1 To fac ilitate th e completi on of graduati on and also to all ow exposure to creati ve learning and to enri ch swdents' academic programs, the Uni ve rsity provides an Imerterm pro- gram in January. Resident hall rooms are pro ded at no extra charge fo r on-<:ampus fall sLUdents who occupya roomduring the spring semester. All other students auending lnLerterm are charged a prorated weekly rate. Separate pri ces will be al'ail abl e fo r mea ls during lnterterm. Tuition charges are about one half of the regular school year charge. (Graduate courses excepted.) A balanced programofgeneral education, Bible, elective and graduate courses isoffered on campus. Opportunities also 11111 be given to participate in u-;i1·el and other non-u-aditional courses. Class schedules for Imerterm will be available Ap1il I. For further information, please 11~ite to the director of lnterterm. ARMY ROTC 1 The Anny Reserve Officer Training Corps progrnm is avail- abl e LO all qualified students of Biola Uni versity th rough the Military Science Departmelll of UCIA. ArmyROTC trains stu- dents to be commi ssioned offi cers in the US Army, the US Army Reserl'e, or the Nati onal Guard. This training includes an in-<lepth studyof the militaryestablishmem, milita •hist01 1·, tactics, leadership principles, management and many other basic skills necessa1)' to build motivated, effecti ve leaders. Programs The military science curriculum is divided inLo two parts. Basic Course is the first two years of lower division studydur- ing whi ch swdents compl ete 12 uni ts of leadership classes. Adl'anced Course is the last two years of upper divi sion study consisting of 14 units of leadership classes, and a six week summer camp typi ca ll y betwee n j uni or and se ni or years. Ce rtain courses or wo rkshops may be offered in the sum- mer that are not listed in thi s bull etin. Courses may be inno- vative or the content may be in response to specialized needs or current topi cs. Such courses will be described in the sepa- rate Summer Session bull etin . Reques ts fo r th e Summer Sess ion bull etin (al'ailabl e about 'v1 arch IS) and appli cati on forms fo r admi ssion should be addressed to the Offi ce of Admi ssions. Admi ssion to tJ1 e summer program does not presuppose or grant acceptance to the Uni ve rsity for the regular school yea r. SUMMER INSTITUTE OF LINGUISTICS AT BIOLA In cooperation with the Summer Institute of Li nguisti cs and Wycliffe Bi ble Translators, USA, the University offers and intensive 18-week program for students planning to work in cross cu ltural mi ssions. The 21-unit program , availabl e fo r either undergraduate or graduate credit, combines fi ve courses in descriptive linguisti cs and two anthropology courses. Interested sLUdents should contact the lntercul tural Swd- ies Department for additional information. INTERTERM
(Cadets rece ive an allowance fo r trave l expenses and are paid fo r attending this camp. ) Students who did not enroll in Army ROTC as a fresh- ·man or a sophomore can receive equivalent credit in seve ral different ways (see Two-Year Programbelow). Admi ssion to the Advanced Course is limited to students who meet all academi c and ph ysical requirements. Studen ts in thi s course rece ive a subsistence all owance of $ I00 a month for IO months during each of the two academic years, plus military servi ce books and uniforms. After completi on of the Advanced Course and college, students are el igible to be commi ssioned as second lieutenants in one of the Army's 17 specialty areas in either the Army 1ati onal Guard , Army Resen 1 e, or ac ti ve Anny. Students' desires are a major fac tor in determiningwhich service option is se lec ted. The active duty obligation fo r those swdents selected to emer the I ati onal Guard or Army Rese rve is typi cally fo ur momhs. Students entering the Active Armyserve longer peri- ods. ROTCstudents desiring to obtain advanced degrees may be granted a delay in reporting to their initial assignmenL. Scholarship Scholarships are available on a national and regional basis. Two and three year scholarships are ava ilable on a competitil'e basis to anyqualified student of Biola Uni versitywho desires to compete. An Armyscholarship will pay for most tuiti on costs, school supplies, and pro11de a monthlysubsistence alloll'ance of SI 00. The scholarship competiti on is conducted fr om November th rough February during the school year prior to when the scholarship would go in to effec t. Winners are announ ced in May and June, and the scholarship becomes effecti ve at the start of the foll owing Fall term. Two Year Program This program is designed fo r students who receive place- ment credi t for two years of ROTC. Placement credit may be given for avarie~•of conditions. Included are: completing three years of high school ROTC; attending a special Basic Course summer camp; joining the Army Reserves or National Guard; prior military sm1ce on ac til'e du~• (veternns may receive \'A benefits concurrentlywith Advance Course benefits ); and by completing two years of college levelAir Force or Na1y ROTC. Extra Curricular Cadets in Army ROTC are eligibl e to parti cipate in a wide vari ety of ex tra-curricul ar ac ti viti es . Incl uded are repelling, land navigati on, parachu ting, and other advenLure opportuni ties. Further Information Biola Uni versity students who desire more informati on regarding this programmaywrite: Departmelll of MilitaryScience Uni versityof Cali fo rnia, LosAngeles
405 Hilgard (Men' sGym) Los Angeles, CA 90024-1609 or call (3 10) 825-7384/ 7381.
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