Political Science
Chair: C. David Peters, Ph.D. FACULTY Professors: Peters OBJECTIVES
Public Sector Employment Preparation . Students interested in public senice at t11e municipal , county, s~ue or levelare achised to major in social science 11i tl1 aconcentration in public adminisn;i- tion. The 18-unit concenu,1tion should include Political Science 200, and Public Administration 301,306, 470, and 488. Intern ship in Publi c Administration should be ~1ken in the publicsector. Political Science Secondary Teaching Credential To qualif}' for a secondary teaching credential in Government, tl1e program must be tailored to meet t11e guidelines for teacher education . The snrdent must consult 11itl1 the Deparnnen ts of Political Science and Education for specifics. COURSES 200 Survey of American Government (4) The history, organization and function of the legislative, judicial and execu- tive brnnches of th e American govern- men 1. Includes one hour per week involving students in a local gove rn- ment civi c sen·ice or li fe experience activitv. Satisfies the state requirement in instituti ons in American hi st0ry. Meets the requirement for Unit ed States Co nstitution for California teacher certification. Mav be taken to sat isfy a portion of the eight units his- tory general education requirement. 210 Perspectives on American Government (1-2) Contemporary issues in American gov- ernment and politi cs as seen from a Chri st ian perspective. 301 Fundamentals of Public Admin istration (3) Fundamentals of publi c administra- tion ; overview of the concepts, nature and scope of the field. Role of gov- ernment in modern soc iel)' and the nature of public busin ess. 303 Great Political Thinkers (3) Selective readings in major political thinkers from classical 10 modem times; analysis of recuning themes including: justice, natural law, human nature, social class, order, consent, community, prop- erty, constinrtionalism, soci,tl change, rev- olution ,and war. Offeredalternate years. 304 Organizational Theory and Behavior (3) Key concepts central to organizing and changing public agencies 10 meet pub- li c social needs. Rel'iew of theories, manager ial approaches and method- ologies in publ ic administrators.
322 Circuits and Instrumentation II (3) Acontinuation of Phys ics 32 1. 331 Thermodynamics (3) Introduction to energy, hea t, work , entropy, temperature and states of mat- ter. The first, second and third laws of thermodynam ics with an emphasis on appl ications. Prerequisi te: 211 . 332 Stat istical Physics (3) lriu-oduction to the statistical theory of physical systems. Including the theor)' of temperature dependent properti es and relationshi p between statis tical th eo ry and them1odp1amics. Prerequisite: 33 1. 341 Wave Motion , Optics and Special Relativi ty (3) Wa\'e motion , optics and an iriu-oduction 10 special relati1ity. Prerequisite: 222. 411 Quantum Mechanics I (3) An in troduction to quantum mechan- ics. Prerequisite: 341. 420 Special Projects (1-3) Research or industrial internship. To provide prac tical experience in a fi eld of the student 's interest. Designed pri- marilyfo r stude nts worki ng off campus in a situation where special projects are possi bl e. Prerequi site: junior or sen ior standing with consent. 450 Special Topics in Physical Science (3) Varying course content accord ing to student and fac ulty interes t. Topics such as special relati\'ity and nucl ea r ph ysics routinely offered. 460 Physical Science Seminar (1 ) A capstone course for all ph )'sical sci- ence and bi oc hem istry maj ors that incl udes: ( I) presentation of a semi nar, (2) se rv ice learni ng project and , (3) integration readings and discussion.
305 Comparative Government (3) The government sys tems of England , Fran ce , West Germany and Ru ss ia compared to the American system of government. Offered alternate years. 306 Public Policy (3 ) An analys is of publi c poli cy process and the political contex t of it.1 forma- tion. Systematic review of the diverse fina ncia l systems in making and
The Department of Politi cal Sci- ence seeks to equip students to under- stand the fundamental socio-political institutions of society, and their effect on contemporar1' life; to participate in and contribute to the political process; to assess th e propri ety of political issues and government policies; and to recognize and help meet the needs of the local, state, national and interna- ti onal communit y; all in a manner consistent with biblical Christiani ~·- DEGREE PROGRAM A Barhdor of Arts degree i II Soria/ Srienre with a Po/itirnl Srien re Co11re11/ra- tio11 is offered. Requirements include a 18- unit co re of Politi ca l Science courses. See social science sect ion for
implementing public poli cy. 307 International Relations (3)
A survey of nati onal -state sys tem; for ces affecting internati onal rela- tions; sources of conflict in world poli- ti cs, and their solution by power poli- ti cs and international cooperati on. 31 OStudent Government Practicum (1) The organization and fu nction of stu- dent go1"C111ment at tJ1e university lel'el ; parliamentary procedure, committee work and simila1i~· to state and national legislative go\'ernment. May be repeated for a maximum of four units. (Limited to BiolaAssociated Students Council and Senate members. Students working for A.S. for an hourlv ,rnge may not enro ll. ) 320 The American Presidency (3) · Histori cal development of th e office of the pres idency; formal and infor- mal powers of the president in execu- tive, legis lative , judi cial, military, diplomatic and politi cal areas. 350 Great Western Political Thinkers (3) Astudy of selected politi cal theorists. Emphasis on such writers as Plato. Aristotle, Church Fathers, r\ugusiine, Aquinas, Machiavelli , Luth er, Calvin, Hobbes, Loc ke, Burk e, Bentham , Marx , Niebuhr and others. Readings in primaq· sources. Prerequi si te: HIS
information on th e major. SPECIAL PROGRAMS American Studies Program
Biola Uni vers ity cooperates with th e American Studi es Prog ram in Washi ngton , D.C. Th is program pro- vide s work/ study opportuniti es for students each semester in all of the di scipli nes offered at Biola, especially political science. Based on th e princi- ple of integrating faith , learn ing and living , students are invited to spend time in the nation 's capital serving as interns, participating in an academic semin ar program and livin g in a unique comrmmiry of Christians from differen t geog raphi cal reg ions and denominational backgrounds. The American Studies Program is des igned for jun iors and seniors with a wide range of academic m,~ors and \'OCational int erest s. Students are involved in the American Studies Pro- gram for eith er th e fall or spring semes ter, earning 16 semester uni ts in the internship and study seminars. A student may earn all 16 units in Politi- cal Science or 13 units in Pol itical Sci- ence and three in Bible, if desired. Prerequi si te: Survey of American Government 200 . To make applica- tion to the program , interested stu- dents should see the chairman of the Polit ica l Science Department , who also se rves as dire ctor of the Bi ola / Was hin gton D. C. American Studies Program.
I00, 200 or POL 200. 391 Public Finance (3 )
Traditiona l princ iple s of public finance, government spending and fi s- cal impam; development of the publi c sector, budgets, taxation, procurement, pollution and energy incentives; state and local expenditure pattern s, prop- erty taxes and revenue sharing. Pre- requisites: 30 I; Business 20 I, 202, 212. 400 Political Parties (3) Analysis of the hi story, philosophy, organization and fun cti onin g of America's political parti es. 405 Problems in American Diplomacy (3) Growth and deve lopment of Ameri- can fo reign relation from the Revolu- tion to th e present. Analys is of th e conduct of fo reign relat ion, its objec- ti\'es and limitations.
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