104 A, B, C- Guitar Class (1, 1, 1) For the student with no previous train- ing in gui ta r. Sun•ey of di ffe rent styles of playing, toge ther with music th eory as related to the in strumen t. First position chords, bar chords, right and left hand tec hniqu e. Subsequ ent classes more advanced. 107, 108 , 109 , 110, 207 , 208 , 209 , 210 Applied Music- Pri vate (1-2) Applied ins011ction for non-music majors and for music majors, secondary instru- ment. lns011ction in piano, organ, harp- sichord , voice, brass instruments, sui ng insmnnents, wood111nd insm1ments, per- cussion inso,nnents, conducting, compo- sition and hymn imprmisation. 11 3 Music Theory: Aural , Wri tt en and Keyboard (4) Scales , in te n•als, tri ads, notation, key signatures, fundamentals. 114(W) Music Theory: Written and Keyboard (2) Part-writ in g, non-harmonic tones , cadences, fi gured bass, Roman analysis. 114(A) MusicTheory: Aural (2) Sight-sin ging, rhythmi c studi es, ear training, simple improvisa tion 118 Keyboard (1) Keyboard technique literature fo r the non-keyboard major. Prerequisite: Grade of '' B" or better in Music 100 or permi ssion. 119 Keyboard (1) Keyboard technique/ literature for the non-keyboard major. 121 , 122; 223 , 224;325 , 326; 427 , 428 Principal Applied Instructi on (1-2) For th e music majo r, B.A. deg ree objective, semester 1-8. Piano, organ, harpsichord, voice, brass instruments, string instrument , woodwin d instru- ment , percussion instruments. 131 , 132; 233 , 234; 335 , 336; 437 , 438 Principal Applied Instruction (1-2) For the music maj or, compos iti on deg ree obj ec ti ve , se mes te r 1-8. Instruction in composition. 151 , 152 Song Literature- Diction (1, 1) Principles of pronunciati on and enun- ciatio n of Engli sh, Itali an, French. German and Spanish. Texts are stud- ied as th ese languages relate to song literature from periods of history, geo- graphi ca l loca tion, individual com- pose rs or ethnic groups. 161, 162; 263 , 264; 365 , 366; 467 , 468 Principal Applied Instruction (1 -2) For the music major, music educa- tion degree objective, semester 1-8. Same areas of insLri1ction as under 121above.
171 , 172; 273 , 274; 375 , 376; 477 ,478 , 479 Principa l Applied Instruction (2-3) For the music majo r, perfo rmance degree obj ective, semesters 1-9. Same areas of instruc tion as under 121above. 180, 280 , 380 Performance Seminar (1) Group perfo rmance, di sc ussion of perfo rmance pr ac ti ce and perfo r- mance evaluation . Possible sections of voice, piano, organ and va rious wind and orches tral instruments. May be repeated fo r up to th ree units credit in the same area of pe1formance . 181 Introduction to Composition (2) Awriting course designed to provide opponun ity for developing basic skills in the manipulation of musical mate1ials. 200 Concert Music (0) Attendance at specified number and types of concerts each semester. Four semes ters required for graduati on. Credit/ no credit , no tui tion. 213 WMusic Theory: Written and Keyboard (2) Seventh chords, secondary dominants, altered chord. 213 AMusic Theory: Aural (1) Sight-singing, dictation. 214 WMusic Theory: Wri tten and Keyboard (2) Chr omati c harm ony, Neapolitan, augmented sixths, thi rd relation, com- mercial harmony. 21 4 AMusic Theory: Aural (1 ) Si ght-singing, fo ur-pan dictat ion of chromatic and modulating mate rials. 251 , 252 Song Literature - Diction (1 , 1) See description under 151, 152 above. 260 A, BKeyboard Sight Reading (1 , 1) Analysis of sight reading ski lls and pro- cedures. Emphasis on development of abili ty to read 111th musical understand- ing and adequate fluency at fi rst sight. Prereq uisite: consent of insU"l1ctor. 300 Concert Music (0) Anendance at spec ified number and types of co ncerts eac h semes ter. Three semesters required fo r gradua- tion. Pass/ fa il , no tuition. 307 MusicHistory and Literature: Medieval Through early Baroque (2) A hi stori ca l and cr iti cal study of the period including important contr ibu- tions in musical literature, theory and performan ce prac ti ce . Special anen- ti on wi ll be given to th e analys is of selected vocal and instrumental works. 308 Music History and Literature: Mid- Baroque Through Classic (2) A historical and critical survey of th e pe riod in cl uding importan t contribu-
