

Biblical Languages


FACULTY Associate Professors: Arnold , Russell , Wilkins Greek The purpose of these courses is lo introduce students lo the Greek language in order to enhance their personal understanding of the New Testament and to prepare those who desire to pursue graduate biblical studies. The plan is to provide stu- dents with tools which will enable them to utilize th e Greek text in future study, imerpretation, and expo- sition of the Word of God. Upon completion of I2 units of Greek, it is intended that the snident's proficiency in the Greek language will enable him/ her to read and translate a Greek text with accuracy using a stan- dard lexicon and grammar; lo explain the significance of tenses, cases and important grammatical structures; to exegete a biblical text accurately; and to undertake individual research in biblical and extra-biblical Greek. The courses Greek IOI, 102, 201 , and 202 will fulfill the general education for-

440 Advanced Study: Old Testament (3) Indepe ndent student research and writing in addition to a seminar style classroom atmosphere for tJ1e study of selected texts and/ or topics. May be repeated with different content for a maximum of six units counted toward graduation. Prerequisites: IOI , I 10, 120, 121 , 200, 251 , 252. 450 Advanced Study: Christian Thought (3) Independen l studen l research and writing in addition to a seminar style classroom atmosphere for the study of selected texts and / or topics from either or both testaments , themati- cally arranged to emphasize biblical , historical and/ or systematic theology. May be repeated with different con- tent for a maximum of six units counted toward graduation. Prerequi- sites: IOI , 11 0, 120,121 , 200, 251 , 252. 455 Pauline Theology - Romans (3) Swdy of Paul 's theology and world- view as conta in ed in the book of Romans, wi th special attention given lo in~·oducto'1' and historical matters. Prerequisites: IOI, 110, 120, 121 , 200, 251 , 252. 458 Theology of Mission (3) Study of God's redemptive acts in Scripture in behalf of mankind, with applicat ion to the mission of the church today. Prerequisites: IOI , 110, 120, 121 , 200, 251,252.

465 Integration Seminar (3) Relates Christian conviction to academic inqui ry. May focus on a specific area or include a variety of topics. Often team- taught and cross-listed between depart- ments. Usually involves a major research paper/ project and class presentation. May be repeated with different content for a maximum of six units counted toward graduation. Prerequisites: 101, 110, 120,121,200,251 , 252. 470 Biblical Studies Seminar (1) Majors and faculty members meet to dis- cuss readings and research papers/ pro- jects presented by seniors. Three semes- ters may be counted toward, and are required for, graduation (one including presentation). Prerequisites: IOI , 110, 120, 121 ,200, 251,252. 480 Directed Research (1-3) Guided independent reading, research, problem-solving and preparation of a formal paper or project done in consul- tation 1vith a selected professor. May be repeated with different content for a combined total of six units of 480 and 490 counted toward graduation. Prereq- uisites: IOI , I IO, 120, 121,200,251 , 252. 490 Practicum (1-3) Super-~sed experience in teaching bibli- cal snidies. Includescourse preparation, observation and eva luation. May be repeated with different comem for a combined total of six units of 480 and 490 coumed toward graduation. Prereq- uisites: IOI , 110, 120, 121 , 200, 251 , 252.

403 Hellenistic Greek (3) Readings from the Jewish, patristic and pagan wri ters of the Hellenistic period, including the Septuagint, with atten- tion lo literary analysis and comparison 1vith relevant biblical authors. Oppor- tunity may be given to use the GRAM- CORD and lbycus computer projects. Prerequisite: 202 or equivalent. 405 Advanced New Testament Textual Criticism (3) A survey of the materials, history and theories of New Testament textual cr itici sm. Prerequisites: BBST 201 and two years of Greek. 407 Advanced Greek Grammar (3) An advanced study of syntax focusing on nuances of grammar and style. To facilitate this study, in addition to the use of advanced grammars, special studies and articles, extensive use is made of examples drawn from biblical and extra biblical literature. Prerequi- site: 304 and 305. 480 Directed Research (1-3) Individual research and writing for advanced students by special arrange- ment. Study may include concentra- tion in New Testament literature, his- tory , texwal criticism, specialized grammatical or lexical projects, intro- ductory matters, or New Testament theology. Prerequisite: 202 and at least six units of upper division Greek and / or consent. May be repeated with different content. Hebrew 101, 102 Elementary Hebrew Grammar (3 ,3) Introduction to the language of the Hebrew Bible: accidence , syntax, as well as reading and translation of bib- li cal texts. 201, 202 Intermediate Hebrew Grammar (3,3) Advanced grammar and syn tax with emphasis upon rapid reading as well as the development of exeget ical skill s. Prerequisite: I 02.

eign language requirement 101, 102 Elementary Greek Grammar (3,3)

An introductory snidyof the basic ele- ments of New Testament Greek , emphasizing syntax and development of vocabulary. Translation of selected por- tions of the New Testamenl, 1vith exten- sive translation of a selected New Testa- ment book in the second semester. 201, 202 Intermediate Greek Grammar and Exegesis (3,3) Acomprehensive survey of New Testa- ment Greek grammar and vocabulary whic h builds upon the first year of swdy. Introduction to texwal criti- cism and exegetical methodology which wi ll aid students in interpreting the New Testament. Reading in se lec ted portions of the New Testa- ment Prerequisite: I 02 or equivalent 304, 305 Studies in Biblical Greek (1-4, 1-4) Exegesis of biblical Greek texts fo r advanced students, with allention lo translation, grammar, backgrounds, interpretation, and problems of analy- sis. Study may include one or more portions of New Testamem literature. Prerequisite: 202 and/ or consen t May be repeated 1vith differenl coment

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