406 Legislation (3) The mechanical rules, procedures and customs in the making of laws in Ameri- can government. Offered alternate years. 407 International Organization (3) The histori cal, objectives, structure, functions and politics involved in the United Nations. Offered alternate years. 41 OAmeri can Constitutional Law (3) An examination of the principles of the American constitutional system looking primari ly at U.S. Supreme Court dec isions and the historical deve lopme nt of constitutional law. Attention also given to the judicial branch and its role in American gov- ernment and politics, particularly its continuing interpretation of the U.S. Const itu ti on as the framework for American democracy. 465 Integration Semi nar (3) Issues in the contemporary world addressed from an interdisciplinary social science and biblical perspective. Prerequisite: Senior standing. 470 Public Administration Research and Writing (3) Researc h and writing for public administration majors. Special studies in public administration for majors uti- lizing the techn iques of problem-solv- ing, research and effective communi- cation and writing. Prerequisite: 30 I. 480 Studies in Political Science (1 -8) Specialized study in political science in such areas as Ame1ican government, the
U.S. Constitution, legislation, state and local government, foreign affairs, inter- national relations, political theory, com- parative governments, the American presidency, the citizen and the law, polit- ical parties, law and publ ic administra- tion. May be repeated witl1 different sec- tion title for a maximum of eight un its. 485 Public Law (3) Function oflaw in protecting the public's imerest in preserving tl1e environment. Environmental laws , administrat ive action, freedom of inforn1ation, air and water qual ity, noise pollution, solid wJSte, pesticides, land use, zoning, energy and agency decision making. Prerequisite: Business 361. Junior or senior standing. 486 Personnel and Human Resources Management (3) Government personnel systems, merit concepts, classification, compensation, training, examinations, organizations, labor relations and collective bargain- ing. Prerequisites: 200, 30 I, 485. 488 Internship and Research Project (8) Pro11des an opportun ity to complete an imernship and a research project in a public agency. Project consists of iden- tification and analysis, 1,1tl1 guidance, of a chosen area in public organization. 490 Internship in Political Science (1 -8) In-service trai ning and internship expe- lience in va1ious government and non- government agencies and organi7,ations. May be repeated 1vitl1 different section title for a maximum of eight units.
Developmental Psychology: Childhood (32 1) Developmemal Psychology: Adolescence (322) Social Psychology ( 405) Group Il l: Experimental Psychology (305) Introduction 10 Measurement (306) Advanced Statistics (502) Group IV:
Dean: Keith J. Edwards, Ph.D. Undergraduate Coordinator: Gar,•H. Strauss, Ed.D. FACULTY
Professors: Guy, Narramore, Poelstra Associate Professors: Grace, Strauss, Pike, Quek , Ingram OBJECTIVES The psyc hology major provides opportuniti es LO swdy a broad spec- trum of issues concern ing human nature and functioning from a dis- tinctlyChristian world 1~ew. Since stu- dents select a psychology major for a variety of reasons, course offerings are designed LO provide as much nexibil- ityas possible. Only three courses are required of all students (Introduction LO Psychology, Psychology and Christ- ian Thought , and Statistics with Com- puter Applications). Studems preparing for gradua te study in psychology take a broad set of courses in the research and theOI)' of psycho logy as well as foundational courses in applied areas. Students majoring in psychology as a termi nal degree or those preparing for the miniSII)' or other professional areas may select from both theoretical and applied courses those most suited LO their vocational and personal goals. DEGREE PROGRAM A Bachelor of A its degree in A)• clwlogy is offered upon completion of the university baccalaureate and major requirements. The psychology major requires tl1e completion of a minimum of 35 units beyond h11roduction to Psy- cho logy (200), 24 of which must be upper di1~sion. Psychology 200 is pre- requisite to all otl1er psychology courses. All majors are required to take Psychol- ogy and Ch1istian Thought (206), Stati s- tics 111th Computer Appl ications (210) and to select at least one course from each of the fo llo\\1ng groups of courses: Group I: Learning (3 I0)
Abnormal Psychology (309) Theories of Personality (4 11 )
Personalityand Psychopathology I (5 15) All students are enro11raged to take al leas/ one course from the following: GroupV: Human Sexuality (303) Seminar in Therapeutic Techniques (4 18) Semi nar in Group Process (426) Industrial/Organizational Psychology (3 15) Graduate School Preparation The follnwing courses are rerom- mended for graduate srhool Jneparalion: Experimental Psychology (305 ), lmroduction to Measurement (306), Learning (3 10), Developmental Psy- chology: Life-Span (320), Social Psy- chology ( 405), Theori es of Personali ty (411), Physiological Psychology ( 412) or Neurobiology (Biology 31 1), His- lOl)' and Systems of Psychology (530). Undergraduate Permission to Take Graduate Courses Undergraduate students in the Psychology Department maytake graduate courses in rare cases. Aspe- cial form maybe obtained in the grad- uate PsychologyDepartment. It must be fi lled out and signed by the stu- dent 's advisor, dean of Rosemead , and instructor of the course . MINOR A Psychology Minor is offered with the completion of 18 un its, I2 of which must be upper di11sion. Psychol- ogy 200 is a prerequisite for the minor. COURSES 200 Introduction to Psychology (3) Asurvey of psyc hology as an empiri- cal/ beha1 oral science wi th a consid- eration of underlyi ng ph ilosophical bases in light of a Christ ian wo rl d view. Topics to be sun•eyed include developmen 1, cognition , learning , metivation , physiology, socialization, personality and psychopathology.
Physiological Psychology (4I2) or Neurobiology (Biology 311 ) Motivation (4 10) Group II : Psychology of Religious Experience (3 13) Developmental Psychology: Life-Span (320)
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