



9. Students rece ivin g fi nancial ass istance may need to take 12 units while th ey are chall eng ing nursing courses. 10. Fo ll owi ng notifi cat ion of acceptance into th e Depa rtment of Nursing, the cand idate may begin the challenge process. The process consists of examination with theory and clinical componenLS. Contact the Department of Nursing for specific details. 11. Prior to going to the cl ini cal agency, all challenge sllldents mus1 have a current CPR cert ifi cate. The Department of Nursi ng health form required of all nursing majors must be subm itted prior to clinical chal lenge and ad mi ss ion to cl ini cal nursing courses. This is necessary for Biola to meet agency contract requirements. 12. Candidates fo r the challenge process have the option of sc heduling the examinations in such a way that if unsuccessful, subsequen t enrollment in the course is possible. 13. Course credi t will be gran ted upon successful completion of the chal- lenge exam. Courses maybe chal lenged one time only. (C*) denotes that a class can be challenged for the uni LS listed. 14. Speci fi c policies related to R.N. 's, L.V.N. 's or L.P.N. 's fo ll ow. Transfer chall enge students from ot he r nur sin g programs or ot her health profession backgrounds will be evaluated individually. Additional Policies: Registered Nurse and Students Transferring from RN Programs I. Applicants must meet one or more of the fo llowing criteri a: a. Hold current licensure in the United States. b. Be a graduate of a regionally accredi ted program. c. Be a student in a reg ionally accredited program. 2. Nur sing in the Communi ty (460) and nursing research courses (441, 442) must be taken. Admission to these courses is contingent on successful com- pletion of all componenLS of the chal- lenge process . The following courses may be challenged: 205, 206, 3I0, 330, 340, 350, 360,450,451and 452. Additional Policies: licensed Vocational Nurse I. The applicant must hold cur- rent registration in the Un ited States. Graduates of regiona ll y accred ited nurs ing programs in th e proce ss of obtaini ng li censure will be admitted on provisional status.


2. The applicant may take th e 30 unit curriculum or the transfer-chal- lenge curricu lum. Option I: Thirty Unit Curriculum I. Thi s op1ion permits the L.V.N. to take nursing and related sci- ence courses in order to qualify for the Cal ifo rnia registered nurse li cens- in g examin ation. Tran sfe r into the degree program is poss ible. 2. The appli cant's portfolio wi ll be eval uated on an individual basis. Academic credit earn ed in regionally accredited insti tu tions of higher edti- cation for comparable prelicen sure courses will be accepted fo r transfer. 3. Th e following courses must be completed prior to taki ng the R.N. 4 units Biology 282 Microbiology* 4 units Nursing 300 Professional Nursing Seminar 3 units Nursing 320 Directed lndi,~dual Studies (Geriatrics) 3 units Nursing 330 Advanced Nursing of the Cli ent/ Family 5 units Nursing 340 Nurs ing of the Client/ Familywith Complex Melllal Health Problems 4 un its Nursi ng 450, 45 1, 452 Leadership/ Management in Nursing 7 units 30 units licensure examination: Biology 28 1Physiology*

