standing and a prerequisite course in Asian history or Chi- nese society is normally required. For additional information and appli cations on the pro- gram see Dr. Donald E. Douglas, Dean, Schoo l of lmercul- tu ral Studies. AU SABLE INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Bi ola University is a participating member of Au Sable Insti tute, a Christian envi ron mental stewardship insti tute, whose mi ssion is to bring healing and wholeness to the bi os- phere and the who le of creation. In a seni ng of northern Michigan forests , wet lands, lakes and rivers, students take courses, gain field experience, and deve lop practical tools for environmental stewardship. Several courses offered in the summer and interterm maybe used fo r upper di11sion elective units in the biology major. Financial assistance is avai lable from Au Sable. In terested students shou ld obtain in fo rmation and fo rms from the Department of Biological Sciences. LOS ANGELES FILM INSTITUTE In additi on to ou r film production courses offe red on campus, Biola is ab le to offer a full semes ter of intensive schooling in film through the Los Angeles Film Studies Pro- gram of the Christian College Coalition. Students live and study in the Holl )~vood area for one semester. For addit ional information and appli ca ti on see Dr. Tom Nash , or make inquiry th rough the Department of Communi cation. ENGLAND SEMESTER Bi ola, in coope ration with the Uni ve rsity of Sheffield, offe rs the opportunity for a fa ll term of swdy in the nited Kingdom. Appl icati on and payment of LUition and room and board are made through Biola. The appli calll must be a jun ior or se ni or st ud ent with a 3.0 GPA and must be approved by the department of the studen t's major, the coor- dinator of the program , and the University of Sheffield. Students who are accepted li ve in Sheffie ld university housing and take 3 or 4 courses in the regu lar university cur- ri culum. One of the courses wi ll be taught by a facu ltymem- ber designated by Biola and wil l be designed for the Biola students but may be open to other Shefli eld students also . Those swdents majoring in bibli cal studies, English, and his- LOI) ' will find programs wh ich are most relevant to Biola's needs; howeve r, courses could also be taken in archaeology, chemistry, language and linguistics, economi cs, mathematics, music , psyc hology, sociology, and advanced language. Because of the nature of British higher education , students are expected to take their courses in no more than one or two departments. The programgives the student the opportuni ty to experi- ence the British lecture and tutorial sys tem first-hand, as we ll as enjoy the unique historical and cultural environment of the British Isles. Student are given an orientation at the Un i- ve rsity of Sheffi eld before starting tl1eir term of study. The facultymember designated byBiola to teach the Biola course
wi ll mentor the studen ts wh ile at Sheffie ld, providing counsel and guidance throughout the term. The stud ent s who parti cipate in th e program are expected to abide by the rul es and regu lations of the Univer- sity of Sheffi eld; in additi on, th ey are expected to maintain Bi ola's code of conduct as they wou ld on the La Mirada cam- pus. At the end of the term the Uni versity of Sheffield will forward th e student 's transc rip t to Bi ola where it will be interpreted in light of our American grading system. An yone wishing add itional information should apply to the Coordi nator of the University of Sheffield Year Abroad Program in the English Department. OTHER STUDY TOURS Along with these regularlyschedul ed programs, there are often other opportunities for study and trave l. For instance, during th e pas t few years Biola has sponsored a summer study tour in the former Soviet Union. Also, Biola occasion- ally offers students the chance to attend fo reign universities as exchange students. On occasion, students can apply for exchange programs at Yonse i Uni versity, Han Nam Un iver- sity, and Seoul Women's University in Korea as we ll as at Tokyo Chri stian Uni ve rsity in Japan. Nursing majors fre- quently have spec ial study opportuniti es in Alaska and Ecuador. Biola students are also eligible to apply for pro- grams sponspored bythe Christian College Coalition, such as the program at the Center for Med ieval and Renaissance Studies in Oxford, England. Fo r information abou t which trave l programs are currently offered, pl ease contact th e
Office of Admissions. SUMMER SESSION
Acontinuing Summer Session program pro11des students 111th the opportunity for a greater degree of fl exibility in plan- ning their total program. Students may enrich their course of studyand reduce the overall time spent in school or decrease their regular course load by careful selection of Summer Ses- sion courses. Visiting students find it refreshing to study in a different atmosphere and perh aps a different locale, and entering students find it helpful in gaining advanced standing. Work taken maybe applied to both the degree and the teach- ing credential programs. Instruction is offered in standard courses by the Biola facultyand capable vis iting professors. Courses offered cover the areas of an , Bible, theo logy, history, literature, mathematics, philosophy, psychology, bi o- logical science, sociology and other subjects, including edu- ca tion courses fo r teaching credential candidates. Gradua te courses in theology and psychology enable graduate students to continue their programs during the summer. Credit is also avai lable in connection with excell ent foreign tours con- duc ted during the summer. Tuiti on , room and board are lower than regular charges at private colleges; to tal costs are competitive wi th state summer school charges. See sec tion on finan cial in formation for Summer Session tuiti on.
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