

formal school setting. Requires 205, 30 I or 302, 309 and any two courses 310-3 17 and 320-326. Additional activ- ity cl asses are suggested for minors as schedul es permit. Both minors require a total of 18 uni ts, of which 12 units must be upper division courses. COURSES 11OPhysical Education Skills and Techniques (1) Fundamental techniques of individual skills, basic strategy and rul es. Aerobics, badminton, basketball , bowling, condi- tioning, fie ld hockey, fi eld sports, fl ag foo tball , ** first aid , go lf, racquetball , soccer, softball , track and field , tennis, tumbling and gymnasti cs, vo lleyball and wrestling. May be repeated once if no 130 or 150 section offered. *Recreation classes offered are backpacking, canoe- ing, outdoor st1r11val and rockclimbing. *Onl y one recrea ti on class may be counted as a P. E. activi ty credit. **First Aid does no t co unt as P.E. ac ti vity credit. Lab fees: $15, (exception: rac- quetball , bowling, tumbling/ gymnasti cs and golf, 535); backpacking, canoeing, outdoor sun~val and rockclimbing, $50. 117 Junior Varsity and Freshman Athletics (1) For intercollegiate athl eti c teams at juni or va rsity and fr es hman leve l. Enrollment during registration period

150 Advanced Physical Education Skills and Techniques (1) Advanced skill s, individual and team strategy and rules in selec ted activity classes. Lab fee: $15 (exception: bowl-

308 Sports Officiating (Men) (2) Rules, scoring and mechani cs of offic i- ating atl1letic events; selected act ivi ties and prac ti ces in ac tual officiating required. Offered alternate years. 309 Sports Officiating (Women) (2) Rul es, scoring and mechanics of offici- ati ng athletic events; selected activities an d pract ice in ac tual officia tin g required. Offered alternate years. 31 OAnalysis of Soccer (2) Emphasis on the analysis of individual skill s and team play; va ri ous tec h- niques of offensive and defensive tac- tics and strategy. Prerequisite: 11 0. Offered altern ate years. 311 Analysis of Basketball (Men) (2) Hi story, rul es, elementary mas tery of individual and teampl ay; and methods of teaching basketball. Pre requisite: 11 0or 150. Offered alternate years. 312 Analysis of Track and Field (2) Rul es governi ng individual events and the conduct of meets; elemental mas- te ry of fo rm ; mechani cal principles in vo lved; methods of coaching th e vari ous events. Prerequisi te: 11 0 or experience. Offered alternate years. 313 Analysis of Baseball (2) History, rules, nomenclature, care of fi eld ; elemental mastery of each posi- tion includingbase running, slidingand base coaching; offensive and defensive play; strategy and metl10ds of coaching softball . Offered alternateyem. 314 Analysis of Wrestling (Men) (2) Essent ia l tec hniqu es of wres tl ing; development of a team; conditioning and co nduct of pr ac ti ce sess ions; mec hanical principles which govern perfo rmance . Prerequi site: 11 0 or experience . Offered alte rnate years. 316 Analysis of Teaching Individual and Team Sports (2) A th eo ry and laboratory course des igned to acquain t students with teaching progression , prac ti ce tech- niques, selection and care of equipment for selected sport ac tivities. Prerequi- site: Completion of all required I00 level courses. Offered alte rnate years. 317 Analysis of Football (Men) (2) Analysis of teaching individual skill s and team pl ay; various techniques of offen sive and defensive tac ti cs and strategy. Offered alternate years. 320 Analysisof Tennis (2) The organiza tion and conduct of ten- ni s, competi tion, progression drill s, and prac ti ce techniques; coaching; selec tion and care of equipment. Pre- requisite: 110. Offered altern ate years.

