

••••••••••••••••••••••••• TESOL and Applied Linguistics

344 Sociology of Education (3 ) Education as a social process and social institu tion; the relationship between education and other social insti tutions, betwee n educa tion and soc iology; analysis of the social functions of edu- cation and the socializat ion process, the sc hoo l and the community, the school as a social institution. 346 Urban Sociology (3 ) The urban community and urbaniza- ti on; its growth , institutions , values and problems; scient ifi c study of pop- ula ti on from the spatial pattern ing and mobi lity viewpoint; effect of urbanization upon institutions; social relations and national economy. 348 Social Change and Development (3) Sources and consequences of change in society: classical and contemporary theo- ries of social change and interpretation of social trends; historical, economic , po litical and social factors shaping national and international development; the dynamics of planned and unplanned change and the effect on poli tics, eco- nomics, re ligion, culture and society. 349 Population (3) Population theory, composition, distribu- tion, growth and migration witl1 differen- tial ferti li ty and mortal ity rates of groups and nations; national and international migration and overpopul ation problems. 351 Collective Behavior (3) An analysis of the nature, elements, and theo ri es of co ll ec ti ve behavior: crowd behavior, mass contagion , civil disorder and coll ec ti ve violence , disas- ter behavior and panic, diffuse coll ec- tives , be hav ior in pub lic places and

COURSES TESOL 309 English Pronunciation and Grammar for TESOL (3)

A DIVISION OF THE SCHOOL OF INTERCULTURAL STUDIES Dean: Donald E. Douglas, Ph.D. Director: Herbert C. Purnell , Ph. D. FACULTY Professor: Purnell Associate Professors: Chastain, Purgason OBJECTIVES English has become the mos t widely used language in the world today. The demand for u·ained teach- ers in both ESL (Engli sh as a Second Language) and EFL (Engl ish as a For- eign Language) continues unaba ted . There are many opportunities for ser- 11ce at home 1,1 th immigrants, refugees, and foreign students, as well as abroad, especiallyin developing cotmt1ies. To help mee t these needs , the depanrnent of TESOL and Applied Lin- guistics offers courses which can lead to an undergraduate minor in TESOLand the granting of a certificate to recognize tl1e particular significance of tl1e special- ized training obtained. The program. while especially applicable to students majming in Engl ish, intercultural stud- ies, or education, isopen to al l interested undergraduates. Classroom obse1Yation and practice teaching are required. MINOR A 1ESOL Minorrequires 19 semes- ter units of prescribed course work. Students must complete tliree units in each of the follm,1ng categories: ■ Linguistics: ENGL 35 1, INLT 310, or INAL 407. ■ Introduction to TESOL: ENGL 350 or INTE 420. ■ English Grammar: INTE 309. ■ lntercultural Communication: !NAN 420 or INTE 441. ■ In addition , students must com- plete INTE 427 , 460 and 492. Thirteen uni ts of the minor must be completed at Biola. Upon comple- tion of the 19 units, the student will be awarded a TESOL certificate. Teacher Preparation Program In cooperation with the Educa- tion Department, TESOL and Applied Linguistics provides courses which can enable teachers who are working toward or who already hold a Califor- nia Teaching Credential to gain a sup- plementary authorization in "Intro- ductory Engl ish as a Second Lan- guage." Those interested should con- sult both departments for detai ls.

social work agency. Va1i ety of a1·ailable agency set tings with placement based upon interest and academicbackground. 402 Sociology of Religion (3) Analysis of rel igious practices that affect society and social facto rs that affect religious prac ti ces; Christian and non-Christian beliefs and institutions. 441 Development of Social Thought (3 ) Outstandi ng social thinkers to the 19th century; ideas of men compared and contrasted with in the various soci- eties as backgrou nd to the develop- me nt of con temporary sociological theory. Prerequisites: Psychology 210 442 Contemporary Sociological Theory (3) Survey of socio logica l theory with emphasis on 20th century contribu- tions; status of sociological inqui1y and tl1eory; relationship of sociology to such alli ed fie lds as anthropology, psychol- ogy, economics, education and poli tical science. Prerequisites: Sociology 441. 443 Methods of Sociological Research I (3) Survey and evaluat ion of methods of planning , collecting, classifying and analyzing social research data . Detailed study of the scientific method of inquiry, introduc tion to the use of experimental designs in sociological research. Prerequisites: Psychology 21O; 18 un its of sociology. 444 Methods of Sociological Research II (3) A contin uat ion of the Methods of Sociological Research I course where the student will be involved in plan- ning and conduc ting a minor research project. Prerequisites: Psy- cho logy 210; 18 units of sociology,

