Christian Education
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COURSES 150 Foundations of Ministry (3)
'/,,egrnera/ edu ration requirement fora Joreig,1 /angzwgeJo,· those11w101i11g in Clnis- tirm edumtion def1ends 11/1011 the munber of years that 1ue,-e completed inhigh sr/wol of the same foreig,1 langzwge. Sj1erifir ,rquiremenls are listed undrr ''geneml education require- ments"for thebachelorofmts deg,-ee. All specialization courses are sub- jec t to departmental approva l. The specializa tion areas offered are: Elementary Teaching Credential Program The Christian education/ teaching emphasis majo rs must compl ete a core of 55 uni1 s, of whi ch 24 must be upper division and include: I SO, 25 1, 260, 26 1, 3i I, 372, 380, 382; Educa- tion 300, 330, 420, 430, 440, 442 and Math 11 1. Bi ble 320 must be taken as the Bible elective. In additi on to the 55 unit co re, each student is encouraged to select a spec iali zat ion of eight units to be taken outside of the Christian Educa- tion and Bibli cal Studies departments to ful fil l his/ her elective requirements. This option combines the C. E. major core with liberal studi es courses. This specializa tion requi res more un iLS than the others do bu t some un its in the C. E. core are substituted for credential requiremenLS . Students must pass the ge neral kn owl edge sect ion of the ati onal Teac hers Exam inati on (NTE) prior to student teaching. The student must consult with the Depan- ments of Chri stian Education and Education for spec_ifi cs. Children Vocational opportunities with this option include chi ldren's director or min ister in a loca l chur ch, a staff member with organizations that mi nis- ter to chi ldren in the Uni ted States or on a mission fi eld, a writer of materi- als for use with chi ldren. Youth Voca tional opportuniti es for youth specia lization would include a local chu rch youth director or mi nis- ter, a club direc tor fo r yo uth para- church age ncies, a youth camp direc- tor, a Christian education director in a church that emphasizes youth or an ass istant or assoc iate pas tor with responsibili ties for youth. lntercultural Vocational opportun iti es with this option include se rvice on a foreign mi ssion fi eld or se rvice in one of the manysubcultures in the United States.
A DIVISION OF TALBOT SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY Dean: Dennis H. Dirks, Ph .D. Dean of the Faculty: Mi chael .J Wilkins,Ph.D. Chair: Michael .J. Amhony, Ed.D., Ph .D. FACULTY Professor: Dirks Assoc iate Professo rs: Anthony, Stevens Ass istant Pro fesso rs: Bec htl e, Cunningham, Carland .John son, Leyda, Ten Elshoff OBJECTIVES The Christ ian educa ti on major is designed to prepare iLs graduates for pro- fessional ministries in church and para- church agencies and to pro1ide a founda- tion for graduate miining. Therefore, at the completion of this major, the student 1,il\ have: realized his/ her identi ty in rela- tion to his/ her positi on in Christ and his/ her spi1itual gi fL1and abi lities related to Ch,istian minist1ies; demonsu;ited the cssemial knowledge and skills to study the Scriptures inductively and to communi- c;ne bibli cal trnths effectively; established a basic phi losophyof Ch,istian education which incorpora tes the bib\ ic;i\ concepl5 of di scipleship and leadership; demon- Slla ted his/ her abil ity to be sensitire to others as persons, understand ing how people function in both individual and group learn ing experiences; dereloped and demonstrates his/ her abil ity to func- tion successfully in teaching roles and/ or in leadership roles. DEGREE PROGRAM A Barhelor of r\1ts deg,·ee in Cl11istia 11 f durntion is offered upon completion of the uni ve rsity bacca laurea te and majo r requirements. Th e Chri stian education major requi res the comple- tion of a core of 37 units, 24 of which must be upper division and include: 150,251, 252 , 260 , 261, 37 1, 380,382, 415, 423 , 46 1, 462 and one of the fol - lowing: 372, 373, 374. Bible 320 must be taken as the Bibl e elec tive. In add it ion to the 37-unit co re, each student is encouraged to select a speciali zation of eight units to be taken ouLSide of the Ch1istian Education and Biblical Studies Departments to fu lfi ll his/ her elec tive requi rements. There are eight speciali za tions from which a student may choose that refl ect a broad va1iety of minisu-y options in this fi eld. The dive rsifi ed specializa tion allows the student to design a program that best sui LS his/ her vocational interesl5.
