MAJORS Music Education (28-30 units)
Special Programs/Opportunities Ensembles The Music Department provides opportunities for experience in several types of vocal and instrumental ensem- bles, including the Biola Chorale, Cham- ber Music Ensembles, University Singers, Chamber Orchestra, Symphonic Winds, Jazz Ensemble, and Handbell Choir. All are open to non-music majors as well as music majors by audition at the begin- ning of each semester. Indi,1dual per- formance opportunities are offered through weekly student rec itals and junior and senior recitals. Concert Series The Music Department concert series features outstanding guest artists as well as its own widely-known faculty. Opportunities 011 Campus The stature of Los Angeles as a music center provides exceptional opportunities for hearing the world's leading artists, as well as outstanding coll ege and church music organizations. Service Opportunities The Los Angeles meu-opolitan area furnishes manyopportunities for remu- nerative service in music. TI1ere are fre-- quen t openings for competent organ- ists, church choir directors, soloists, accompanists and instrumentalists. Scholarships Music awards in varying amounts are ava il able to qualified students. Complete information is available by writing: Chair, Music Scholarship Com- mittee, Biola Uni versity, 13800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada, CA 90639-001 . COURSES 100 A, 8, C- Basic Keyboard Technique (1 , 1, 1) For the non-music major, designed to develop general keyboard facility. Also for the music major as preparation for entrance lO Music 118. (Units earned by the music major may not apply toward music degree requirements.) 101 Introduction to Music (3) Elements of music and media of per- forma nce in histori cal perspective. Provides basic background in music li terature. For the non-music major. Offered each semester. 102 A, B, C-Voice Class (1 , 1, 1) For the student with no previous voice training who desires to study applied music. (Section C is designated for music majors)
Chair: Jack Schwarz, D.M.A. FACULTY Professors: Childs, Liesch, Lock,
performance will be va lidated through placement examinations. Advanced standing may be gained through placement examinations in the areas of music theory, keyboard sk ill s, and individual performance , however no units of credit will be allowed for waived courses. Waiver of courses on the basis of placement examinations without comparable prior course credit will increase elec- tive units available. Credi t will for courses taken at a non-accredited co llege or university will be granted on ly through place- ment or challenge examinations. DEGREE PROGRAMS A Bachelor of Music degree is offered upon completion of the uni- vers ity baccalaureate and major requirements. The bachelor of music degree programs must comp lete a basic core of 38-40 units of music. Students in the major must maintain a 2.00 GPA in the major and receive a minimum grade of "C- " in each course. The core consists of the fol- lowing: 102C, 113, 114, 118, 119, 200, (four semesters), 213, 214, 300 (three semesters) , 307,308,309, 311,312, 315, 323, 340, (2+2) , 410, 440. For the Bachelor of Ans degree, the fol- lowing core courses are not required: 31 1, 312, 315,340 (2). Nole: Voice pe,Jonnance students are exem/1t from Music J02C. Keyboard per- fonnance students are exempt from Music 118, 119. The professional degree Bachelor of Music is also offered in one of the fo llowing areas: pe1formance, compo- sition and music education. Students interested in pursuing one of these degrees must demonstrate a high level of performance potential and commit- ment to music as a profession. A Bachelor of Arts Degree in Music is offered upon completion of the uni- versity baccalaureate and major requirements. In addition to the basic core units described above, require- ments for the Bachelor of Arts degree include: I2I, I22, 223, 224, 325, 326, 427 , 428, Ensemble (6), Electives (8- 11). Total units: 55. Nole: Candidates for the Bachelor of Music degree are exe,npt from the general education requirement in foreign language, literature and fine arts and need take onl)' five units in mathemalics and/or science. Specific requirements for the Bach- elor of Music emphases are as follows:
161, 162, 263, 264, 320, 324, 334, 365, 366, 420, 467, 468, 470. Ensemble- non-pianist (8), Ensemble-pian ist (4). Pianists must also take: 260A/ B, 360, 380. Professional education courses: 12 units Education 300, 330, 425, 435. Nole: No morethan one ensemble unit per semester will appl)' lo the eight-unit requirement. Additional ensemble units
Schwarz, Unfreid , Wiebe, Wong Associate Professors: Anderson, Owen Assistant Professor: Feller OBJECTIVES (I) to prO\ide opportunities for all students to study music as an essential pan of a liberal education; (2) lo serve as a professional school preparing music special ists for teaching, graduate study, performance, the ministry of church music and other careers in music; and (3) to prepare all of our graduates for effective contribution to the musical life of the e1'dllgelical church. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS All students seeking admission must demonsu-ate musical background and performance strengths necessary for successful completion of the stated curriculum. Admission into Biola Uni- versity does not guarantee admission into the Music Department as a music major. A student will be admitted to the department of music after: I. Meeting requirements for uni- versity admission. 2. Complet ing a Music Depart- ment appl ication with the required number of references supplied. 3. Comp leting a Music Depart- ment audition, including a basic musi- ciansh ip examina ti on designed to demonstrate uni versity level music study readiness. After acceptance and upon entrance, students will be given place- ment examinations and auditions in music theory, keyboard ski lls and per- formance. These exami nations are given for the purpose of validating prior study and determining proper placement in music courses. Specific information concern ing the content of these examinations and suggestions for preparation are ava il able by writ- ing the Music Department offi ce. Transfer of Credit /Advanced Standing With the exception of courses in music theory , keyboard ski ll s, and individual performance, courses taken at other regionally accredited colleges and universities in the Un ited States will be accepted on a comparable course basis. Prior study in the areas of music theory, keyboard skill s, and individual
ma)' fulfill elective requirements. Performance (40-42 units) Piano (42 units)
171 , 172, 260A/ B, 273, 274 , 350A, 360, 370, 375, 376, 380 (I +I) , 420, 430, 477, 478 , 490 , chamber music (4), music electives (5). Organ (42 units) 171 , I72, 260A/ B, 273, 274, 350A, 370 , 375, 376,380 (!+! ), 420 , 430 , 477, 478, 490, ensemble electives (6) (by advisement of organ faculty) , music electives (4). Instrumental (40 units) 171 , 172, 273, 274,370,375, 376, 420 , 430 , 477 , 478, 490. Ensemble winds/ percussion: symphonic11inds (6), electives (2). Strings: chamber orchestra (6), electives (2). Music elec tives (6). Voice (41 units) 151, 152, 171 , 172, 251 , 252,273, 274, 370, 375, 376, 430, 477, 478, 490. Ensemble: choral (6) , elect ive (2). Music electives (5). Note: No more lh011 one ensemble w1it per semester will appl)' lo the eight unit requirement. Additional ensemble units ma)' fulfill elective requirements. Voice performance students who plan further graduate study are encouraged lo take courses in French, German or Ital ian since proficiency in two of these is usually required for entrance into graduate programs. Composition (42 units) 131, 132, 233 , 234, 324, 335, 336, 340 (4)*, 437,438,490. Piano (private study) I07, I08, I09 , 110, 207, 208, 209, 210. Ensemble (8) (by advise- ment of the composition faculty). *In addition lo core requirements. Note: No more than one ense,nble unit per semester will appl)' to the eight-unit requimnenl. Note: Completion of the mmic major fulfills tllf general education requirenlfnt for fine arts.
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