Study of m,uor fea tures of standard Ame rican Engl ish pronunc iation and structure, with applications for ESOL teachers. 420 Introduction to TESOL (3) Basic concepts, methods and tech- niques of teaching English to speakers of other languages. Introduces princi- ples of second lang uage learn ing along with tech niques for teaching lis- te ning, speak ing, writ ing and inte- grated skill s. This course is offe red with two different emphases; one focusing on adult or pos t-secondary ESL and EFL (normally scheduled in the fa ll semester), and the other focus- ing on K-12 ESL (normally scheduled in the spri ng semester). May not be repeated for cred it. (See English 350) 427 Materials Evaluation and Preparation (3) Principles of ESOL materials design to enable teachers to (a) evaluate and adapt publ ished materials and (b) prepare their own materials. Prereq-

uisite: INTE 420 or ENGL 350. 441 lntercultural Communication for Teacher.; (3)

Study of cultural va lues, nonverbal beha1ior, language and culture relation- ships, and patterns of reasoni ng,. with the goal of increasing intercultural awareness and teac hing effec tive ness while decreasing culture-based misun- derstanding in and out of the classroom. 460 Communicating Values through TESOL (1) Consideration of ways in wh ich TESOL may be used to promote cross- cultural understandi ng through the communication of differe nt wor ld views and values. Prerequisite: INTE 420 or ENGL 350. 480 English: Past , Present and Future (3) Histmical and social survey of the devel- opment of the Engl ish language from a small ui bal language to the 111despread imemational language it is today. Possi- ble fu ture u-ends also di scussed . 492 Practicum in TESOL I (3) Struc tu red practice teachi ng in an ESL classroom under the supervision of a master teacher, plus weeklygroup discussion of issues in language peda- gogy. Prerequisites. Fee: S.10.

incl udi ng Sociology 443 . 460 Topics in Soc iology (3)

se lec ted social movements. 355 Medical Sociology (3)

Va riable offering to include a critical analysis of selected topics such as Women , the Church and Society; Soci- ology of Sport; Law and Society; Soci- ology and Chr istian Value; Sociology

Sociological description and analysis of the health and medical insti tutions; cul- tural factors in conceptions of di sease, heal tl1and the healing profession . Social structure and the role of personnel in med ical fac ili ties; relation of ill ness to income, housing, occupation, place of res- idence and oilier socio-economic factors. 362 Social Problems (3) Major prob lems of soc ial ma ladjust- me nt fro m the viewpo in t of the un der lying processes of indi vidual and soc ial diso rga ni za ti on; dev iant behavior, such as mental diso rders, crime and delinq uency, su icide , drug and alcohol addic tion; social disorga- niza tion, such as popul at ion prob- lems, fa mil y, poverty and wa r. 367 Field Instruction (3) Opponuni ty to integrate classroom learn- ing with ac tual on-thejOb tra in ing in a

of Rural Li fe in America. 465 Integration Seminar (3)

Issues in the contempora ry world addressed from an in te rdiscipli nary social science and bibl ical perspec tive. Prerequisite: Senior standing. 470 Independent Study (1-3) Prerequisite: senior status with sociol - ogy major and prior to registration , consent of a professor to ac t as sponsor. The stude nt must have the abili ty to assume responsibili ty for independent work and to prepare written and oral reports. Project selected in conference wi th faculty sponsor before registration; progress meetings held regularly.

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