General Studies
Applied linguistics 407 Introduction to Language and Linguistics (3)
GNUL 100 University Life (1) An introduction to basic issues con- fronting first time university students. Topics include: transition strategies, skills necessaiy for academic and personal suc- ces.1, and exposure to community sen1ce and career exploration ac ti11ties. Instruc- tion by academic ad11sors. Required of all first time students during the first semester at Biola. Not counted toward
offers its Writing Competency Require- ment as pan of one or more of its upper- di11sion courses. Snidents should consult 111th their ad1~sors about the specifics of !lie requirement in tl1eir majors. Once a student achieves junior status he or she is eligibl e 10 fulfill the Writing Competency Requirement ; however, it wou ld be wise to discuss the requirement with one 's advisor in advance of the junior year. After a student has fu lfill ed the requiremen t, credit will be registered on the student 's u·anscript. Astudent who does not complete the require- ment must reattempt to fu lfill it dur- ing a subsequent semester. After twice fai ling to fulfill the Writing Compe- tency Requirement in the major, the student will be required to comple te English 210 (Wri ting for Competency) before graduation. Successfully com- pleting English 210 will be considered a fulfillment of the Writing Compe- tency Requirement for graduation.
To pr011de students the opponu- nit)' to learn , exercise and refine skills to enh ance their chances for a suc- cessful college experience. To stimu- late personal awareness and responsi- bi Ii ty in the learning experience en hanci ng each student 's ownership of his/ her education. Speci fi cally, the courses will facili tate student growth in: I) broadly educa ting in the arts and sciences; 2) providing fundamen- tal skills necessa1 1, for competence in a major; 3) in creasi ng knowledge in biblical studies by integrating faith and learning.
Introduction to the basic concepts in scientific study of language , major areas of linguistic analysis, and several subareas of the field. Although the pr ima11' emphasis is on English, mate- rial from other languages is intro- duced to provide a broad perspective. (Sec English 351 ) 446 Sociolinguistics (3) OverYiew of the relationship between language and society. Topics covered include language and cu lture , lan- guage and social change , ethnic it y, language contact, language policy, ethnography of communication , and social aspects of conversation. Prereq- uisite: INAL 40i, ENGL 35 1, INLT 310 or equivalent.
total number of units to graduate. GNRC 300 Writing Competency Requirement (0)
Before graduat ion every student is required to fulfill the Writing Compe- tency Requirement. This requirement measures a student's ability to write clear and correct English prose; it also tests whether a student can write accord ing to the convemions of his or her field of study. Each department offers its 01111 vaii- ant of the requirement , and students must fulfill the requirement given in their majors. Usua ll y, a department
GNLA 001 College Study Skills (0) Instruction in effective study tech- niques and reading skill s. Emphasis on the incorporation of sk ills with cur- rent academic work.
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