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Professor: Rynd Associate Professor: Lin OBJECTIVES
105 General Chemistry I (4) Pri nciples and theories of the st ruc- mre and properties of mauer includ- ing atomic theo11·, stoichemist11•, mol- ecular structure, bonding and state of matter. Prereq ui site: hi gh school chemist11•, intermediate algebra. Fall The principles and theory of chemical reactivity including kineti cs, equilibria and thermodynamics as appl ied to acid/ base, redox and other ionic sys- tems. Prerequi site: Chemistry I05. Spring semester only. Lab fee: S25. 110 Chemistry Topics (1-2) Various topics in inu-oducto1y chemisuy. semes ter on ly. Lab fee: S25. 106 General Chemistry II (5) Prerequisite: depanmemapproval. 301 , 302 OrganicChemistry (5,5) Structure and reactivi ty of carbon-con- tai ning compounds; emphasisgiven lO mechan isms of organic react ions. Second semes ter includes mum1ral biochemistry. Laborat0'1' emphasizes analyti cal organic chemislt)'· Three hours lecture , six hours laboratory. Prerequisite: I 06. Lab fe e: S35. 350 Analytical Chemistry (5) A survey of classical chemical methods of analysis such as titrimetric and grn11- metric along with various instrumental methods includ ing electrochemical, spec troscopic and chroma tog raphi c. Three hours lecture, six hours labora- tory. Prerequisite: 30 I. Lab fee: S20.
402 Physical Chemistry I (3) The phys ical laws governi ng chemical reac tivity are investiga ted. Subjects include them1odynamics, kinetics, elecu-o- chemisuy and macromolecular beha11or. Prerequisite: 302, Ph)~ics and Calculus. 403 Physical Chemistry Lab (1) Laboratory experiments in chemical dynamics, ki netics, spectroscopy and quantum mechanics. Prerequisite: 402 . 404 Physical Chemistry II (3) Quantum chemistry, molecular struc- ture, specu-oscopy, macromolecules and su1face chemi stry. Prerequisi te: 402 411 ,412 Biochemistry I, II (3 ,3) Fundamental concepts of metabolism, bioenerge tics, biosynthesis and other chemistry of life processes . Three hou rs lecture. Prerequisite: 302. 420 Special Topics in Chemistry (3) Short subjects in such areas as the chemical liternture, various insu-umen- tal methods, polymers, organometall ics and industrial chemistry. Prerequisite: deparunental approval. 422 Laboratory in Biochemistry (2) An integrated laboratory course to accompany 411. Modern techniques in mo lecular genetics, metaboli c processes, bioenergetics and enzyme mechanisms. Six hours labo ratory . One hou r discussion/ qu iz. Prerequi - site: Biology 312 and Chemisur 411. Alternate years. Lab fe e: S40. 480 Special Project inChemistry (1-3) Resea rch or indust ria l intern ship. Requ ires a written report. Prerequi- site: departmental approval.
Biorhemishy is the study of the rhem- ist,y of living systems. "/1zis interdisciplinmy program draws uf1on biology and rhemishy. OBJECTIVES The major is designed especially for those studen ts planning a career in the health profess ions. Th e requirements for schools of medicine, pharmacy, demisll)' and medical tech- nology are met within thi s maj or. This program also prepares one for graduate school in a variety of bio- sc ience prog rams. There are excel- lent opportun itie s for ca ree rs in biotcc hni ca l, ph armaceutica l and em~ronmemal related businesses and
While primari ly providing se rYi ce courses fo r other programs, the depart- ment does offe r two programs with chemi stry as th e major component. These arc Biochemistry and Ph ys ical Science with a chemistry emphas is. Since chemi stry is the study of mauer and the changes it undergoes, sequences or courses are designed to me et th e needs of students as they prepa re f"or a variety of diffe rent majors that require an understanding of the natu re of matter. The objective of th ese courses is to provide the stu- dent with a basic understanding or the laws of theories of chemistry such that the studenL will be able ( I) to explain the basic physical and chemical prop- erties of mauer in terms of its struc- ture, (2) to do quamitative problem solving, (3) to gain some level of pro- fici ency in laboratory methodology, and (4) to be acquain ted with bas ic resource material in chemist'1'· DEGREE PROGRAM A Barhelor of Srienre Degree in Physi- ral Srienre with a Chemist, )' Emphasis is offered. The requirements for thi s maj or arc give n under th e Phys ical Science Department. The Bi ochem- istry Program is given below. MINOR A Chnnist ,y Minor requires the com- pletion or the fo ll o11~ ng courses: Chem- isu-y I 05, I06, 30 I, 302, 350 or 402, 403. Six distinct chemistry minor uni ts apart from any other major or minor.
governmemal agencies. DEGREE PROGRAM
A Ba rhelor of Srienre degree in Bio- rhemist,y is offered upon completion of the university baccalaureate and major requirements. The biochemistry major requires the completion of 63 units co ns isting of the fo ll owing: Chemisu1• 105 , 106,301,302 ,350; Biology 111 , 28 1,282,3 12,322 or 422,4 11, 412; Math I 05; Computer Science I 00; Physics 11 1, 122, 460 or Biology 470. Note: 71iegeneral eduralion req11imnenl for mathematics and srienre is me/ within this m19or. Theforeign /ang11age req11ire- mml is met by two years in high srhool or four units of rollege foreign lang11age. COURSES (Chemistry and Biochemistry) 100 The Material World (3) The basic principles of chemiSll)' for the non-science major. Uses materials of modern soc iety as a theme for exploring the properties and structure of matter as well as the methods ·and consequences of transforming natural resources to consumer products. 101 Chemistry Survey I: Inorganic Chemistry (3) Ptinciples ofgenernl and inorganic chem- isuy atomic theo1y, bonding, stoichiome- try, so lutions, chemi cal reac tion , acid/ base theory and nuclear processes. Des igned for the hea lth professions , sports physiology and nutr ition. Two hours lecture and three hours lab. Pre- requisite: high school chemisU)•or passing grade on entrdll ce exam. Lab fee: S20. 102 Chemistry Survey II: Organic and Biochemistry (3) Su·ucture and reac ti ,~ty of organic and biological compounds with special appli ca tion to medi cine and health. Two hours lecture and th ree hours lab. Prerequisite: IO I or I05. Lab fee: S20.
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