

206 Psychology and Christian Thought (3) An introduction to the nature and process of the application of Christian thought to the study and practice of psychology. Prerequisites: 200 and

315 Industrial/Organizational

Psychology (3)

Astudy of the application of the prin- ciples of psychology in industrial and organizational settings. Prerequisite:

200 or consent.

Biblical Studies IOI.

319 Crosscullural/Ethnic Issues in

210 Statistics with Computer

Psychology (3)

Applications (4)

The psychological d)11amics involved in the formation and reduction of preju- dices, discrimination , and stereotypes will be explored. The course is designed to increase student awareness of the histmical treatment of crosscul- tural issues within a psychological con- text, and to sensitize students to ethnic minorities and issues. Prerequisite: 200.

Elementary statistics for psychological research; literature and computer analys is in samp lin g, probability, descripti ve statistics, basic nonpara- metric statistics , t-tests , correlation, regression equations and data process- ing. Not for genera l educat ion math / science requirement. Three hours lecture, two hours laboratory.


Either semester. Lab fee: S25.

320 Developmental Psychology:

Lifespan (3)

303 Human Sexuality (3)

A study of the theory and research concern ing life-span development. Consideration will be given to the ph ys ical , emotional, cognitive, social and moral aspern of human develop- ment across the entire span from con- cept ion to death. Discussion will include timely issues of personal rele- vance to the stude nt 's own develop- mental pathway. Spring semester.

An exami nation of human sexual functioning, behavior, relationships , and feelings. Issues of sexuality are · discussed within spiritual, psychologi- ca l, cu ltural, and medical / health related perspectives. Prerequisite: 200

405 Social Psychology (3)

structive therapies considered. Per- sonal growth activiti es incorporated.

Att itude format ion and change, atti- tude measurement; prejudice, confor- mity, leadership, affiliation drives and group processes. Social experiments and research. Prerequisite: 2I0.

Prerequisite: consent.

or Biology 100 or 111.

426 Seminar in Group Process (3) Techniques for form ing groups, ana- lyz ing processes, leadership facilita- . tors, measuremen t of behavior and methods of stabilizing gains over time.

305 Experimental Psychology (4)

Philosophy, methodology and analysis of the experimen tal method. Discus- sions of problems in conducting and eva lu ating psyc hological resea rch. Three hours lecture, two hours labo- ratory. Prerequisite: 210. Lab fee:

Spring semester. 410 Motivation (3)

321 Developmental Psychology:

Childhood (3)

Physiological, psychological and social bases of motivation. Topics include drives, obesity, sexual motivation, need for achievement and aggression.

Prerequisite: consent. 450 Directed Field Work in

An in-depth study of theory and research concerning the childh ood period from conception through pre- adolescence. Particular attention will be given to the issues of parent-child bonding and the impact of family dynamics and interaction upon the development of children. Genet ic- maturati onal factors along with their interacti on with experiential factors will be examin ed as to their effect upon behavior. Both pathogenic and adaptive patterns will be add ressed with a view to faci litating opt im al development and sociali zation of chil- dren. Fall semester, alternating years.

Psychology (1-3)

S25. Spring semester.

Supervised expe ri ence in mental health , educational, correctional or related faci li ty. Open only to upper division students. Prerequisites: -306,

306 Introduction to Measurement (3) Theory and principles of measurement including the construction, reliability, validity and application of measure- ment de11ces in various professional set- tings. Prerequisite: 210. Fall semester.

411 Theories of Personality (3)

An ove rvi ew of persona li ty theories including the primary representatives of the major schools: analytic or dynamic, humanistic-existential and beha11ord!.


and consent. Either semester.

470 Current Topics in Psychology (3) Reading, research and discussion of se lected topics in the field of psychol-

412 Physiological Psychology (3)

309 Abnormal Psychology (3)

Astudy of th e physiological bases of behavior including neural , sensory, motor and chemical aspects with an emphasis on application to human rather than animal process. (Biology 311 Neurobiology may be taken as an alternative to this course.) Prerequisite: Biology I 00 or 111 . Spring semester. 414 Readings in Psychology (1-3) Reading and bi-weekly discussion with professor of record in a topic of the stu- dent 's choosi ng. The student is expected to work out, with the profes- sor's supm1sion, a detailed course pro- posal and bibliography and submit with a Leaming Contract form available from the departmental office. Prerequisite: upper division status. Either semester. 418 Seminar in Therapeutic Techniques (3) Emphasis on core facilitat ion ski ll s. Supportive, re-educative and recon-

Na ture, causes and treatment of abnormal behavior, including the full range of mental disorders identified within current categorical systems.

ogy. Prerequisite: consen t.

480 Research in Psychology (1-3)

Research activity consisting of ass isting doctoral leve l research under the supervision of the primary researcher or se lf-direc ted research under the .supervision of the professor of record. Pr ereq ui sites: 210 and conse nt.

310 Learning (4)

Empiri ca l findings and th eoretical development in the area of learning and their application to human behav- ior. Three hours lecture, three hours laboratory. Prerequisite: 305. Lab

322 Developmental Psychology:

Adolescence (3)

An in-d epth study of theory and research concerning the adolescent period including the transition from chi ldhood to adolescence and from adolescence to adulthood. Issues to be considered wi ll include physiologi- cal, psychological and social change_s, id ent ity formation, behavior and moral development. Discussion will include timely issues of personal rele- va nce to the co ll ege student 's own development as an emerging young adult. Fall semester, alternating years.

Either semester.

Note: The following graduate level courses may be taken fly senior psycholD!fj majors with consent of the departmental chair. For course description see Rosemead

fee: S25. Fall semester.

313 Psychology of Religious Experience (3) An examin ation of the nature and scope of religious experience includ- ing such issues as the development of religious concepts and va lues, conver- sion, the experience of praye r and sp iritual maturity. Attention is also given to issues in the integrati on of

section of catawg.

502 Advanced Statistics (3)

515 Personality and Psychopathology I (3) 530 History and Systems of Psychology (3)

psyc hology and theology.

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