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COURSES 300 Introduction to Teaching (2)

Preliminary Credential Programs In order LO qualify for a Prelimi- na1y Teaching Credential 111th the State of California, a studem must complete ( I) an approved waiver program in a major lead ing to a baccalaureate degree, or pass the ational Teacher's Examination (NTE) in the subject area, and (2) Professional Education courses including studem teaching. Two types of credentials are avail- able: Single Subject and Multiple Sub- ject. ASingle Subject Credential certi- fies the student Lo teach a single sub- ject from pre-school through I2th grade, but is especially appropriate for grades 7- 12. The Multiple Subject Credential certifies the swdem LO teach in a self-contained classroom from pre-schoo l through 12th grade, but is es pecia ll y appropriate for kindergarten through 6th grade. Approved Majors for Single Subject Credential Art , biological science (life sci- ence waiver program), English (Eng- li sh-communication waiver program), histOI)', intercultural studies, mathe- matics, music , physical education ,

prior to student teac hi ng. Student Teaching must be completed with a grade of "B-" or better for the student LO be recommended for a teaching credemial. All candidates must pass the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST) prior to submiuing their application for student teaching.

Chair: Richard D.Jones, Ed.D. FACULTY Professor: Jones Associate Professor: Sibold OBJECTIVES

The strucll!re and function of the school qualities required for teacher effectiveness, and comempora, 1, issues in education . Aminimum of 30 hours of obse rvation / participation 111 schools is required . Successful com- pletion of this course constitutes one of th e requirements for admission Lo th e Preliminary Credential program. Prereq ui site: sophomore standing.

The major function of the Depart- ment of Education is to provide pro- fes sional preparation for teaching. Upon completion of the Leachi ng cre- dential program, the sLUdent should have satisfacto,y SL1bjecl matter knowl- edge , understand pupil behavior, be competent in the skills of teaching, be abl e to develop and encourage critical judgment and creativity, and have developed strong social and personal traits, ethical standards, and a Christ- ian philosophyof education. DEGREE PROGRAM A Bachelor of Arts degra in Liberal Studies is offered upon completion of the university baccalaureate and major requirements. The liberal ans major is designed LO prepare elementary school teachers with a broad founda- tion in subject mauer. Course require- ments consist of the following areas: I. English , inc luding grammar, literature, composition, and speech . 2. Mathematics and the physical and life sciences. 3. Socia l sciences , other than education and education methodol- ogy. Psychology 200 and lntercultural Studies 33 1are required. 4. Human ities and fin e arts , including fo reign language. At least 24 upper division units must be taken. All appropriate gen- eral education courses are included in the major. Elemental)' school activi- ties (Phys ical Education 201) is required as part of the student's physi- cal education requirement. 5. Specializat ion. There are nine options: Biology, Communica- tion, English, Histo,y (U.S. or World ), lntercu ltu ra l Stud ies , Ma thematics, Phys ical Education and Visual Ans. Oth er programs / educa tio nal options are as fo llows: CREDENTIAL PROGRAMS Two leve ls of Californ ia teaching credentials- the Preliminary credential and the Professional Clear credential- are avai lable, as well as the Association of Christian Schools International cre- dential. Each is outl ined below:

Professional Clear Credential Program

In order to qualify for a Profes- sional Clear Teaching Credential , a student must comp lete 30 uni ts of courses in a pre-approved program. The work must be complete wit hi n five years of receipt of the Preliminal)' Credential. The Professional Clear Credemial can be earned in one year of full time coursework. Undergraduate studenLS who wish LO become candidates for a Professional Clear Credentialmust be enrolled in an approved waiver program, must be accepted into the education program, and must outline a credential program with the credential analyst Post-degree student must be accepted inLO the School of Arn and Sciences and inLO the education pro- gram before outlining a program lead- ing LO a Professional Clear Credemial. Admission to the Professional Clear Cre- demial program requires a minimum grade point average of 2.5 in an approved waiver program or passing scores in the CBEST and NTE exams. A transcript analysis fee may be required. Courses Required for All Professional Clear Credential Candidates Hea lth Science (B iology 300) , Mainstreaming (Education 410) , and Complllers in the Classroom (Educa- tion 470) . Al l studenLS must demon- strate competence in the U.S. Consti- tution , writing, speech and hearing , and computer. Multiple Subject Cre- dential candidates must also demon- su-ate competence in chi ldren's litera- ture and elementary art, music, and mathematics. Other requirements vary with the type of program out- li ned, and may be obtained through the Education Department Association of Christian Schools International Certificate Biota University is approved to gram Association of Christian Schools International Teaching certificates. The program is the same as for the California certificate except that Chris- tian Phi losophy of Education (Educa- tion 560) must also be completed.


330 Psychologica l Foundations of Education (3)

Application of psychological principles LO the educative process, role of the teacher and learner, human growth and developmem, learning styles, motiva- tion , memory, transfer of learning, mea- surement and evaluation, research and experimentation in learning theory. This class is designed Lo fulfi ll the Uni- versity's writing competency requi re- ment. Prerequisite: 300, Psychology 200, approved conse nt, and fo rmal application into Education DeparLmem. 370 Teaching Assistant Preparation (1) lnstitlllion and practice in general and specific methods of teaching as an assistant LO professors of large uni- ve rsity classes. Taught jo intl y by in structors from the Education Department and the specific depart- ment using teaching assistanLS. 41 0Mainstreaming (3) Focuses on competencies that teach- ers must develop LO meet needs of exceptional pupil s; special atlenLion to needs of mi nority studenLS, to cul- tural and ethn ic differences, and to deve lopmem of moral/ spi ritual val- ues. Prerequisite : 330 and consent. 420 Teach ing Reading in Elementary Schools (3) Methods and materials for Leaching read ing to students in elementary schools; allention Lo a variety of approaches and techn iques; considera- tion of the needs of pupils with varied cultural and language backgrounds. A min imum of 30 hours of observa tion/ participation in schools is requ ired. Prerequisite: 330 and consent. 425 Teaching Reading in Secondary Schools (3) Methods and materials for teaching reading through content areas in sec- ondary schools; allention to reading techn iques, testing, and individualiza- tion. Aminimum of 30 hours of obser- vation / pan icipati on in schoo ls is required. Prerequisite: 330 and consent

physical science, social science. Approved Major for Multiple Subject Credential The Liberal Studies major. Professional Education Courses Required

Studen LS who wish Lo become can- didates for a teachi ng credemial must apply for admission LO the education program in their sophomore year or immediatel y upon transfer inLO the University if beyond that year. Amini- mum grade po int average of 2.5 is required. Other requiremenLS of the Education DeparLment and competen- cies to be met are stated in the Guide for Students Enteri ng the Teaching Profess ion , which may be obtained from the Education Deparunem office. All candidates fo r tlie Prelimina11• Teaching Credemial in Multiple Sub- ject instruction must complete the fol- lowing Education courses: 300, 330, 420, 430, 440, 442 as we ll as the fo ll ow- ing competency courses: ENGL 380, MATH 111 , MUSC 310, and ARTS 306. Al l candidates for the Preliminary Teaching Credemial in Single Subject instruction must complete the follow- ing education courses: 300, 330, 425 , 435, 450 and 452. In both programs, all education cou rses must be com- pleted with grades at "C" or beuer

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