Physical Education
MAJOR Physical Education Secondary Teaching Credential (42-43 units) Of these units, 29-3 1 must be upper division , including ski ll s activity courses. Acandidate for the physical educat ion maJor must demonstrate acceptable physical qualifications and abilities. Included in the 42-43 unit requirement will be eight units of skills activity for men and seven units for women. Th ese units will be in addition to the four semester general education requirement. In addition , the following courses must be completed: 180, 205 , 30 1, 302, 307, 308 or 309, 400, 401 , 408, 420. Men will take: one elective from 312, 314, 320, 321; one elective from 310,3 11 ,313,317,323,324,325; and one upper division elective from the above . Women will take: 320, 321 and two upper di1ision electives from 310, 312,3 13, 317,323,324,325, 326. Biol- ogy 252 and 281 are required as sup- porting courses for all physical educa- tion majors. For the teaching creden- tial program, Education 300, 330, 425 and 435 are requ ired. Biology 300 is required for those seeking a Califor- nia teaching crerlential. Sport Physiology (45 units) (31 upper division. ) This is a course of st udy emphasizing th e human sciences and preparing stu- dents for conti nued study in phys ical therapy, athletic training, industrial physical fitness and simi lar programs. Required courses are: Psychology 200, which may be used to fu lfill the ge n- eral educat ion behavioral sc ience requirement; Physical Education 205, 30 1, 302, one 300 level analys is course, 400,401, 408, 420, 480, Biol- ogy 252 and 281 , Mathematical Sci- ence 101 and nine units of upper divi- sion elec tives to be selected as appro- priate: Psyc hol ogy 322, Biology 120 (Nutrition), 311 or 300 level course and statistics or computer science or Physical Education 307. Required as support courses: Chem istry I 05 and I 06 and Physical Science 111 and 122 which may be used Lo fulfill general education science requirement. MINOR A Physiral Eduralion Minor is offered with the ~ompletion of 205, 301 or 302, 307, 400, 408 and any two courses 3I 0- 317 and 320-326. Coaching Minor: Pri- ma,ily for those who 11ish to coach in a
435 Advanced Studies in Philosophical Topics (3) Reading, discussion and research in selected topics in philosophy, with special attent ion paid to contempo- rary developments in the philosophi- cal literature. May be repeated with different course content. 450 Advanced Philosophy Seminar (3) Research in the integration of philoso- phy with the teachings of the Ch,istian faith. The student will write a major integration paper. Prerequisite: the stu- dent must be a senior philosophymaJor or have the consent of the professor. 460 Readings in Philosophy (3) Directed reading in selected areas, topics, and problems in philosoph y. Prerequisite: consent of the professor. 480 Directed Research (1-3) Directed research in some philosophi- cal topic or problem. Prerequi site: consent of the professor.
den ts who have already taken at least one course in philosophy and are expected to achieve at a higher level of learning. 302 Medieval Philosophy (3) The history and philosophy in the West from August ine to William of Occam, with special emphasis upon ALLgustine and Thomas Aquinas. In contrast to 212, the lower divi sion course which covers the same period, this course is designed for students who have already taken at least one course in philosophyand are expected to achieve at a higher level of learning. 303 Modern Philosophy (3) The histo1 1• of philosophy in the West from the Renaissance through the eighteenth century. In contrast to 21 'l, the lower division course which covers the same period, this cou rse is designed for stud ents who have already taken at least one course in philosoph y and are expected to achieve at a higher level of learni ng. 312 Symbolic Logic (3) An introduction to the basic elements of modern symboli c logic, including propositional logic and predicate logic. 350 Philosophy Seminar (1-2) Reading , research and discussion in se lected philosophical topics and problems. Prerequisite: The student must be a philosophy major or minor, or a humanities major with an empha- sis in philosophy, or have the consent of the professor. May be repeated with differenL course content. 411 Metaphysics (3) An historical and critical exami nation of se lected metaphysical problems ,
Chair: Roger G. Soule, Ph.D. FACULTY Professor: Soule Associate Professors: Henry,
Holmquist, Neal, Norman, Sarver
Ass istant Professor: Orr OBJECTIVES
The objectives of the physical edu- ca ti on program are: (I) to teach the fundamental sports ski lls for present and future years; (2) to teach the neces- sity of the techniques for a lifetime of physical fitness; (3) to provide whole- some recreational activities and intra- mural sports; (4) to conduct a program of intercollegiate athletics; (5) to pro- 1ide Christian perspectives on physical fiuiess, recreation and atl1letics; and (6) to provide a major with emphases in teaching and sports physiology as well as a minor in phys ical education or a minor witl1a coaching emphasis. Each student under 21 years of age at time of entrance to Biola is required to complete four semesters of ph ys ical education (Select from skill classes 110, 130, 140, 150) to be el igible for graduation (students turn- ing 21 during their first semester of enrollment are exempt). No ac tivity may be taken more than once for general education pur- poses, however , an intermediate or advanced class may be taken in the same skill. Students may se lect one unit of a recreation skill to meet the general education requirement. (See Ph ysical Education Skills and Tech- niques Course.) Credit for varsity sports may be substituted for two regu- larl y sc heduled ph ys ical education classes. In addition to the four semes- ters of ph ys ical educat ion activities required for general education, th e student may complete four more semesters for cred it (a maximum of eight) for graduation. Students studying for the multiple subjec t teaching credent ial but not se lec tin g ph ys ical ed ucation as a minor area of concentration, should select P.E. 201 and two other phys ical education activity classes to fulfill the general education requirement. DEGREE PROGRAM A Barhelor of Srienre degree in Physi- ral Ed11ralio11 is offered upon comple- tion of the university baccalaureate requirements and one of the follow- ing major emphases.
topics, and systems . 412 Epistemology (3)
An histo1ical and critical examination of the philosophical study of the nature, scope ,me! validity of hum,m knowledge. 413 Ethics (3) A study of the principal et hical theo- ries and thinkers , basic ethi ca l prob- lems and related biblical teaching. 415 Advanced Studies in the History of Philosophy (3) Reading, discussion and resea rch in selected topics or periods from the his- tory of philosophy. May be repeated with different course conten t. 425 Advanced Studies in the Divisions of Philosophy (3) Studies in a single division of philoso- phy, such as aesthetics, the philosophy of religion , the philosophy of science, and the philosophy of history. May be repeated with different course content.
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