

AIR FORCE ROTC Th rough arrangement with Californi a State Uni versity, Long Beach, (CSULB) both th e two-year and four-year Ai r Fo rce Reser\'e Offi cers Training Co rps (AFROTC) programs arc ava ilabl e to all qualified studems. Academic units earned in this program are counted as elec ti ve units toward fulfill- ment of graduati on requirements. Successful compl etion of the AFROTC program leads to a commi ssion as an offi ce r in the United Sta tes Ai r Force. Those students who quali fy and desire to enter Ai r Force pilot training will be give n 0ight instructi on in either the two or four year program. Competi- ti1c scholarships are ava il able to qualifi ed students. All schol- arship students rece ive tuition, laboratory and book fees, and $ I 00 a month . Students on scholarship must successfully complete courses in English compositi on, mathemati cal rea- soning and fo reign language. For additi onal in fo rmation con tact the Department of Aerospace Studi es (AFROTC) at Cali fo rni a State Uni ve rsity, Long Beach, CA 90840-5503, (3 10) 985-5743.


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