General Policies
320 Directed Individual Studies (1-3) Permits students to pursue special interests related to the profession of nursing. Open to clin ical nursi ng majors only with written consent of instructor. May be repeated with dif- ferent con tent. Maximum of six units may be taken for credit. 321 Clinical Enrichment (1 -4) Opportunity for add iti onal applica- tion of the nursing process in selected health care sett ings. Offered In ter- term and Summer School. May be repeated with different content and written consent of instructor. Open to clinical nursing majors on ly. May be taken on a cred it / no credit basis. Must ea rn at leas t a "C" (2. 00) for credi t. Prerequisite: Nursing 205 .
child- rearing, child health promotion , and care of the ill child. Prerequisites: 206, Biology 282 (C*) 360 Nursing of the Childrearing Family - Clinical (3) Clinica l appli cation of the nursing process in providing family centered child health care in acu te and com- muni ty se ttings. (C*) 441 Introduction to Nursing Research (2) The research process appli ed to nurs- ing includes problem definitions and basic research design. Each student works on developing a basic research proposal. Prerequisites: 330, 340, 350, 360, Statistics (may be taken concur- rentlywith consent of instructor). 442 Applied Nursing Research (1) Opportunity to critique li te rature, contin ue work on research proposal or participate in a research project. Prerequisite: 441. 450 Leadership/Management in Nursing -Theory (2) Combin es theory of leadership and nursing care delivery sys tems with issues and trends in nursing. Prereq- uisites: 330, 340, 350, 360. (C*) 451 Leadership/Management in Nurs- ing: Team Leading- Clinical (3) Clinical application of leadership/ man- agement theory in giving and directing care for a group of clients. (C*) 452 Leadership/Management in Nurs- ing: Elective Setting-Clinical (2) Cli ni cal appli cati on of leaders hip/ management theory in a clinical set- ting selected by the student in collabo- ration wi th faculty. Examples include critical care, emergency room, inten- sive care, pediatrics, maternity, med- ical-surgical, missions. (C*) 460 Nursing in the Community -Theory (3) Comb in es nur si ng theory with con- cepts of communi ty health and com- munity mental health. Prerequisites: 330, 340, 350, 360. 460 Nursing in the Community - Clinical (5) Clini cal app li ca tion of the nursing process with individuals, families and commun iti es to promote and main- tain adapti ve equilibrium. TRANSFER/CHALLENGE POLICY For transfer nursing students, reg- istered nurses , li censed voca tional nurses and other appli cants with health profession backgrounds.
Note: The general education 1tquirement for aforeign language for nursing majors is two years of the same high school /anguagp or four units of a college language. Nuning majors are exempt from general education requirements of literature (3) and hist01y (four of eight units required). Only three units of P.E. must be taken l,y those nursing students rnquired to takeUniversity Life. The annu al Commitment and Pinning Service is financed by assess- ing each prenursing and clinical nurs- ing student S5 per yea r. COURSES 205 Nursing of the Client/ Family I -Theory (5) Im plementatio n of the nursing process to facilitate adaptive equi lib- rium in the cl ient. Includes normal growth and development of the infan t through the aged adult. (C*) 205 Nursing of the Client/ Family I - Clinical (5) Cli nical application of the nursing process with adu lt cl ients in acute medical -surg ical, conva lescent and community se tti ngs. Graded on a credit/ no credit basis. Must earn at least a "C" (2.00) fo r credi t. (C*) 206 Nursing of the Client/ Family II -Theory (5) Conti nuation of 205. Implementation of' th e nursing process to facilitate adapt ive eq uilibrium in th e client. Prerequisite: 205. (C*) 206 Nursing of the Client/ Family II - Clinical (4) Clini cal app li cation of the nursin g process with clients in acu te medical- surgical and community se ttings with emphasis on the surgical client. Graded on a credit/ no credi t bas is. Must earn at least a "C" (2.00) for credit. (C*) 300 Professional Nursing Seminar (1-3) A transition seminar designed to facil- itate sociali zation into baccalaureate professional nursing. Designed for transfer-challenge students. 305 Pharmacology (2-3) Astudyof the characteristics of' drug fam- il ies, drug actions and metaboli sm, th era- peutic uses, untoward responses, precau- tions and contradictions. Principles for making sound nursing judgments in the administration ofmedications. 310 Behavioral Concepts for Nursing Practice (2) Concepts affecting the role of the pro- fess ional nurse in promoting adaptive equilibrium. One and one-half hours lecture; one and one-h alf hours di s- cussion. (C*)
I. Transfer srudents who have not ye t started nursing courses should apply as any other student for the program, mee ting all prerequisites as outlined in the university catalog and Standard Cur- riculum Chan for the nursing major. 2. Applicants planning to chal- lenge nursing courses must fir st be accep ted by and fulfill all matricula- tion requirements of Biola University. The Department of Nursing should be contacted at the time of appli cation to
the University.