tions in music literature, th eory and pe1fo rmance prac ti ce. Special anen- ti on will be give n to the anal ysis of selected vocal and instrumen tal works. 309 Music History and Literature: Late Romantic through Early 201h Century (2) A histori cal and critical sun•ey of the period including important contribu- tions in music literature , th eoq· and performance practice. Special atten- tion will be give n to the analys is of selected vocal and ins trumental works. 310 Elementary Music Workshop (2) Instruction in the materials fo r teach- ing music in the elementary school. (Non-music majors- bypermission.) 311 Music Theory:Written Emphasis(2) Co unterpoint. Emph as is on eigh- teenth centuq• two- and three- voice techniques. An alysis of representative literatu re and wr iting of short style pieces. Prerequisite: 214. 312 Music Theory: History and Literature of the 201h Century (3) The studyof 20th century th eory prac- ti ce and compos itional techn iqu es within the context of the broad range of 20th century music li terature. 315 Music Theory: Aural Emphasis (1) Sight-singing of melodies containing leaps, and melod ies which are chro- matic and/ or modulate. Di ctation of harmonic passages that are chromatic and / or co nt ain ninth and 13th chords. Prerequisite: 214. 320 Music Education (1) A. Brass; B. Percussion; C. Strings; D. Woodw inds; E. Mu sic Drama; F. Frened Instruments. Workshops in prepard tion for teaching instrumental music and music drama in elementary and secondary schools. 323 Basic Conducting (2) Basic conducting sk ills; th e psychology of conducting; obsen•ation of choral and orches tral rehearsals. 324 Advanced Studies in Conducting (2 ) One or more sec tions offered pe1iodi- cally in the areas of choral and instm- mental conducting. Continua tion of the obj ec tives of Music 323 related specifically to the technical and in ter- pretative ski llsofeitl1er chord!or ins0c1- mernal conducting. Prerequisite: 323. 330 Contemporary Music Issues (1-3) One or more courses offered periodi- cally in such areas as: arranging, song- writing, performan ce practice, elec- tronic technology. An analysis and ac ti11ty course that examines contemporary music as it relates to composing, arranging, and
perfo rmin g in pop and jazz styles. Issues addressed will incl ude pop and th eater songwrit ing, vocal and small in strumental ensemble arranging and tl1e performance of contemporaq· styles as tl1ey relate to their use in school and church settings. May be repeated 111 th di ffe rent content. Prerequi site: 114A, 114Wor deparunent permiss ion. 334 Philosophy of Music Education (3) An invest igati on of phi loso ph ies of music education and the resulting aes- th etic implications fo r teaching music
in all grades. (Music majors.) 340 Special Studies inMusic Theory/Composition (2-3)
One or more courses offered periodi- cally in such areas as orches trat ion, choral arranging, basic techn iques for arrangers, electronic mus ic, form and analysis. Prerequisite: 312 or consent of instructor. 350A Advanced Keyboard Skills (1) Thi s course is des igned to teach church service playin g skill s at an advanced level to pianists and organ- ists. Areas of work include: harmoniza- tion, transposition, modulation, impro- 11sation, hpnn playing, accompanying
(solo and choral) and repertoire. 360A,B Piano Accompanying (2)
Swdy and perfo rmance of pi ano accompaniment fo r vocal and instru- me ntal li terature; discussion of styles and perfo rmance prac ti ces; ex peri - ence in public performance. 370 Junior Recital (0) Preparati on fo r junior leve l applied major 30-minute rec ita l. Pass / fa il , no tuit ion. 390 Opera Workshop (1 -3) The studyand pe1fonnance of chamber and, one-act operdS, scenes from major operas and selected Broad11'dY musicals. Open to all students by audition. 41OMusic Cultures of the World (3) An introductorystudyof the in terrela- tionships be tween music and cu lture through the examination of the music of vaq•ing cultures. Basic elements of music as they are found in world cul- tures wi ll be studi ed with spec ifi c application to the work of the church. 420 Special Studies in Music Literature (2) An in-depth study of music literature as it relates to spec ifi c instruments, ensembles , pe ri ods of hi story, geo- graphi cal locations, individual com- posers or ethnic groups. One or more sections offered eve ry yea r in areas such as piano literature, choral li tera- ture, organ literature, instrumental lit-
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