Studems with a 3.70 GPA are graduated 1\!lagna Cum Laude. Students with a 3.90 GPA are graduated Summa Cum Laude. In order to graduate with honors from Biola University, at least 60 units must be earned in residence al th is school. Aselect group of graduating seniors are chosen each year LO membership in Epsilon Kappa Epsilon , the baccalaureate honor society of Biola University. Membership is limited LO no more than 5% of the graduating class. To be eligi ble for membership, a studemmust have a GPA of3.50 or higher and must have com- pleted 80 credit units al Biola prior to the semester of gradua- tion. Final selec tion is based upon scholasti c performance, Christian 11~uiess and conu·ibutions to the Biola community. BIBLICAL STUDIES AND THEOLOGY REQUIREMENT Bi ola University is commiued to a strong biblical empha- sis. A firm fou ndation in the word of God is imperati ve for all God 's servants, regardl ess of the ministry th ey may enter. Thirty units of bibli cal studies and theo logy must be included in the program of each student. Each studem must take al least one course each semester until the requiremem has been fu lfilled. The following are required: Foundational Courses BBST IO I Foundations of Christian Thought 3 BBi.£ 110 NewTestamem History & LiteraLUre 3 BBL.£ 120 Old Testament History 3 BBL£ 121 Old Testament Literature 3 Intermediate Courses BBL£ 200 Early Christian HistOl)' -Acts 3 BBST 25 1 Chri stian Thought I 3 BBST 252 Christian Thought II 3 Elective Courses BBST 300/ 400 El ec ti ve 3 BBST 300/ 400 Elective 3 BBST 46:i Integration Seminar 3 Nolf: Studmts who Sfiffl a liberal arts ma;or may count only a total of 30 units of bibliral studifs and lhfolof!J toward lhf required units for a ri ff/PP. (Bibliml studi fs and Cluislian fliucalion 111a1ors may roun / unlimilfd biblical st.udifs or tluology units toward the requiml units for a degrfe.) '/11.e maximum limit for recognized ror- rfs/1ondmrf roums in Bible is six units. Part-ti111e studmts (less than 12 nnits /in semesln) are required lo inrludf al least onf bibliml studifs and theology cowJe within each 15 units romplelfd al Biol(/ Un ivmity unless the 30 units require- mm/ has bfen 111el. Part-time students seeking a deg,ff from Biola Univmity mus/ rom/1lete /h f enlil'f rfquiremen l as outlined above. GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENT It is th e purpose of the general education requiremem Lo introduce the swdent to areas of study that mature the mind , open new vistas of apprec iation and understanding, enrich social relationships, and develop skills and aptitudes that can aid the student in further ing his personal and soc ial useful- ness. Since it is the purpose of a liberal arts education LO cre- ate a broad base upon which to build one's cominuing edu- ca tion , the student is allowed to select from the fo ll owing courses Lo build his own base in the liberal arts.
UniversityLife I unit required (Not counted tuward total number ofunits for gmdualion. i?fquired ofall new studentsand students lmnsfmingwilh I I units or less.) Communication 3 units required Foreign Language 12 units required English 6 units required Literature 3 uni ts required FineArts 3 units required Histor)' 8 units required Philosophy 3 uni ts required Physical Educa tion 4 uni ts required Behavioral Science 3 uni ts required Science/ Mathemati cs 8 units required The courses that meet the general education require- ment arc the fo ll owing: Communication 3 units Any one of the fo llowing will meet this requiremem: COMM 100 Introduction to Publi cCommunication
COMM 170 Small Group Communica tion COMM 181 In troduction LO Argumentation and Debate COMM 220 Voice and Art iculati on COMM 280 Oral In terpretation Foreign Language
12 units
If you have completed: (of the same language)
You wi ll be req uired to take:
(of the same language) BA *BS
12 uni ts 4 units Elememar,' I and 2 and first semester lmermediate
I year high school
8 units None Elementary2and first semester Intermediate
2 )'Cars high school
4 units None First semester Imermediate
3)'ears high school
4 )'ears high school None *Conversational language courses may be used toward thP13. S. requirement btil not the B.A. rfquiremenl. If you lake a dassiwl language for your foreign language you must lake it through the 102 level for a B.S. deg,ee. None Student\ with two years of a high school language must take the I02 and 20 I sections of the same language in order LO com- plete the B.A. requirement. If the student needs Lo re11ew p1ior coursework, he should either audit 101 or fo,feit all pre1ious lan- guage expe,ience bytaking the first semester course for credit. Exceptions Lo this polic)' arc noted under the appropriate departments (please note the unit difference per semester for classical languages). International sLUdents for whom English is a second language need not take a foreign language under cer- tain circumstances. In addition , swdents who have acquired a second language 111thout taking high school or college classes in it ma)' be eligible for a waiver of the requirement. (For ad11se- ment see the Foreign Language Department. ) All non-native s/1eakers of /:'nglish will be able to count 12 units of /:SI, insll'Uction (both /:'U and_ /:'Si, courses al the 102 /evel and above) Iowan/ gmdua-
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