



least equal LO that expec ted of other communi catio n conce ntration s. (4) If, in thejudgment of the commit- tee , these goa ls can be met beuer through another major or concelllra- tion the proposal wi ll be rejected. Obtaining a degree with thi s co n- centration requires a minimum of 36 units, 21 of which must be from the Department of Communication . Two spec ifi c courses , 458 and 478 , are required. A minimum of 27 unit s must be upper division. The interdis- ciplinary proposal must be submiued and approved no later than the first semeste r of the junior yea r . o exceptions will be made. Speech/Drama The co urses in drama are intended to (1) provide opportuniti es for all students to participate in drama in order to develop communi cation ski lls and gai n confidence and stage presence and (2) equip students desir- ing LO use drama in Christian minist1y, elementary or secondary educat ion, missions, or other careers. Those con- sideri ng a career in drama shou ld plan on additional experience. Obtaining a degree with th is con- centration requires 36 unit s, 24 of which must be upper division. Must include: 26 1, 280, 362, 364 or 467 , 458, 468, and 478. The remaining units should be se lec ted with faculty advisement from th e fo ll owing: 160, 220, 270,282,352,353, 356, 357, 358, 359, 360, 36 1, 382, 385, 452, 459, 46 1 and Engli sh 460 (Drama.) Special Programs/Opportunities Los Angeles Film Studies Program In addition LO our film production courses offered on campus, Biola is able to offer a full semester of in tensive study of film and tJ1e film indusuy through tJ1e Los Angeles Film Studies Progrdl11 of the Christian Coll ege Coalition. Students live and study in tJ1e Hollrvood area for eith er the fall or sprin g semeste r. Courses include, "Inside Hollrvood, tJ1e Work and the Working of the Fi lm lndusuy" (four semester units), "Keep- ing Conscience: EtJ1 ical Challenge in tJ1e Entertainment lndust11•" (four units ), and "Film in Culture:Exploiing a Ch1ist- ian Perspective on the ature and Influ- ence of Film" (four un its). Each student is also registered for an academic intern- hip wit hin the film industry (fo ur uni ts). Efforts are made LO intenelate all aspects of the program , includin g opportunity to 11sit studios and produc-

Obtaining a degree wi th this con- ce ntration requires 42 unit s, 30 of which must be upper division wh ich include the fo llowing commu- nication courses: 202, 355, 455 , 457 , 458, 459 , and 478. In addition, the following business admi ni stra ti on courses are required: 111 , 330, 334, 43 1 and 464. Choose any two of the fo llowing busin ess courses: 211 , 221 , 318, 332 , 336,436. Take Math 103 as part of your ge neral educa ti on math/ science requirement. Public Relations 'A~1en you have completed this con- cenu,ition you should be prepared for emplop11ent in entry level public rela- tions and some marketing related posi- ti ons. This concentration combines busin ess and communication courses into an interdisciplina')' progrdlll. Obtaining a degree \\1th this con- centra tion requires 36 units, of which 30 must be upper di1ision , and include 202, 230, 384, 387, 440, 457, 458, 478, and Business 330, 332 and 334. The remain- ing 3 uni1.1 must be taken from the fo l- lo\\~ng courses: 332, 334, 385, 388, 459 and Art 313. Students are required to take Communication I00 to fulfill the general education requirement. Interdisciplinary This concentration will pro1ide you maximum latitude in creating a course of study to suit your particular needs. If you choose this op tion, begin byconsul t- ing 11101 an ad,isor from tl1e Communi- cat ion Department. Your advisor will help you choose appropriate courses, which may include courses from other deparu11ents. You 11111 then complete a form (available from the Communica' tion Deparui1em) in which you describe your career goals and give a rationale for each of the courses selected. Th e fo rm will be submitted LO a committee made up of yo ur advisor , th e Commu ni ca ti on Department chairman , and a th ird facultymember. The committee may accept the pro- posal as submitted, make minor modi- fications before accepting it, or reject it. If accepted, the proposal becomes part of your graduation requirements. In making its decision the com- mittee wi ll consider the fo ll owing: ( I) The proposed courses should prepare you we ll for your stated career objec- tives. (2) The proposal should focus study LO a limited area which can be covered in depth. (3) The academic rigor of the proposal should be at

