

320 Studies in Grammar and Language (3) Introductory language course for edu- cation students: history of language , grammati cal systems, usage/ composi-

380 Studies in Children 'sLiterature (3) Read in gs in chil dren's litera ture, in cl udin g co nsi derati on of fo rms, themes and cri tical approaches. Pre- requisite: 250, 251, or 252 or consent. 400 Introduction to Shakespeare (3) Studies of a se lection of Shakespeare's plays, providing an overview of Shake- spearean tragedy, comedy, and histori- cal drama. Prerequisite: 250, 25 1, or 252 or consent. 420 Studies in Comparative literature (3) Comparative studi es of a specific cul- tu ral literature. Sections offered in areas such as: African, Span ish, Russ- ian, Jewish , German literature. Pre- requisite: 250, 251, or 252 or consent. 430 Special Studies in literature (3) Studies in general areas of li te rary in terest such as film and li tera ture, sci- ence fic ti on and fo lklore or in such specific literary topi cs as women's lit- erature or life writings. Prerequisite: 250, 251, or 252 or consent. 440 Studies in Major Authors (3) An in-depth studyof the works of one or more significan t authorswith atten- tion to the chron ological deve lop- ment of th e author' s style, main themes and relationship to the literary tradi ti on. Sec ti ons offered in cl ude such aut hors as: Chaucer , Milton, Wordsworth and Coleridge, Faulkner and Hemingway. Prerequisite : 250, 251, or 252 or consent. 450 Studies in literary Criticism (3) Studies in the history of criticism, con- temporary li terary theory and application of the principles of literary analysis. Pre- requisite:250, 251,or 252 or consent. 460 Studies in Literary Genre (3) Studies in a specific li terary genre such as , poetry, drama, the novel and film . Prerequisite: 250, 251, or 252 or consent. 470 Seminar (1) Reading, research and di scussion in areas not usually included in the stan- dard English curri culum. Three uni ts required for English majors, junior or se ni or standing required. Not re- stricted to English majors. Only one unit in one semester may be repeated fo r a maximum of fo ur units toward graduation. Prerequisite: 250, 251, or 252 or consent. 490 English Practicum (1 -3) Prac ti cal experience in English teach- ing and/ or research in the coll ege leve l. Limited enro llment.

English 103 or department placement. A "passin g" sco re on the Engli sh Department essay must be achieved before taking English 11 0A. Engli sh 11 0A must be taken in the semester immediately foll owing successful com- pletion of 107. Fee: $25.

tion; teaching applications. 340 Advanced Composition (3)

Study of the theori es of writing and rhetori cal models. Extensive practice in writing. 342 Creative Writing (3) Poe try and fi cti on works hop . Stu- de nts will read and critique eac h other's wo rk, study selec ted modern and contemporary poems and short stori es , and inves tigate the creative writing process. Permi ssion of instruc- tor required. 350 Introduction to TESOL (3) Bas ic concepts, meth ods an d tech- niques of teaching English to speakers of other languages. Introduces princi- pl es of second language lea rnin g along with techniques for teaching lis- tening, speak ing, wr iting and inte- grated skill s. This course is offered with two diffe rent emph ases; one focus ing on adult or pos t-secondary ESL and EFL (normally scheduled in the fall semester), and the other focus- ing on K-12 ESL (normally scheduled in the spring semester). May not be repeated fo r credit. (See TESOL420). 351 General English Linguistics (3) Introduction to the basic concepts in sci entifi c study of language , maj or areas of linguistic analysis, and several subareas of the fi eld . Although the primary emphasis is on English, mate- ri al fr om other languages is int ro- duced to provide a broad perspec tive. (See TESOL 407) 360 Studies in American Literature (3) Specific eras and movements in Ameri- can literature. Two or more sec tions offered every year. The sections include Ameri can literature from Co loni al America, the Constitution to the Civi l War, the Civil War to the NewDeal, and the New Deal to the present. Prerequi- site: 250, 251, or 252or consent. 370 Studies in English Literature (3) Specific eras and movements in Eng- lish literature. Two or more sections offered eve ry yea r. Th e sec ti ons include: Medi eval literature, Renais- sance literature, I7th-centu ry litera- ture, Romanticism, Victo ri an litera- ture, Early20th-century literature, and Contempora ry literature. Prerequi - site: 250, 25 1, or 252or consent.

109 English for the Non-Native Speaker: Writing Workshop (3)

Individualized instruction in essay orga- niza tion and coherence , with special attention to persistent errors. Credit for English l09 is contingent on passing the English department essay test, which is administered at the end of each semes- te r. Pre requisite: 107 or department placement. Fee:$25. 110 Studies in Criticism and Composition (3,3) Sec tionsAand B. Reading, discussion of ideas and me thods of writing, stressing critical thinking, persuasion and evalua- tion; experience in writing essays and the research paper. Both sections required. Section Aprerequisite to sec tion B. 210 Writing for Competency (3) Intensive prac ti ce in writing at the col- lege level. Designed for the students who have not sa tisfactorily fu lfill ed their department 's WCR (Writin g Compe tency Requir ement ) as descri bed in the General Studies sec- tion. A grade of Ct or better will ful- fill the competency requirement. Pre- requisite: two unsuccessful attempts to complete GNRC 300 and instructor 's signature. Fee: $25. 250 Literature in Context (3) Designed to fulfill the general educa- tion literature requirement and a pre- requisite for advanced studies in liter- ature. Sections offered every semester in specific areas: American Literature, World Literature, Literature and Film. Prerequisite: I l0A/ B. 251 English Literature to 1798 (3) Designed to fulfill the general educa- tion literature requirement and a pre- requisite for advan ced studies in liter- ature. Selec ted writers and their wo rks fr om th e ea rl y Middl e Ages through the 18th centu ry. Required fo r English and Humanities/ Engli sh majors. Prerequisite: l IOA/ B. 252 English Literature since 1798 (3) Designed to fulfill the general educa- tion literature requirement and a pre- requisite for advanced studies in litera- ture. Selected writers and their works from th e l 9th and 20th centuries . Required for English and Humanities/ English majors. Prerequisite: l lOA/ B.

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