270 Independent Study (1-3) Development of skill in independent study of topics in tJ1e field of business. May be repeated witJ1 different section title for a maximum of six units. For degree completion/ organiza tional lead- ership students only, or by permission. 290 Directed Studies (1-3) Exploration of the li terature in a selected field of business. May be repeated with different section title fo r a maximum of six un its. For degree completion/ organ izational leadership students only, or bypermission. 321 Management Information Systems (3) Informati on systems, their des ign, implementation and contribution to management planning, decision mak- ing and comrol. Applications involv- ing microcomputers and decision sup- port systems. Prerequisites: 212, 22 1. 325 Management Science (3) Mathematical programming wi th emphasis on problems in management and economics. Includes applications on production control , invent01y con- tro l, sc heduling, inventory control, PERT and network now problems. Fun- damental mathemati cal optimization and measurement theory probl ems. Prerequisi te: 190, 202, 223, 321. Fee: S25. (See also Computer Science 325) .
436 Retail Management (3) Examination and evalua tion of chang- ing concepts of retailing and merchan- dising from a managemem 11ewpoinl. Philosophy of modern management and measures of retai l producti11ty are employed in individual student fie lds projects. Prerequisite: 330 or consent. Quantitative Management 190 Business Statistics (3) Collection and presentation of busi- ness data , central tendency and dis- persion measures for business analysis , sampli ng and in fere nce for confi- dence inten·als and hypothesis tes ting, business forecasting with simple and multiple regression, index numbers. Prerequisite: consent. 221 Introduction to Computers (3) How computers work; computer lan- guage; flow charts; si mpl e problems in computer programming and in data processing. Fee: S25. 223 Calculus for Management Sciences (3) Fundamemal principles of differemial and integral calculus. Applications cho- sen mainly from the management sci- ences. Prerequisite: Passing proficiency exam administered by Business Adminis- tration Deparunem or recei1ing a "C" or better grade in math I00 tJ1e prior year.
431 Marketing Management (3) Planning and implementing marketing policies and strategy. Developing mar- keting mix. Organizing and admini s- tering the marketing and sales depart- ment. Planning disu-ibution channels of co nsumer and industrial goods. Fo recast ing and budgeting. Market analysis. Marketing problems. Public policy in marketing. Prereq ui sites: 190,201 ,202,221,330,334 or consent. 432 Marketing Research (3) Research methods and applications in adverti sing, distribution, product devel- opmem. ldemification of data sources. Coll ection, analysis and imerpretation of data in soh1ng marketing problems. Preparation of research reports. Pre- requisites: 32 1,334 or consent. 433 Marketing Decision Making (3) Solvi ng market ing problems through the app li cation of analytical tech- niques . Emphasis on fundamental understanding and application where techniques are reviewed , explai ned and applied Lo actual marketing data.
464 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (3) Me thods, problems and facLOrs involved in launch ing and operating small profit and nonprofit organizations. Prerequi- sites: 330, 370 or consent. 470 Strategic Management (3) Me th ods of determ inin g stra teg ic decision making in business and industry, wit h projects designed LO provide actual research experience , with case study approach . Prerequi- sites: 202, 32 1, 330, 362, 370, 41 :i. Marketing 330 Marketing (3) Methods, policies and principles of modern marketing systems; var ious channels of distribution and future trends. Apaper wi ll be a part of course req uirement and double as pass/ fail on writing competency requirement. Prerequisite: 190 and 20 I or conse nt. 331 Consumer Behavior (3) Consumer buying patterns , dec ision mak in g, motivation and behav ior. Behavioral science appli ed Lo the solu- ti on of marketin g problem. Behav- ioral research techniques. Prerequi- sites: 22 1,330, Psychology 200. 332 Marketing for Non-Profit Organizations (3) Examination and eva luat ion of the princ iples of basic marketing as appli ed LO the nonprofit sec tor. Phi- losophy of nonprofit market ing and its productivity are utilized through ind ividual student projects. Specific marketing strategies will relate 10 churches, para-church organi zat ions, commu nity sen·ice agencies, founda- tions and othe r designated non-profit organizations. Prerequisite: 330. 334 Advertising Principles (3) Advertising methods rnrrently used for promotion of produns, sen1ces, ideas, and eren ts by business firm s, trade associations and commun ity organiza- tions, including th e ch urch: assigned studen t projects. Prerequisite: 330. 336 Sales Practicum (3) Analrsis of the sales manager as a pro- fessional market tactician in a market- ing firm. Includes sun·ey of personal selling effort with emphasis on inter- relationships between sales actirity and relat ed marketi ng fun cti ons. lnrnlr es app li ed approaches and ac tual real world experiences in sales. Prerequisite: 330 or consent.
Prerequisites: 190,223,432. 435 Industrial Marketing (3)
Analysis of e1111ronmelll in which indus- u-ial products are marketed Lo indusuial firms, governmems , and institutions. Strategies and case studi es. Student project required. Prerequisite: 330.
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