School ofBusiness
Copy Writing area requirements include: Communication 230, Art 22 I (also listed as Communication 245), Communication 331, 332, 335, 384 , and Business 432. Sales/Arcount Executive area requirements include: Business 336, Communication 384, 385, Business 431 , and 432. Note: All business core rourses are required for advertising, with the exception of Business 223 (Calculus for Manage- ment Sciences). Also for the art/graphic design and copy writing areas, Business 362 (Business Law II) and Business 470 (StrategicManagement) arenot requiitd. Computer Information Systems (60 units) Emphasis majors must complete: IOI, 275, 280, 302, 325, 402 , 425 and six upper division business electives. Finance (60 units) Finance emphasis majors must complete: 221 , 229, 31 I , 312 or 460,
formal application to the department baccalaureate programs. C. File an application with the School of Busin ess for admission, which shall include an essay, and affirm that the above requirements have been achi eved ei ther at Biola University or another accredited insti- tution. The application should be filed at the completion of the fourth semester with a fee of $20.00. D. Meet approval of the faculty of the School of Business. The process 11111 require an inten1ew with faculty/ students. This requirement may be waived byaction of the department. E. Prior to formal admi ssion, stu- dents shall continue to be ad11sed as pre-business majors. DEGREE PROGRAM A &zchewr of Science Degree in Business Administration is offered upon the com- pletion of baccalaureate requirements and the business major 111th one of the following emphases: accounting, adver- tising, finance , marketing, management and computer information systems. Thirty of the required units must be upper division. Other requirements include courses: 190, 201 , 202, 21 I, 212, 223, 321,330, 361 , 362,370,415, 470. The general education requirement for a foreign language for those follow- ing a business administration major may be met by two years of high school lan- guage or the first four units of a college language. Business administration majors mayuse Business 190 and 223 for amath credit toward the science/ mathe- matics requirements for the general education requirements, but the units cannot be counted in both general edu- cation and in the major. Philosophy215 is recommended for all business majors. MAJORS Requirements for the six emphases are as follows: Accounting (60 units) Accounting emphasis majors must complete 221, 31I, 312,313,314,315, 325,411 , and 412. Advertising (60 units) Advertising emphasis majors must comp lete 221, 33 1, 334 , 460 and specialized cour ses in one of the following areas: Art/Graphic Design area require- ments include An 107, 110, 203, 221, 3I2, 3I3, and one of the following: An 322,419, or 424.
Acting Dean: Larry D. Su·and, M.B.A. FACULTY Associate Professors: Black, Buegler, Dill, Strand Assistant Professors: Woodward, Wong Instructors: Harman OBJECTIVES The School of Business offers six curricular emphases lead in g to a Bachelor of Science degree in Busi- ness Admini stration with concentra- tions in accounting, advertising , finance , marketing, management and computer information systems. Each program is structured to give the student broad understanding of the social and economic em1ronment in which Ch ristian business persons func tion, and provides a common body of knowledge for students who elect th is major. Students study economi cs, finance , management, business law, accounting, and marketing as the core of the major based upon quantitative management ski lls. The six individual emphases prepare students through additional specified courses to enter a career field in those areas, or to select a graduate school upon graduation. It is the purpose of the School of Business to prepare highly sk ill ed, technically competent business per- sons who have broad preparation in the liberal arts as well , and who can make signifi cant contributions in the workplace or in Christ ian organiza- . tions theymayserve. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Adm ission into Biol a University does not guarantee admi ssion as a business administration major in the Schoo l of Business, nor permission to enroll in upper division business administration courses. (Intermediate Accounting excepted). The following requirements must be observed: A. Complete, 111th a minimum ofa "C" (2.0) grade in each course, Business Statistics 190, Accounting 211 and 212, Economics 20 I and 202, English II0A and 11 OB, and Calcu lus for Manage- ment Sciences 223 (24 semester hours), or the equivalent , with a cumulative grade point average of 2.5. Aminimum requirement of 30 hours of General Education (in cluding Bible) must be completed 111th an overal l GPA of2.5. B. Accomplish an overall cumu- lative GPA of 2.5 in all college level course work completed at the time of
470 Seminar in Advanced Biology (1) Literature research followed by oral presentation, group discussion and evaluation; independent thought and study stressed. May be repea ted fo r maximum of two units of credit. Sev- eral courses in environmental studies, available through Au Sable In stitu te , may be used for upper division elective units. See an advisor in th e Depart- ment of Biological Sciences fo r further details. Prerequisite: junior or senior biological science major stand ing.
350, 430, 437, 462, and 464. Management (60 units)
Management majors must com- plete: I II , 221,318,325, 421,431,464 and six units of upper division busi- ness electives. Marketing (60 units) Marketing emphasis majors must complete: 221,331 ,334,431,432 , 433, 435 , and two of the following: 332, 336, 430, 436 or 460 (with depart- ment approval). MINOR A Minor in Business Adminis- tration is offered with the completion of 18 units (201, 21 I, 212 , 330, 370, 415) plus six units (190 and 221) of specified quantitative prerequisite courses. Bu si ness 190 also counts toward the general education require- ment for science/ math , but these units cannot be counted toward both gen- eral education and a business minor.
COURSES Accounting
211,212 Principles of Accounting (3,3) Basic for all business majors and those seeking to learn the language of busi- ness; procedure for setting up a dou- ble entry bookkeeping system. Sec- ond semester: corporate accounting and elementary cost accounting meth- ods. Prerequisite: 211 prerequisite for 212, 221. One hour each week, non- credit, laboratory. Fee: SI0.
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