Chair: William D. Shanebeck, M.A. FACULTY Professor: Hanson, Moreland Associate Professor: Ciocch i OBJECTIVE The objectives of the philosophy major center on intellectual content and skills becoming part of th e sLU- dent 's life and character: (I) develop- ment of the habit of reflective and eval- uative thinking; (2) growth in the ability to read and understand ph ilosophic lit- erature and to wri te well about thi s material; (3) gaining an acquaintance with the intell ectual tradition of the West; (4) acquiring the abili ty to apply philosophical concepts to life's prob- lems; (5) making se1ious progress in for- mulating one's om1 world and li fe view; and (6) advancing LOwards full imellec- tual and personal imegration of acade- mic sn1dies 111th Christian teaching. The philosophy major may be taken as a liberal ans major, as pre- professional preparation for careers in such fi elds as the law, education and the mini stry, or as preparation for graduate study in philosophy. DEGREE PROGRAM A Bachelor of Arts degree in Philoso- phy is offered upon compieLion of the university baccalaureate and major requirements. The phi losophy major consi sts of 35 units beyond the ge n- eral education requi rement. The stu- dent mus t take the 1hree courses in the hi story of philosophy sequence (30 1, 302, 303), the three co urses in the major division s of philosophy (4 11 , 412, 41 3), and select nine units from courses designated as "Advanced Studies in Phil osophy." In addition, the stud ent mu st take either 210 lmroduc tion to Logic or 312 Symbol ic Logic. Those planning on graduate work in ph ilosophy will be advised to take Symbolic Logic. Finally, each stu- de nt must meet the departmental semin ar requirement of five units, as follows: two units of 350 Phil oso phy Seminar and th ree unit s of 450 Advanced PhilosophySeminar. Humanities Major/Philosophy Concentration Th e Department of Philosophy offers a philosophyconcentration for the humanities major. (See Humanities sec- tion for specifics.) It is basicallya minor in philosophy, bu1 more flexibili~, is pos- sibile through departmelll ad11semern.

A Philosophy Minor is offered with the completion of 18 units beyond the general educa1ion requ irement, 15 of which must be upper division. The student must select two courses from 30 I, 302 and 303 and two courses from 411,4 12 and 413. Nole: No s/11den/ who has taken one of the lmuer division hist01y ofphilosophy co11rses (211, 212, 213) will be J1ennilled lo enroll in its comsj1onding 11pjler division n11111.ber /301, 302, 303). Any st11denl who Jails into this categ01y, and who i.s also a J1hiwsophy maj01; a phiwso/1hy min01; or a h1mwnities ml9or with a philosophy emphasis - all of whom are req11ired to lake 11pper division rowses in the hist01y of /1hiloso/1hy - will be asked lo subsli/11/e another philoso/1hy ro11m for the hist01y of J1hiwsoj1hy rowse. Selection of an 11J41ropriale s11bstil11/e will be made in rons11ltation with the s/11denl's advisor. COURSES 210 Introduction to Logic (3) Ageneral introduction to logi c cover- ing both deductive and indu ctive in fere nce, and th e analys is of argu- menLS in ordi nal)' language. 211 Introduction to Ancient Philosophy (3) An introduction to philosoph y through a study of the earli es t period of philosophic deve lopment in the West , covering th e Pr esoc ratic s through the Neo-Platonists. 212 Introduction to Medieval Philosophy (3) An i1iu-oduction to philosophy through a study of th e histOI)' of phi losophy, from Augustine 10 William of Occam , with special emphasis upon AL1gust ine andThomas Aquinas. 213 Introduction to.Modern Philosophy (3) An introduction to philosophy through a studyof the hisLOI)' of phi- losophyfrom the Renai ssance through the 18th centu1y 214 Introduction to Philosophy (3) Ageneral introduction to the nature, problems, method s, cqncepts, and divisions of philosophy. 215 Introduction to Ethics (3) An inu·oduction to philosophy through a studyof the p1incipal eth ical the01ies and thinke rs; basic ethical problems and re lated biblical teachi ng. 301 Greek and Roman Philosophy (3) The history of philosophyin the West from the Presocratics through the Neo- Pl atonisLS. In contrast to 211 , the lower di11sion course which covers the same pe1iod, this course isdesigned for stu-

*Transfer credit will be granted. Option II: Transfer-Challenge

I. Just as AON swde nts mus t demonstrate comparability of transfer courses, LYN students will be given the same opport uni ty. However , LVN's wi ll be all owed to chall enge lower division courses if unabl e to demonstrate comparab ili ty from a regionallyaccredited academic institu- ti on. Nursing 205 and 206 must be challenged in sequence. 2. Ot her cou rses required for licensure may be challenged based on individual portfoli o evaluation. Nurs- ing in the Community (460) and nurs- ing research courses (44 1, 442) must be taken.

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