Teacher Credential Programs
401 Magic, Witchcraft and Sorcery (3) A trea tment of conce ptions· of th e supernatural, the function of religion in society, religion and social control, the nature of religious ri tual and para- phernalia, sacred places and religious prac titioners. Prerequisite: approval of teacher. 403 Economy, Society and Values (3) Exp lorati on of theory and methods fo r the swdy of economic and social relations as theyimpact human values, with emphas is on analyt ic too ls for comparati ve resea rch and crosscul- tural ministry. Prerequisite: 300. 420 lntercultural Communication (3) Principles and processes of communicat- ing from one culnire to anoil1er. Focus on different perceptions, ways of think- ing, values, non-ve rbal expression, lan- guage expression and sub-groups within a cul ture as they relate to the media and the message. (See Communication 472.) linguisticsand Translation 310 General Linguistics (3) Descriptive and historical study of lan- guage ; lingui sti c analys is, language classificati ons, la nguage and its cul- tural and social seuings. 31 3 Language Learning (3) How to learn to speak another lan- guage using prove n techn iques and activities that can help assure success as a language learner. Practical expe- rience in language learn ing in a fo r- eign-speaking community. Fee: S125. 412 Introduction to Language in Social Context (3) Introduction to the study of language as a social phenomenon and the mul- tilingual norm of many socie ties; to sLruclUral, hi storical and comparative dimensions of language to second lan- guage acquisition ; and to th e relation- ship between wriuen and oral forms. 413 Phonetics (3) The study of the art iculation, classifi- ca tion, reproduction and recordi ng of speech sounds; principles of phonetic change. (See Communication 312. ) 414 Phonological Analysis (3) A swdy of th e sound system of lan- guages with emphasis on methods of reducing non-I ndo-European lan- guages to writing. Prerequisite: 413. 417 Grammati cal Analysis (3) Lingui stic structu re and patterning beyond the phonological leve l, con- centration on analysis of grammatical an d forma l oppos it ions and th eir structural relationships.
418 Analysis of Meaning (3) The studyof the semantic component of th e grammar of human language. 422 Field Methods (3) Prac ti cal aspects of linguistics fi eld- work with applica tion to a non-Indo- European language to develop ski ll in data elicitation and man agement, lan- guage lea rnin g and th e anal ysis of semantic, grammati cal and phonologi- cal structures of human languages . Prerequisite: 41 3,414, 417. 471 Introduction toBible Translation (3) An introduction to the principles and problems of intercultural communica- tion 111th special emphasis on translat- ing u1e Bible into indigenous languages. History and Theology of Mission 333 Introduction toChurch Planting (3) Asystematic studyof effective crosscul- tural church plan ting. Specific empha- sis isgiven to the il1eological underpi n- nings of church planting, qualifi cations fo r church planters, teamwork, demo- graphics, philosophyof ministry, strat- egy design, and turning over the lead- ership to the local church. 334 Advanced Church Planting (3) Asurvey and analysis of the strengths and weakn esses of vari ous chu rch planting stra tegies. Emphasizing key fac tors whi ch the church planter can implement in a given crosscultural con- text with strategy for turning over the leadership to th e local church. Prereq- uisites: 333 or consent of professor. 445 New Religious Movements (3) Examin es the ro le of reli gion and beli ef systems as th ey affect th e appearance and direction of a variety of revitali zation movements fo und in Afri ca, No rth America, Braz il, As ia and the Pacifi c. 446 History of the Expansion of Christianity (3) The background, origin , development and spread of the Christian faith from
456 World Religions (3) The distinctive features of the histori- ca l ethni c reli gions, with spec ial emphasis on their compa ri son and encounter wi th Christiani ty and their bearings upon missionary strategics. 465 Integration Seminar: Gospel and Culture (2, 3) A seminar integrating Biblical princi- ples in to one's li fe and the di scipli ne of lntercultural Swdies. Cri tical read- ing of integrative papers provide mod- els fo r student papers. Majors only. Others by permi ss ion. Society, Technology and Mission 430 Semina r: Top ics in lntercultural Health Care (3) Maybe repeated with different content. Cross Cultural Health Care Delivery. . Theo ri es and skil ls related to health teaching, physical assessment, prepa- ration and utilization of indigenous health care. Personal Hea lthMaintenance Abroad. Prepara ti on for li ving ove rseas: healu1y lifes tyle, prevention of di sease, mental and spiritua l burnout, initial treaLrnent where there is no doctor. Anthropology of Crossmltural Health Care. The anthropological study of problems of illness and health with emphas is on the cultural contex t of health care programs. Management Strategies in Crosscu/Jural Health Care. Preparation for se rving organizations involved in planning and implementing healil1 care systems at u1e district and village leve l. 441 Topics in App lied Cultural Anthropology (3) Appli ca tio n of anthropolog ica l insights to crosscultural problems. Course may be repeated with di ffe rent content with department permission. 442 Culture Change (3) The studyof how cultures change, the dynamics and process of change, the place of change agents and the speed
In cooperation with the Educa tion Depanment , lntercultural Smdies pro- vides a specialization in crosscultural studies for the California teaching cre- dential. The Social Studies/ lntercu l- tural Studies waiver programcombines th e Intercu ltural Studi es core with required coursework leading to a Sin- gle Subj ec t Credenti al suitabl e fo r teaching in high school. Those inter- ested in a teaching credential should consult 111th lnterculmral Studies and the Education Depanment. MINOR An l ntemdtural Studies Minor is offer ed with th e comp leti on of I8 units, 12 of wh ich must be upper divi- sion, in cl uding 300. The student is ex pec ted to take theo logy 468 for Bible elec tive. Students must consult with department adviser. Anthropology 300 General Cultural Anthropology (3) Th e nature of man and hi s culture; wo rldview and perception ; culture change; a study of the subsys tems of cultures, including social organization, religion, language and related topics. 322 Interpersonal and lntercultural Adjustment (3) Issues relating to intercultural living with foc us on personal and interper- sonal adjustments with nationals and other mi ssionari es. 331 Peoples of Ethnic America (3) A study of non-c aucasian e thn ic groups in America in light of their hi s- tori cal and socio-cultural background. Practi cal field experience in an ethn ic commun ity. Fee: $35. 332 Peoples of the World (3) Specifi c area studies with emphasis on customs, soc ial structures, reli gion, arts , history and intercultural commu- nication. May be repeated with differ- ent course content. 400 Comparative Folklore and Mythology (3) Maj or traditi ona l and rece ssive ele- ments in Western civiliza tion and cul- ture from the time of an In do-Euro- pean unity to th e present. Crosscul - tural in0uences; relati onship of his- tory, myth and Bible; universality of some myth olog ica l manifes tati ons. Maj or schools of interpretati on and tools of research. (See History 450.)
the apostolic period unti l today. 450 Introduction tothe Theology of Mission (3)
and in tensity of change . 451 Social Structure and Church Growth (3)
A sllldy of the ce ntrality of God's redempt ive acts in behalf of mankind from both the Old and NewTes ta- ments, with emphasis on their applica- tion to the mi ssion of the Church in modern times. (See Theology 468). 453 Christianity and Culture (3) Anthropological approach to Christ- ian th eo logizin g; interrelati onships between supracul tural Chr isti an ity and human cultures.
A bas ic und erstandin g of chur ch growth conce pts as related both to the local congregations and to the task of wo rldwide evangeliza tion. 457 Urban Research and Ministries (3) The use of social science techniques to learn about the people, needs and opportunities for evangelism in the city.
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