schedul e ln tertenn: BBST 311 IS Biblical Background 3 units PEED 11 0 IS PE Skills/ Tech: Conditioning I uni t r Though seeking to keep costs as low as possible, personal safety and quality education are our primary considerati ons. Because tuiti on, fees, tex tbooks, room, board, air and land expenses are all incl uded in a program package, it costs linl e more LO study abroad than taking the same uni ts whil e living on campus during the regular semester and interterm. An information packet (including many "ques ti ons and answers" about the program, a preliminary itinera1r and an appli ca- ti on fo rm) is availabl e in the Bi ola-Israe l offi ce in Feinberg Hall. Appli cati ons should be submiued along with a deposit early in the spring semester prior LO preregistration for fall cl asses. Acceptance is on a first-come basi s as far as the maxi- mum class size of 30 students allows. For furth er in fo rma- ti on, contact Dr. Ron Pi erce at ex tension 4821 or 48 19.

AMERICAN STUDIES PROGRAM The Ameri can Studies Program is sponsored by the Chris- tian College Coalition of which Biola University is a member. This semester-long program is based in WashingLOn , D.C., and provides study/ imernship opportuniti es fo r junior or seni or level students in most of the majors. For additi onal in formation see the Political Science section, or make inqui q' with Dr. David Peters in the Department of Political Science. BIOLA·BAJA Biola-Baja is a three-week lnterterm fi eld trip to Baja Cali - fo rni a, Mexico, LO study the natural hi sLOryof the Baja penin- sula. The program uses the Vermili on Sea Fi eld Stati on in Bahia de Los Angeles on the Sea of Cortez as a base of opera- tions. Students receive 3 units of either general educa tion sci- ence credi t (Bio 120 Currelll Topi cs - Plant and An ima l Studies) or upper division bi ology electi ve credit (Bi o 333 Natural Histo1 1 of B,~a Ca li fo rni a) by studying the sys temat- ics, distribution, beha1~or and ecology of common plants and animals in a fi eld setting. An emphasis is placed on desert eco logy, bird and whale migrat ions and natural reso urce management. Enrollmen t is limited Lo 20 students who must be in good health and physical condi tion. The trip fee cove rs the cost of food, camping, boat use, field station remal, and transportation. For additional in fo rmation and an appli ca- tion see Dr. Rafe Payne, D'epanmelll of Biological Science. LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES PROGRAM The Latin Ameri can Studies Program is sponsored by the Chri stian Coll ege Coaliti on, of whi ch Bi ola Uni versity is a member. This programprovides students the opportunity LO li ve , sLUdy and work fo r fo ur momhs in Cemral Ameri ca, most ofwhich is spem in Costa Ri ca. Students spend the ini tial six-weeks in intense language study. This is foll owed with two three-week seminars on the probl ems of CentralAmeri ca and soc ial and economi c deve l- opment issues. The final month is spent in travel th rough Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, safe typermitting. For additi onal info rmation and appli ca tion see Dr . David Di ckson, or make inquiry th rough the Department of For- eign Languages. BIOLA·CHINA The Biola in China is an Interterm educati onal program designed LO give Biola students a comprehensive introduc- tion to modern Chinese society. Parti cipants trave l to China, usuall y vi a Hong Kong, for a three week tour lo hi stori c, archaeological and sceni c sites. Lec tures and di scussions concerning China's historic development and emergence as a nation in the modern world are arranged utilizing Chinese professors as lec ture rs. Biola credit is offered for compl eti on of the course requirements associated with th e study tour. Pre-tour preparati on sessions are held in the fall semester fo r parti cipants in the program. Second semester sophomore

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