

substituted in lil'lt of Hist01y JOO, Hist01y 200 and Political Science 200. Apt1rop11a/e 11p/1er division co1ml'lvo rk is determined in ron- sultation with tlw Hist01y department. Philosophy 3 units Anyone of the fo llowing will mee t this requirement: PHIL 210 Introduction LO Logic PHIL 211 Introduction LO Ancient Philosophy PH IL 212 Introduction LO Mediel'al Philosophy PHIL 213 Introduction LO Modern Philosophy PH IL 214 Introducti on to Philosoph)' PHIL 215 Introduction LO Elh ics Physical Education 4activities Each student under 21 )'ears of age at time of entrance to Biola is required to complete fo ur semesters of ph)'sical edu- cation LO be eligible for graduati on. Selec t from ski ll class (110, 130, 140, 150) Students tuming 21 d111111gtheirjirsl semes- ter of enro/hnenl are exempt. No ac ti vity ma)' be taken more than once for genera l education purposes, however, an intermediate or advanced class may be taken . Students 21 or becoming 21 duri ng their first semester at Biola Universit)' are exempt fr om ph )'sical educa tion requirement. (See the ph)'sical education section fo r complete information.) Behavioral Science 3 units ln tercultural Studies 300, Ps)'chology 200 or Sociology 220. Check the catalog LO determine whi ch majors require Psychology 200 as a suppon course. No te: Psychology 200 is requi red for all majors leading to a leaching mdential. Science/Mathematics 8units Eight units are required in science and / or mathematical sciences. Compmer Science courses ma)' not be used to ful- fill the Science/ Mathematics requirement. A minimum of three units in math and three uni ts in science is required. Bi ology I 00 with l IOand Ph)'sical Sc ience IO I have both been designed for the student with a limited background in science. The courses in Science/ Mathemati cs approved for Gene ral Education credit are: Options: Biology: l00, II 0, 111 , I 20 , 130, 290 Chemisuy 100, IOI , 105

lion. For st11dents /mrsuing the 13.A. degree, the 12 units of ESL will satisjj, thefo1rig11 language 1equirnnent. For students pursuing the 13.S. 1ifgire, four 11nits will satis}! theforeigi1 language requimnent, and an additional eight units can be rountnl as elective.s. English 6units ENGL l l0A/ B Studi es in Criti cismand Composition Students with a SAT of less than 400 must take and pass Basic English Workshop within the first year of residence (befo re English I 10). If a stud ent wishes to chall enge his/ her SAT score he/ she may take the English Placeme Ill Test administered by the English Department at the begin- ning of each semester. If he/ she fa ils th is test, he/ she must take Basic English Workshop, Engl ish 090 (three semes ter hours with no credit toward graduation). ,\ 'ote: lntemationa/ st11dents, please see the English section of thuatalogfor f nglish 103, /05, 107, and 109. Literature 3 units ENGL 250 Literature in Con text ENGL 25 1 English Literawre LO 1798 ENGL 252 Engli sh Literature since 1798 Studen ts may take any one of the above courses to fu lfill th e literature requirement. With the English Department chair 's permission, the student may substitute any upper divi- sion literature course from English or fo reign languages. Fine Arts 3 units Any one of the fo ll owing will meet this requ irement: ARTS I00 Art Appreciation ARTS I 06 Art of the Past ARTS 130 Introduction to Studio Ans COMM 160 Introduc tion to Drama MUSC IOI Introduction LO Music History 8units To fu lfill the eight-unit histo1 1• requirement, Hiswry I 00 is required as well as either Hi sLOI)' 200 or Politi cal Science 200. Hisl01)' I 00 The West and the World (4 units required) Students who may have completed three units of World Civili za ti on are advised LO take HisLOI)' I IO Perspec ti ves on Western Civiliza ti on ( I unit). History 200 United States History (4 units required) or Poli tical Survey ofAmerican Government Science 200 ( 4 units required) Students who may have completed three units of Un ited Sta tes Hi stOJ)' or United States Government are advised to take Hiswry 210, Perspectives on Ameri can Hi stOI)' (1 unit) or Poli tical Science 210, Perspectives on American Government ( I unit ) LO complete the requirement. Note: An altemate route for meeting the 1'Pljltirement for Hist01y I 00, His/01)' 200 or Politiral Science 200 is to take the a/1pm/111ate Histo1y depar/111n1/ /HOjirienry examination. The examinations are give /wire a yea r in Se/1/embfJ' and Februr11y. For those students, who pass the examination, u/1/1er division Histo1y rourses will be

Mathematical Sciences (101 or above) Physical Science: IOI, l02, I 03, I I 0, 250

Note: Mathematics 11 I is for libernl studies majors only. Biology 2j2 Hu man Anatomy and 281 Physiology are for 111ming and /1hysirnl eduration majors only. ELECTIVES Normallya student has considerable freedom in the choice of elec tives in addition LO the biblical studies and theology, gen- eral education and major requirements. However, in addition Lo the note given al the end of the bibli cal swdies and theology requirements, the non-music major is limited LO a maximum of eight uni ts of credit in applied music (i ncluding ensembles) and the non-ph)'sical educa tion major is limited to eight units of credi t in physical education or skill courses.

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