321 Analysis of Gymnastics (2) The organization and conduct of gym- nas ti cs; balance and posture. Prereq- uisite: 11 0. Offered alternate years. 323 Analysis of Volleyball (2) Atheo1y and laboratory class designed to acquaint students with progression, prac ti ce techniques, selection and care of equipment and the teaching and coaching of vo ll eyball. Prerequisites: 110, 150. Offered alternate years. 324 Analysis of Rhythmical Activities (2) Ins trumental materi als and methods suitabl e fo r all areas of rhythmi cal ac ti vi ti es . Prerequi sit es : 11 0, 20 1. Offered alte rn ate years. 325 Analysis of Softball (Women) (2) Ath eory and laboratory class designed to acquaint students 1vith progression, practice techniques, selec tion and care of equipment and the teaching and coaching of softball. Prerequi sites : 11 0, 150. Offered alte rnate years. 326 Analysis of Basketball (Women) (2) Atheory and laboratory course designed to acquaint students with progression; practice techniques; selection and care of equipment and th e teaching and coaching of basketball. Prerequi sites: 110, 150. Offered alternate years. 330 Psychology of Coaching (2) Analysis of factors in coaching in areas of motiva tion, attitude formation and behavior, leade rship and techniques of coaching. 400 Administration and Principles of Physical Education (3) Impl ementing the activity program through proper organi za ti on; use of tes ts and measurements; purchase and care of equipment; public relations at all level s; auxiliary·activity programs offered by organi za ti ons outside the school; the place of the intramural and inter-school program; development of principles which serve as a basis of the profess ion. Lecture/ demonstrations team-taught with cooperating depart- ments. Offered alternate years. 401 Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries (3) Theory and prac ti ce of principles and techniques pertaining to athletic con- diti oning; ca re of athl eti c injuri es. Offe red alternate years. Fee: $50. 402 Advanced Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries (3) Advanced theory and appli cati on of current techniques in the preventi on and trea tment of athl eti c injuri es . Prerequisite: 401. Fee : S50.

ing, racquetball , golf, $35) . 180 Recreation Leadership and Programming (2)

Bas ic qualifi cations of the successful leader of recreational groups; aims of a successful program; techniques of organ izi ng and supervising the pro- gram. Recommended fo r youth club leaders and directors, and playground and camp assistants. 201 Elementary School Activities (2) Games, basic rhythmic skills and phys- ical activities designed fo r the elemen- tary child; preparation for the upper division professional methods course in the teaching of physical education . (Educa tion majors only.) 205 History and Philosophy of Physical Education (3) Ahistori cal reviewof physical education and sports; objectives of physical educa- tion; development of a basic philosophy and background for professional educa- tion. Offered alternate years. 301 Kinesiology (3) Human movement with emphasis on th e structu re and fun cti on of th e skeletal, muscu lar and nervous sys- tems, with simple mec hanical princi- ples involved in movement skills. Pre- requisi te: Bi ology 252, 28 1 (see pre- requisites) . Offe red alternate years. 302 Physiology of Exercise (3) Immedi ate and long-range effects of muscular ac tivity on th e human organ- isms. Prerequisite: Biology 252, 281 (see Prerequisites). Offered alternate yem. 306 Elementary School Physical Education (2) Elementary school physical educa tion procedures including pos tural and rhythmi c exerc ises, fun damentals of games, techn·iques covering the sim- ples t primarv skills through the more difficult seasonal sports , such as base- ball , baske tba ll , foo tball and vo ll ey- ball ; deve lopment of a program of physical education on the elementary school leve l. Offered alternate years. 307 Tests and Measurements in Physi-- cal Education (3) Lecture, laboratory and fie ld expe1ience in the development, evaluation and appli- cationof tests in health and physical edu- cation; use and interpretationof elemen- ta1y statistics. Offered alternate years.


necessary. Lab fee: $15. 118 Varsity Athletics (1)

Rese rved for interco ll eg iate athl etic teams. Enrollment during the regis- tration period necessary. Lab fee: S15. 130 Intermediate Physical Education Skills and Techniques (1) Intermedi ate skill s, indi vidual and team strategy and rul es in se lected act ivi ty classes. Lab fee: $15 (excep- tion: bowling, racquetball , golf$35) . 132 Adapted Physical Education (1) Indi vidual prog ram of ac ti vities to mee t the physical deve lopment needs of a student. 133 Games and Rhythmic Activities (1) Games of low to high organization for grades K through 12. Basi c rhythmi- cal and dance principles emphasis on development of basic motor skill s. 140 Physical Education Skills and Tech- niques - Aquatics (1) Fundamental and advanced techniques of in dividual skills. Swimming, life- guard trai ning, wa ter safety instruc- tion. Prerequisite for Lifeguard train- ing: First Aid / CPR. Prerequisi te for WSI: Valid EWS or Lifeguard Training. Certificate or equivalent. Lab fee: S15.

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