3. Separate application must be made to the Department of Nursing. A$20.00 nonrefundable appli cation fee made payable to Biola Un iversity, Department of Nursing must accom- pany the application. It is recom- mended that this be done concur- rently wi th application to the Univer- sity. Final acceptance into nursing will not be made until official accep- tance to the University is granted. 4. To be considered for accep- tance into the nursing program, all app li can ts must have a minimum cumulative GPAof2.5. 5. Transfer-chall enge students who have met prerequisites compara- ble to the ge neric students will have equal access for open spaces in all nursing courses. 6. It is recommended that the required non-nursing prerequisites are completed as outlined in the standard curriculum chart for the nursing major before entering clinical nursing courses (except 30 unit option). Transfer credit for non-nursing courses will be granted by the Registrar's Office as indicated in the university catalog. If a given nursing course from a regionally accredited nursing program is comparable in con- tent and level to a given course offered by the Department of Baccalaureate Nursing, transfer credit will be granted. 7. All candidates will participate in -a transition seminar course (NURS 300: Professional Nursing Seminar ) designed to fac ilitate socialization in to baccalaurea te professional nursing. This course must be successfully com- pleted prior to enrollment in any clin- ical nursing course. 8. It is recommended that all transfer-challenge students take NURS 310 Behavioral Concep ts for Nursing Practice; however, students may chal- lenge this course by examination if they fee l they have a knowledge of the course content. Comparable courses wi ll be evaluated for transfer credit.
330 Advanced Nursing of the Client/Family- Theory (2)
Impl eme ntati on of the nu rsi ng process with adult clients experiencing complex disturbances in adap tive equi- librium. Primary foc us is on patho- physiology in the phys ical subsystem. Prerequisite: 206, Biology 282. (C*)
330 Advanced Nursing of the Client/Family - Clinical (3)
Clinica l app li cation of th e nursing process with multicultural clients in the acute medical-surgical setting. (C*) 340 Nursing of the Client/ Family with Com- plex Mental Health Problems - Theory (2) Concepts related to nursing of adults with problems of adaptation resulting in psychopathology. Focus is on the application of the nursi ng process to problems of psychopathology. Prereq- uisite: 206. (C*) 340 Nursing of the Client/ Family with Complex Mental Health Problems - Clinical (2) Clini cal app li cation of th e nursing process with cl ients in men tal health setting. (C*) 350 Nursing of the Childbearing Family -Theory (3) Impl ementat ion of the nursin g process utili zi'ng a fami ly-cen tered approach to childbearing and mater- nal health promotion. Prerequisites: 206, Biology 282. (C*) 350 Nursing of the Childbearing Family - Clinical (3) Clini ca l appli cation of the nursin g process in providing family centered maternal hea lth ca re in acute and communitysettings. (C*) 360 Nursing of the Childrearing Family - Theory (3) Implementation of the nursing process utili zing a family centered approach to
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