Chair: Diane Shanebeck, M.A. FACULTY Professor: Lewis

communi ca ti on skill s are especially important. Th is concentration is also excel lent preparation for graduate training for careers in fields such as the miniSll)', education , or law. Obtaining a degree with this con- ce ntrat ion requires 36 unit s, 27 of which must be upper division, and include 270, 383, 385, 386, 457 , 458, 478. Students are required LO take Commun ication I00 LO fulfill the gen- eral educa ti on requirement , but it does not count toward the conce!llra- tion requ iremellls. The remaining 15 units must be se lected from the fol- lowing courses: 170, 181, 280 , 282/ 382, 357, 384 , 387,388, 440 , 450 , 459 , 461 , 470, 472 , 474 , 476, 480. Journalism The journali sm program concen- trates on preparing students for print media careers. Obtaining a deg ree with thi s major requires 36 units, 30 of which must be upper division. The required lower division units are 202 and 230. The required upper division units are 33 1, 334, 388, 457, 458, and 478. The remaining units are to be selected from 330, 332, 336, 347, 384, 430 and 470. In add ition to the general educa- tion requirements, majors are encour- aged to include economi cs, sociology, and political sc ience units in the ir course of study. Radio-Television-Film When yo u complete this concen- trat ion you should have acqui red entry level sk ills su itabl e for employ- ment in the broadcast or film indus- tri es. In addit ion you should have a de pth of bac kground which will enable you LO con tinue to grow and develop , leading to promotion to higher leve ls of responsibi lit y. Your ski lls will be suitabl e fo r either Christ- ian or secu lar media. Obtaining a degree with this con- centrat ion requires 36 units, 24 of which must be upper division. Must include 202, 25 1, 352, 440, 457, 458, 459, 478 and at least one of 230, 336, 356. The remaining 9 units are to be

Associate Professors: Nash, D. Shanebeck Assistant Professors: Cal"in, Gonzales, Swanson OBJECTIVES It is the purpose of the Communi- cation Department that when you complete our major you will have: (I) We ll del"eloped personal communica- tion skills and be able to think, write, and speak clearly and effectively; (2) I.earning sk ill s 1'11ich will enabl e you to continue to develop personally and professionally after graduation; (3 ) Entry lel"el sk ill s for emp loyment in your chosen field or else have suitable preparation fo r graduate study; (4 ) At least the begi nnin gs of a workable wor ld view which unifi es your life's work and your Christian fa ith. DEGREE PROGRAM A Bachelor of Aris degree in Commu- nication is offered upon completi on of th e un iversity baccalaureate and com- munication major requirements with one of the followi ng concentrations. Communication Disorders The concentration in communica- tion disorders is a pre-professional degree that pro,~des the student with a fou ndation in normal communication and an understanding of th e complex- ities of communication problems. It is the aim of the department to set this knowledge within the framework of a Christian perspective and a focus on the individual rather than the disor- der. Students completing this concen- tration shou ld be fully prepared for the gradua te wo rk necessary for the certification or credentials in this area. Obtaining a degree with thi s con- cenu.ition requires 42 units, 36 of which must be upper di,~sion and include: 312, 321 , 324, 326, 458 and 478. EitJ1er Biol- ogy 311 or Psychology 412 is required as a supporting course. The remaining 24 units must be selected 11~th faculty ad,ice from the following courses : 220, 223 , 224 , 327, 328, 421 , 422 , 423 , 425 , 426, 428, 429, 470,472, JCS 310, PSY 32 1 Public and Interpersonal Communication Whe n yo u have completed this concentrat ion you shou ld be pre- pared for employment in fi elds where exce ll ent interperso nal and group


communication electives. Broadcast Management

When you have comp leted this concentration you will be prepared for a caree r in the management side of broadcasting, including advertisi ng sales, sales management, programming management, or general management.

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