Th is option is for those who wish to design a specialization unique to their in terem, such as church-related camping, counseling, communication, busin ess, music, computer science, etc. Pre-Seminary in Christian Education If a student plans to pursue gradu- ate work in Christian educa tion, there are specialization courses appropriate to a broader foundation in spec ified areas. Pre-Seminary in Family Ministries Thi s special ization is designed Lo prepare the student fo r graduate work in marri age and familyministries. Pre-Seminary in Pastoral Ministry This spec iali zat ion provides a strong fo undation in Christian educa- ti on upon whi ch to build a we ll - rounded pas toral minisuy Note: St11den ls wishing to do gmduate wo,k in thefield of Christian education may wish totake advantage of theMaster of r\1ts /1rogmm offeredat Talbot School of 71ieologJ'. The undergrad11ale and graduate programs have been designed tominimize (1Uer/aji and lo maximize ron tinued development and growth of /he studn1/ in the field. Thm mr four sperialiuiti011s designed for students who wish lo plan for graduate work al Talbot School of Theolof!J'· One sperialiui tion is designed for theM.A. in Christian education al Talbot School of TheologJ', anothrr for the M.r\.in maniage and family minishies, the third is the1\11.Div. drgree, and thefo11rth is the M.A . with an emphasis in youth min- is/1)'· Detailed information 1igarding these areas of sperialiwtion may be sernred in the Clnistian ed11mtion office m-Jromany Clnis- tian education farn lty member. MINOR A Chrislian /:'d11cntion Minor requires the compl etion of 18 units including the fo llowing courses: 150 , 25 1, 26 1 and one of th e age leve l courses (372 , 373, 3i 4) . Six addi- ti onal upper division units are al so requ ired which may be selected by the student from any C. E. departmental offeri ngs. Bible 320 must be taken as the Bible elec tive. Christian Service Assignment Chr is tian edu cation maj ors should choose assignments for Christ- ian servi ce duri ng the freshman and sophomore years that include experi- ences of Bi ble teaching. During the junior and senior years, th e vocational prac ticum requirements substitute for th e Chr is tian service assignment.
Fundamentals upon which a Christi an educati on ministry is buil t. Relation- ships betwee n wo rship, edifi ca tion and witn ess will be explored with spe- cial emph as is on th e edu cati on process, staff ro les and voca ti onal opportunities in Christian education. 192 Bible Teaching Resources (2) Geography of Bibl e lands as well as manners and customs of Bible times l!z... to enri ch Bibl e teachin g. Offered spring semester. 251 Foundations of Leadership (3 )
Bas ics of leadership for a Christian educa ti on ministry. Emphasis upon deve lopment of personal leadership qualities in cl ud ing Bible study, wo r- ship, prayer and interpersonal devel- opment which relate to spiritual gifts and the church as an organism. 252 Foundations of Teaching Ministry (3) Major emphasis upon learning the- mi es and their appl ication to teaching the Bible 11ithin the context of the local
church and parachurch agencies. 260 Foundations of Interpersonal Relationships (3)
Esse nti als of theory and experi ence necessary to initi ate, deve lop and maintain effec tive interpersonal com- mun ica tion skil ls, development and maintenance of trust, fell owship, cohes ive ness, effec ti ve communi ca- tion styles, constructi ve confrontation and co nni ct reso lut ion ski ll s ar e applied to mi nistrysituations. 261 Foundations of Development (3) Introduction to human development. Aspec ts of deve lopment will in cl ude the phys ical, intell ectual, soc ial, per- sonal, moral and spiritual , cove ring th e whole lifespan as a base for a more holisticChristian education mini sn-y. 319 Media in Ministry (2) Skill deve lopment in the design and use of audio-risual technology for use in mini stry to all age leve ls and in a wide va ri ety of' tea chi ng se tti ngs. Offered fa ll semes ter. 320 Inductive Bible Study (3) Essentials of induct ive study applied LO bibli ca l narrative and epi stolary literature.
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