••••••••• Student Activities
DEVOTIONAL LIFE The University believes the spiritual life of the indi11dual stu- dent is of utmost importance. Therefore, eve,y student is urged to set aside time for personal devotions. In addition to tJ1ese per- sonal devotional periods, undergraduate students meet each Monday, Wednesday and Friday in Chase G)'mnasium for a 40-minute chapel ser.1ce for worship and praise. The graduate schools plan separate chapel programs. The chapel programs include speakers chosen from faculty, alumni, studenL'i, 11siting guesl.5; musical groups; Ch,istian films; drama; and otJ1er special evenl.5. Each fa ll there is a Spi1itual EmphasisWeek. Once each semester the school observes a planned Da)' of Prayer and in fo r- mal prayer groups meet as a regular pan of residence hall life. The Torre)' Memorial Bible Conference and the Missions Con- ference are high poin ts in the development of the spi1itual lifeof the student. Attendance is required at all of these evems. STUDENT GOVERNMENT FOR UNDERGRADUATES All registered undergraduate students are members of the Associated Students, Biola's undergraduate student govern- ment. The stated purpose of this organization is: 'To develop a community that is seeking God, that is committed to one another and that is impac ting the world fo rjesusChrist. " The A.S. President presides over two bodies that comprise the student government, the Executive Council and the Ser- 11 ces Council. The Executive Council , which holds the legisla- tive power of the A.S. is chaired b)' tJ1e President and consisl.5 of elected senators, the Vice President, Controller, and Secretarv. The Services Council , whi ch plans acti11ti es and ministries f~r students on and off campus is chaired by the Vi ce President and consists of the elected leaders of each board: Student Mi s- sionary Union, Social Board, Intramural Board , Student Rela- tions, Chapel Board, Club Director, and Publ ications Board. Stude nts are welcome to attend th e wee k! )' busin ess meetings of both councils as well as parti cipate on the vari- ous boards and work with senators. The Associated Student 's ofli ces are loca ted upstairs in th e Student Uni on Building and are open Monday through Friday from 12 pm to 5 pm. STUDENT GOVERNMENT FOR GRADUATE STUDENTS Each graduate school has an appropri ate student govern- ment prog ram whi ch provides leadership and acti viti es appropriate for graduate students. For additi onal in fo rma- ti on contact the respec ti ve graduate school offi ces. STUDENT MISSIONARY UNION The Student Mi ssionary Union is a student organi zation of which eveI)' undergraduate student of Biola Uni ve rsit)' is a member. Amajor function of SMU is to provide opportuni- ti es fo r students to share their faith in Chri st b)' vari ous means of evange lism. These opportuniti es take place locally in ministri es to East Los Ange les, Watts, La Mirada and the surrounding vicinit)'. In additi on, manystudents spend their summers in overseas ministri es with experienced mi ssionar- ies th rough the Students Abroad program.
SMU sponsors spec ifi c chapels by which students are challenged and informed concerning mission opportunities, and each )'ear SMU presents the annual Missions Confer- ence. Other ac tivities include mi ssions multi-media presenta- tions, organizing mi ssions pra)'er groups and financing mis- sionaq' projecl.5 of several thousand dollars. ATHLETICS Intercollegiate athleti cs at Biola Uni ve rsi ty provide men and women with interest and abili ty in athleti cs an opportuni ty to compete with other institutions of higher education whose size and athletic policies are similar. Intercollegiate competi- tion for men is conducted in the foll owing sporl.5: baseball , bas- ketball , J.V. basketball , cross-country, soccer, and track and fi eld. Women's basketball , cross-countq•, tenni s, track and field, soccer, and volle)'ball. Intramural ac tivities are organi zed in both teamand indi- vidual sports for men and women. STUDENT PUB.LICATIONS The undergraduate student bod)' sponsors two student publications: a weekly newspaper - the Chimes - and a )'ear- book - the Bio/an - which also contains a fine ans section. These serve to u·ansmit news, keep a record of school life, and pro11de further outlet for student crea ti11t)' and expression. FORENSICS In recent years Biola University has been ranked in the top ten percent of successful speech squads among colleges and unive rsities nationwide. As an acti ve member of the Pacific Southwes t Co ll egiate Forensics Association , Biola regularly attends de bate and indi vidual events speech tournaments throughout the western states. Each year in the fall and spring, Biola hosl.5 intercollegiate speech tournamenl.'i on campus. STUDENT MINISTRY Akey component in tJ1e spi1itual life ofa Ch,istian is the call ofour Lord.JesusChrist to ser.1ce. As an integral part ofour aca- demic program, the faculty of tJ1e University and the student minisU)' staff have joined toge ther to pro11de significant oppor- tunities for se r.1ce and ministry. The intent of the minisuies pro- gram is that each swdent should select at least one course or an exu-a-curricular ac ti11 ty invoh1ng community se r.1ce each semes- ter. The Student Minisuies Office is available to ser.•e the stu- denl.5 in arranging miniSU)' relationships with church and para church organizations. The ser.1ce learning courses, 111th their special component of ser.1ce or ouu-each assignmen 15, are desig- nated as such in the pre-regisu-ation and regisu-ation schedule of class booklel.5. Studenl.5 are encouraged to participate in a vari- ety of minisuies during their years at Biola. Biola has been a leader in requi1ingouu·each in ser.1ce as part of il.5 undergradu- ate education, a practice which has nowbeen adopted and man- dated for the entire California State University system. If you have anyquestions, please contact the Student Minisuies Office at extension4754, or your major deparunent academicadvisor.
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